PRIVATE SECTOR INVESTS IN INNOVATION According to Canadian Seed Trade Association (CSTA) Survey
“The survey results demonstrate a tremendous commitment to innovation in the Canadian agriculture and agri-products sector,” said CSTA President Dorothy Murrell. “And the commitment to the future is even stronger.” CSTA members report that by 2012, they plan to be investing $106.4 million in research and development.
The CSTA survey indicates that canola tops company investment in 2007, accounting for 74% of total investment. It is followed by corn at 9% and soybeans at 7%. In 2012 companies expect to invest 75% of their total research dollars in canola research and development; 12% in soybean research and 9% in corn. While CSTA member companies will invest 3.3 million (6% of the total) in cereal research in 2007, that is projected to fall to 2.7 million or 2% of total investments in five years.
“Seed driven innovation is the past, present and future of the Canadian agriculture and agri-products sector,” said Murrell. “Continued and expanded research improves productivity and helps overcome environmental challenges for farmers. It contributes to the health of the environment through the development of crops that make better use of water, fertilizer and that require fewer crop protection products. Seed driven innovation delivers the specific qualities and traits required by end users and processors, and brings health benefits to consumers. CSTA’s members are proud of their accomplishments in the past and are fully committed to the future.”