Positive Qualities – Watchful & Clement

Dear Folks,
Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands, and stick together. Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the plastic cup – the roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that. — Robert Fulghum (1937-) Elementary Solutions
Be Watchful of other peoples motives. Be not quick to judge. It takes a deeper look to see why they think and act the way they do (even those who support the other political party). Once we see another’s point of view (or even give them the benefit of the doubt) we can be Clement.
Definitions: (1) carefully observant; vigilant; attentive <especially with parental care>; cautious; diligent; awake; aware; (2) guarding against danger; (3) alert to opportunity; (4) mentally informed; (4) acting with discretion; self‑observant; self‑restrainedSymbol: eyesMythological Figure: Argus, a Greek mythological giant had a hundred eyes and was ever watchful. After he was killed by Hermes, the god Hera set his eyes into the tail of the peacock.
Definitions: (1) mild in temper and disposition; tender; compassionate; (2) inclined to be merciful; kind; (3) able to control oneself when provoked; forbearing

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