Case Study — New Home for Apple

Does the growing family have anything to learn from a growing business seeking new accommodations? We think so. This post kicks off the new home case study for Apple Computer.

The company wants to build one building that will hold 12,000 Apple employees. “There’s not a single straight piece of glass in this building,” according to Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs. The parking will be mostly underground. Each cafe will feed 3,000 people at one sitting. The campus “energy center” would be the primary source of power and the grid would serve as a backup.
“We have a shot at building the best office building in the world,” Jobs told the Council members, “Architecture students will come here to see this.” Apple hopes to move into the campus in 2015. Additional features include:

  • The circular design with a courtyard in the middle and curved glass all the way around.
  • Transforming an area that’s 20% landscaping to 80% landscaping by putting most of the building’s parking underground.
  • There are 3,700 trees in the area at the moment, Jobs has hired an arborist from Stanford to take the tree population up to 6,000.
  • The plan is to build a four-story high building and four-story underground parking structure.
  • There will be an auditorium, fitness center and some R & D buildings.
  • Jobs plans a 40% increase in Apple employees going from 9,500 today to 13, 000 in 2015.
  • He wants to increase the campus’ space 20% from 2.6 million to 3.1 million square feet.
  • Surface parking will decrease 90% from 9,800 to 1,200 .
  • The building footprint will decrease 30% from 1.4 million to 1 million.

We join the show, already in progress, with a presentation to the Cupertino, California City Council by Steve Jobs.

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