A Garden of Pure Ideology
1984 won’t be like 1984?
“They get up, work, eat a small bowl of noodles and rice, do their washing, go to bed, get up and do it all over again.” They sleep 100 to a room, toil for 15 hours a day and are paid about fifty five dollars per month. After sleeping in shifts, they slip into a uniform of jeans and beige jacket and head for the factory in a long, orderly crocodile. Like soldiers on parade, the young men and women are ordered to line up on the factory roof and drilled for up to three hours, often in searing heat. Then they go to work! The only break from the routine comes with what’s called “professional education.” The factory bosses discourage individualism, effectively turning the workers into robots as much as they can. Except, of course, they’re a lot cheaper than robots.”
No this is not the commercial announcing the January 1984 introduction of the Apple Macintosh. It is rather a description of the factory in the Chinese village of Shenzhen which produces the iPod Nano.
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