Positive Qualities – Splendid & Durable

Dear Folks,
As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.Animal Dreams, Barbara Kingsolver (1955-) Author
Decide what is Splendid and of supreme value. Then hold on to it with Durable stubbornness. These values will then become the solid foundation in your ever changing life experiences.
Definitions: (1) inspiringly valiant; illustrious of heroic imagination; famous; celebrated; distinguished; (2) exceptionally good; very fine; excellent; (3) sumptuously grand < a splendid idea>; imposing
Synonyms: brilliant, glorious, magnificent
Color: violet
Definitions: (1) lasting in spite of hard wear; enduring; (2) capable of continual or frequent use; stable
Synonym: permanent
Comment: One of the reasons people live to a ripe old age is their ability to take things in stride. Let difficulty roll off of your thick skin. Accept the scrapes, do what you can about them, and then let them go.
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