Where Would You Guess The Mason/Dixon Line Is?

First before I tell you where is really is, lets find out why it is called that. Starting back in 1763, two men, Mason and Dixon (Dixon was the surveyor) were commissioned to settle a boundary dispute between the estates of William Penn and Lord Baltimore and their respective colonies of Pennsylvania and Maryland, which later took on symbolic importance as the dividing line between the slave and free states. This survey took 4 years to complete. The below map shows the original line. Not where we all thought it was. All other claims as to where the line passes through are grossly wrong.Mason Dixon Line

The eleven states that seceded the union were, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

So you can see from the map that this line had nothing to do with the separation of the North and the South during the Civil War. Neither West Virginia (which was formed during the Civil War in 1863), Maryland, or Delaware was a part of the South at any time.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at www.OpenTable.fun You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.

A Few Fascinating Things About Isaac Newton

The first universal law of nature that was ever discovered by a human was found by Newton. That law is as follows: if you double the distance between two objects, the attraction between them becomes four times weaker. This idea, in itself, doesn’t mean much to most people, but with this idea, you will always know your gravitational position wherever you go. This formulation serves all researchers and scientists today when they try to figure out problems concerning motion.

What’s so astonishing is that Newton figured out this idea back in 1666 when he was only 23 years old.

One of the other laws Newton came up with explained so many things. For-instance, one of his laws explained the slosh and roll of the ocean tides, the motions of the planets, why cannonballs track a particular trajectory before thudding back to the Earth, why we aren’t flung into space as the planet spins beneath us. For your information, the earth is spinning at a rate of 1,000 miles per hour. Just think of driving in an airplane at 500 mph; now double that.

He also came up with the idea that the earth is not the round ball we all think it is. As a matter of fact, the earth bulges at the equator and flattens at the poles.
This man came up with so many new ideas that have held true right through to today. He was a true genius. And all this happened back in the 1660’s.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at www.OpenTable.fun You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.

How Many Stars Are There In The Universe?

Astronomers estimate that there are approximately 100 billion stars in the Milky Way (the galaxy we live in). They also estimate that there are 200 billion galaxies in the universe.

That’s around 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That’s 200 Sextillion stars. Just for the fun of it, after billion, there’s trillion, then quadrillion, then quintillion, then comes sextillion.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at www.OpenTable.fun You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.


How Far To The Nearest Star?

Humans are an optimistic bunch of beings. We assume that someday we will travel to the stars and beyond just like what happened in Star Trek.

The closest star to us (earth) is a star called Proxima Centauri which is one of three stars in a cluster known as Alpha Centauri. This star is 4.3 light years away. That’s 5.88 trillion miles “in one light year x 4.3 = a little over 25 trillion miles away”. A nice Sunday drive.

If, for the fun of it, there was a planet circling around this star and we wanted to go visit this planet to see if there is an atmosphere with oxygen in it, so that we may start a new civilization there, let’s see how long it would take us to get there.

First of all, the fastest space craft we have made was the New Horizons probe that went to Pluto. It’s speed got up to 106,000 mph. One light year has 5,880,000,000,000 miles in it. So if we divide 106,000 into 5,880,000,000,000, we get 55,471,698 years. If we now multiply that number by 4.3 (remember, the distance from earth to Proxima Centauri), we get a time to get to the nearest star at 238,528,301.4 years. Raise your hand if you think this is going to happen.

Even if we come up with a space ship that can travel at the speed of 500,000 mph, it would still take 47,705,661 years to get there. That’s millions.

So in the end of our calculations, we can forget about traveling to the nearest star. IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN UNTILL WE CAN TRAVEL AT HALF THE SPEED OF LIGHT.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at www.OpenTable.fun You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.

The Corporation


Jesus’ Gift: The Incredible, Amazing, Pervasive & Essential SPIRIT of TRUTH

In this Cosmic Citizen webcast, hosts Paula, Andre, Christilyn, Derek and their callers explore the truth about The Spirit of Truth.

Part One

Part Two

You can follow Cosmic Citizen Radio on their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CosmicCitizenRadio/

You can also hear their Saturday Broadcast on BlogTalk Radio at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cosmiccitizen

Soul-Making Dynamics (Excerpt)

In those unusual cases in which “spirit” is sharply defined in Western scriptures or teachings and distinguished from the soul, it refers to an otherworldly entity or pre-existent “divine spark” that abides within us as a gift from a higher being. In ancient times many Gnostic sects posited an indwelling pneuma that was trapped in the physical world, but perhaps the purest version of this notion emerges much later in liberal Quakerism, with its teaching of the “inward light,” re-baptized in the late nineteenth century as the “inner light” by the popular Quaker writer Rufus Jones. By some interpretations, it may also be said that traditional Chinese religion distinguished soul from the spirit, as yang and yin. The Egyptians at times distinguished the ka and the ba; the soul (ba) was not usually believed to be pre-existent, only the ka. The Egyptian Book of the Dead describes the judgment and then ascent of the ba into the next world without requiring a return to earth—a primitive version of our concept of an ascending personal soul.    — Byron Belitsos

Buy the book Your Evolving Soul

More books from Byron Belitsos – Author

Introducing Your Thesis Advisor

In November of 2008, the Lead Trustee for the soon to be established Aevia Charitable Trust (The ACT), gave a talk on the carryover from person to person, or from one generation to another, that permits us to stand on the shoulders of greatness. The talk included the following statement:

“The scientific quest, the curiosity that leads to adventure and discovery yields knowledge that guides us along useful and progressive paths of physical, intellectual and spiritual growth. The collaborative urge, the desire to socialize and the ability to harmonize all point to a Spirit of Counsel prompting the exchange of ideas and opinions as we learn to cooperate for mutual benefit. Such an endowment transcends natural law and provides further evidence of mind ministry.

The religious impulse serves to differentiate the soul deprived creature from those with the capacity to appreciate origins. The worshipful expressions of the appreciative individual create deep channels through which wisdom may flow. And this wisdom yields even greater appreciation. And so we come full circle to the rolling tides. A process that favors the granularity, particularity and the specificity from which meaningful constructs and useful value propositions are built.”

The Grand Universe

This awe inspiring painting by Gary Tonge is now being offered as a 40″ X 23″ print! You can also get a 36″ by 19″ canvas!

Painting by Gary Tonge

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


When we align our objectives with the Divine will, when we strive for the attainment of a worthy goal, when we begin our work with a well defined plan, and when we have ability to work together with others effectively, we have already achieved the trajectory for success. For we know that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Learn how to enjoy boundless opportunity and unlimited progress!

Glorious Ascent

Vincent Ventola (1948-1991) painted his way to light and life! This video features many of his most inspired portrayals of new horizons along the journey to Paradise. The lyrics of Troy Bishop and music by various artists complement the imagery in the most thrilling, yet tranquil, way.