Positive Qualities (PQs)
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. — Aristotle
The Positive Qualities Chart is used by many to help us cultivate new and valuable habits. Jim Downs began working on the chart and an accompanying book in the Spring of 1987. He began by searching in a couple of favorite books but soon realized the dictionary was the place to get them all. The list of Positive Qualities and phrases has expanded to over 2,400 and is still growing.
We are excited about the ability to share the content of Jim’s Positive Qualities Postings to encourage topical conversations within the Ascension Cafe. We also hope to offer an exploratory course, though Ascension University, using the Positive Qualities Book as a guide. In the meantime, we are confident you will find inspiration in Jim’s Postings and you can purchase a beautiful printed copy of the Positive Qualities Chart from the publisher.
The Positive Qualities Postings The Positive Qualities Company
The Nature and Attributes of God is a free online course now available from Positive Qualities at Ascension University. It is based upon the 2013 edition of the book authored by Jim Downs. The Nature and Attributes of God book contains definitions, comments, and other information about each of the 84 qualities on the “GOD IS” chart. The Online course includes all the tools you need to build your own Chart. This exercise is an excellent way to discuss God with your children and friends.