Positive Qualities: Spirited & Committed

— Interview with Bill Moyers, Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) Mythologist

May the Spirit of the Holidays fill you with the Commitment to move forward with your dreams.



Too Far: tempestuous


Synonyms: entrusted, confided, consigned, relegated

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no one could have dreamed would have come their way. I learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets:
     Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
     Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
— William Hutchison Murray (1913-1996) Scottish Mountaineer and Writer

Comment: You cannot make a commitment for someone else even if you know, without a doubt, they are ready to take the first step. You might be able to provide inspiration, encouragement, or information. You can offer some help or preparation, but it is ultimately that person’s choice.

Mythological Figure: Juno, the supreme goddess of Roman mythology, wife of Jupiter, and goddess of marriage

Consider the Source

Nutrition Trends: 2014-2020

A team of scientists has forecast the direction of nutrition research. The panel identified the following ten areas of research which they believe will be the focus of nutritional scientists in the next six years:

(1) Global Food Security: The scientists predict that global food security, food safety, and sustainability will occupy the spotlight by 2020 as all are influenced by global climate change and access to clean water. Additional issues to be looked at will include the increasing development of genetically modified (GM) food crops.

(2) Microbiome/Microflora: By the end of the decade, scientists will determine how regulating the microorganisms in the body can advance disease prevention, with a focus on the effects of nutrition, dietary supplements, and physical activity on specific microflora populations and/or the interrelationships among populations.

(3) Gene Expression: Research will examine how nutritional programming of gene expression, both in the human genome and in our associated microflora microbiome impacts disease expression and progression. By 2020, the panel predicts that scientists will better understand how many diseases have their roots during the gestation of the fetus (in utero) and in early childhood development, and how nutrition might change the manifestation of these diseases.

(4) Energy Metabolism: Viewing energy balance as a multidimensional system, rather than as isolated parts that somehow work together, will lead to new insights and solutions to address the obesity problem, in both developed and developing countries. One strategic use of nutrition to enhance bioenergetics will be a focus on cellular energy and mitochondrial function. Dietary manipulations and use of certain food components or supplements may be a means to enhance mitochondrial function and thus affect energy metabolism and energy fluxes in the body.

(5) Cancer: By 2020, genomic and metabolomic profiles and large dataset analysis will offer new opportunities to identify relevant indices and biomarkers and conduct timely, cost-efficient clinical interventions on nutrition and cancer. Medical professionals will expand their thinking about the role of natural products to consider how they might complement conventional care, such as increasing the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation.

(6) Inflammation: Future nutrition research will likely focus on the role of diet and nutraceuticals to help moderate inflammation and possibly reduce the risk of cancer and other inflammatory mediated diseases and conditions. Nutrition scientists must identify foods, beverages, and dietary patterns that are both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory.

(7) Aging: The increasing number of aging persons will beg the question of “Who wants to live a long and unhealthy life, where quality of life deteriorates slowly and for a long time?” Nutrition research will address that issue along with cancer and vascular disorders, obesity, metabolic syndrome, locomotive syndrome, cognitive impairment, and problems related to taste, mastication, and swallowing.

(8) Bioengineering: Advances in bioengineering will continue to bring new approaches to clinical nutrition and to nutrition education. This will lead to research espousing the development and use of new monitoring technologies and tools that individuals might use to better follow their nutritional and health status.

(9) Nutrition Education: Food choices are very personal, and modification of food intake is a complex issue that requires much new research. Although educators can provide people with multiple types of useful information, food choices usually are based on four factors: flavor, economics, availability, and convenience. Research is needed to identify which messages and vehicles will effectively reach which audiences to effect behavior change and improve overall health.

(10) Interdisciplinary and Cross-discipline Collaborations: Emphasis on translational research will be more common, requiring collaborations among those in basic and clinical research, nutritional epidemiology and biostatistics, food science, exercise science, nutrition communications, public policy, and scientific ethics. Teams of researchers rather than individual scientists will produce answers to the most critical health issues, working across disciplines to bring a holistic and more representative approach to successful and sustainable solutions.

Taken together, these 10 elements will usher in the next decade where the emphasis will be on personalized nutrition based, in part, on a better understanding of the role that one’s genetic background has, along with a better appreciation of the interplay between diet and the microbiome.

Consider the Source

Tooling Up for Hydroponics

 Consider the First Source!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Positive Qualities: Prestigious & Technical

Prestige is usually a quality bestowed on one by others. But it begins with self-respect. If you are living up to your highest ideals, you will be worthy of the respect of others. Technically one must have a reasonably wide repertoire of qualities and they must be in harmony, then others will recognize you as worthy of this honor.




Balancing Quality: intuitive

• Detection of certain forms of very low energy levels
• Sensitivity to an extremely wide variety of stimuli
• Perceiving patterns and making generalizations about them
• Detecting signals in high noise levels
• Storing large amounts of information for long periods
• Recalling relevant facts at appropriate moments
• Ability to exercise judgment where events cannot be completely defined
• Improvising and adopting flexible procedures and alternate solutions
• Ability to react to unexpected low-probability events
• Inductive reasoning
• Ability to profit from experience and alter a course of action
• Ability to perform fine manipulation, especially where misalignment appears unexpectedly
• Ability to continue to perform even when overloaded
• Original problem solving

• Monitoring people and machines
• Performing routine, repetitive, or very precise operations
• Responding very quickly to control signals
• Exerting great force, smoothly and precisely
• Storing and recalling large amounts of information in short time periods
• Perform complex and rapid computation with high accuracy
• Sensitive to infrared, radio waves, et cetera, beyond the human range
• Able to do many different things at one time
• Deductive processes
• Insensitivity to extraneous factors
• Rapid, continuous, and/or precise repetition of operations the same way over a long period
• Operating in environments which are hostile or beyond human tolerance

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities: Permissive & Red-blooded

— John Neville Figgis (1866-1919) Philosopher

This week’s qualities can be taken too far thus you need other qualities to be added to your repertoire in order to keep them in check. What to add to Permissive? How about reasonable? What to add to Red-blooded? How about wisdom? What would you include?




Consider the Source

Positive Qualities: Fortitude & Cheerful

The ideals which have lighted me on my way, and time after time given me courage to face life cheerfully, have been truth, goodness, and beauty. — Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Physicist

‘Tis the season. The hecticness of the holidays require and result in an interesting pair of qualities. In order to get through them we need to buck up our Fortitude and glaze it all with Cheerfulness.

Best wishes,


Synonyms: blithe, bonny, buoyant, glad, happy, lively, pleasant, sprightly, sunny

Proverb: A cheerful heart causes good healing. — The Bible, Proverbs 17:22

The best way to cheer yourself is to try to cheer somebody else up. — Mark Twain [born Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910) Mark Twain’s Notebook

Let us be of good cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come. — James Russell Lowell (1819-1891) American Romantic Poet

Color: yellow


Comment: It is by facing stress, conflict, difficulty, and problems that you acquire the qualities of strength, fortitude, and bravery.

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities: Alert & Ecumenical

These are the things I learned in kindergarten. Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some, and think some, and draw, and plan, and sing, and dance, and play, and work some every day. Elementary Solutions, Robert Fulghum (1937-) Author



Symbol: an arrowhead (American Indian)


Comment: This quality is often misunderstood as proselytizing your religion to others. When it is used that way, the other person feels like they are being forced into accepting something which they have not digested yet. The more positive view is to first respect, if not understand, the other’s current grasp of reality, and then offer yours with the hope they can glean some good from it. Reflecting on their corner of reality will also most likely give you some new piece of information to add to your own growing picture. No one has all of the answers. There is always room for improvement.

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities: Farsighted & Captivating

To be what we are and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life. — Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) Author

Many of us believe the future holds new and wondrous things, clearer ideas, and more profound understanding of ideals. Some think it will be more of the same in a different form. If your vision is Farsighted, you may be able to share your more Captivating dream and make a better future.



A pilot who sees into the distance will not let his ship capsize. — Amenemope (c. 1100 bc) The Wisdom of Amenemope 26:15-16

Symbol: a telescope


Synonyms: bewitching, enchanting, entrancing

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities: Eager & Versatile

I will do my best to be honest; to be fair; to help where I am needed; to be cheerful; to be friendly and considerate; to be a sister to other Girl Scouts; to respect authority; to use resources wisely; to protect and improve the world around me and to show respect for myself and others through my words and actions. — The Girl Scouts’ Law, 1915

What should we use our energy for? We are Eager to acquire many things. This is fine, but we would be better served with a more complex and Versatile approach — also desire to give, to learn, and to love & be loved.



Definition: (1) keen or enthusiastic desire <especially to be helpful>; (2) interested in supporting others; (3) longing with anticipation; expectant

Derivation: Latin, “keen,” “sharp”

Synonyms: earnest, fervent, fervid, intense, vehement, zealous

Quote: Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level, expect to grow spiritually. — Eileen Caddy (1917-2006) English, Co-founder of Findhorn


Definitions: (1) competent in many things; (2) turning with ease from one thing to another; many-sided; (3) having or capable of many uses or applications

Quote: In the long run, fancier [in nature] lasts longer since versatility is a virtue. — William H. Calvin (1913 – ) The River That Runs Uphill

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities: Farsighted & Captivating

To be what we are and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life. — Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) Author

Many of us believe the future holds new and wondrous things, clearer ideas, and more profound understanding of ideals. Some think it will be more of the same in a different form. If your vision is Farsighted, you may be able to share your more Captivating dream and make a better future.



A pilot who sees into the distance will not let his ship capsize. — Amenemope (c. 1100 bc) The Wisdom of Amenemope 26:15-16

Symbol: a telescope


Synonyms: bewitching, enchanting, entrancing

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities: Rich & Maturing

He who attains his ideal, by that very fact transcends it. — Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) Philosopher

What will you bring with you to the other side?



Synonyms: affluent, copious, fruitful, luscious, precious, sumptuous

Balancing Quality: gratitude

Symbol: all forms of treasure [including riches of the mind and of the spirit]


Quote: Maturity: to have regained the seriousness that was had as a child at play. — Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German Poet

• Giving selflessly, in order to be truly mature, must include self-esteem, power, and the ability to clearly and compassionately communicate, especially in a confrontation.

• Maturity is our move from an egocentric universe to an other-centered universe. We traverse, as an individual or as a society, through survival, security, duty, subjective self-interest, pitiful altruism, helpfulness, and finally on to generosity – a person or group can get stuck in any one of these levels.

   Some adults (of any race) hold that someone who has a different skin color or a different genetic structure is superior or inferior. This prejudice gives the immature person a comparison to judge themselves by. Physical, emotional, psychological, intellectual, social, and historical differences are facts. Generalizations, especially negative generalizations, are very dangerous and cannot fit all of any class.

   The mature person goes beyond the façade If there is a need to judge, they will do so based on the character of the individual.

Consider the Source