Here are 202 organizations that are making a difference. They are active around the world, working to create a more sustainable, more just food system.
Action Against Hunger | ACF International—Recognized as a leader in the fight against malnutrition, ACF International runs programs in over 40 countries.
ActionAid — ActionAid works with poor and marginalized people to find long lasting solutions to poverty. The organization works in 40 countries across Africa, Asia and Latin America, with over 25 million poor people. Their work seeks to create and sustain better futures by providing relief from disasters and conflicts, empowering women, fighting hunger, holding governments accountable, and making education accessible.
Africa Rice Center—Africa Rice Center aims to contribute to poverty alleviation and food security in Africa through research and development. One of the major tasks of the Africa Rice Center is the advancement and introduction of rice varieties that create resilience in agriculture.
African Biodiversity Network—This regional network was established in 1996 to preserve Africa’s biodiversity. African Biodiversity Network educates and engages citizens in developing healthy communities based on biological, cultural, and spiritual diversity.
African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD)—Launched in 2008, AWARD is a mentorship program in which top female agricultural scientists team up with smallholder female farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.
Ag Innovations Network—Part of Ag Innovations Network’s mission is to bring people together to create a better food system. With a deep interest in sustainable agriculture, Ag Innovations Network creates opportunities for individuals and communities to understand what needs to change to create a better future for food and farming.
Agape Table — Agape Table was founded in 1980 in Winnipeg, Manitoba to serve free hot meals to people in the inner city. Agape Table features a subsidized breakfast and a low-cost grocery to provide community members with nutritious food. And the Agape Table for Kids program offers market quality produce to families in need.
AgChat Foundation — AgChat is a non-profit organization that empowers farmers and ranchers to connect with communities through social media.
American Livestock Breeds Conservancy — The Conservancy is a non-profit membership organization working to protect nearly 200 breeds of livestock and poultry from extinction — is educating, encouraging, and empowering growers to share their excess harvest with the needy in their community instead of letting it go to waste in gardens.
Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture—Arcadia is dedicated to creating a more equitable and sustainable local food system in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. In addition to a farm on the historic grounds of Woodlawn Estate in Alexandria, Virginia, the Center has a Mobile Market, a 28-foot rolling farm stand that serves nine neighborhoods in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.
Ashoka—Ashoka operates worldwide (3,000 Ashoka Fellows in 70 countries) with private, philanthropic and citizen sector players to provide start-up financing, professional support services, and connections to a global network across the business and social sectors in the interest of social entrepreneurship. Their Nutrients for All program emphasizes the importance of improving nutrient density in food and agriculture.
Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network (ACORN) — ACORN promotes organic agriculture by facilitating information exchange, education for producers and consumers, and networking. ACORN aims to make food choices healthier and more environmentally responsible.
Australian Center for International Agriculture Research (ACIAR)—ACIAR is part of the Australian Aid Program, the Center encourages Australia’s agricultural scientists to use their skills for the benefit of developing countries as well as Australia.
Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance—When Australia’s Labor Party committed itself to creating a National Food Policy, the citizens responded with this alliance. The alliance was incorporated in 2012 with a nine-member managing committee. Today, the AFSA works with policy-makers to ensure fair balance and true representations of citizens’ food interests.
AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center—This 41 year old organization is at the forefront of highlighting why everyone should eat their vegetables. With regional centers in Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, India, Uzbekistan, and Fiji, The World Vegetable Center works to improve not only nutrition, but incomes for small-scale farmers.
Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) — BCTGM is dedicated to giving workers a voice and a vote in their workplace. The BCTGM represents working men and women who work in the manufacturing business, production workers, maintenance and sanitation workers in the bakery, confectionery, tobacco, and grain milling industries in North America.
Berry Center — The Berry Center focuses on issues confronting small farming families in Kentucky and across the United States. The Berry Center offers education on land use, farm policy, local food infrastructure, and urban farming.
Bioneers — Bioneers are social and scientific innovators who understand how nature operates. The annual Bioneers Conference brings together innovators working on breakthrough solutions in farming and agriculture.
Bioversity International—Bioversity International provides scientific evidence of the important role of on-farm and wild agricultural and forest biodiversity in building a more nutritious, resilient, productive, and adaptable food and agricultural system.
Biovision — Biovision was founded in 1998 by World Food Prize laureate and Millennium Institute President Dr. Hans Herren. The organization is working to combat hunger and poverty and improve the lives of people in Africa while conserving the environment.
Bread for the World Institute—Bread for the World is an organization dedicated to ending hunger in the U.S. and around the world. Bread for the World uses their voice to change policies, programs, and conditions of hunger.
California Food Literacy Center — The Center is working to educate youth about healthy eating and healthy communities through teaching, feeding, sharing, and training.
Catholic Rural Life — Catholic Rural Life is working with many faith, family farm, and sustainable agriculture groups to advocate for a fair and just Farm Bill in the United States.
Center for Ecoliteracy — The Center for Ecoliteracy is an educational nonprofit organization responsible for creating resources and offering professional development to teach sustainability in school communities. “Smart by Nature” one of the Center’s books, offers a framework for education on sustainable living.
Center for Food Safety (CFS)—CFS, a national non-profit and advocacy organization, seeks to curb the use of harmful chemicals and practices in agriculture.
Center for Health and the Global Environment Harvard University—The Health and Sustainable Food Program at the Center is working to inform eaters and institutions about the impact of their diets. Led by chef and National Geographic Society Explorer, Barton Seaver, the Center is working to “promote healthier people, more secure food supplies, and thriving communities.”
Center for Land-Based Learning — By integrating hands-on experience with classroom learning, the Center for Land-Based Learning is focused on development of the next generation of farmers.
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) — CSPI’s mission is to conduct innovative research and advocacy programs in health and nutrition, and to provide consumers with important information regarding their health.
Central Oregon Food Policy Council — The Central Oregon Food Policy Council is a non-profit organization working to create a community-based food system in Central Oregon. They increase accessibility to healthy food and promote positive relationships among producers and consumers.
Change Food—Change Food’s vision is to help shift the U.S. food supply to a regional, sustainable food system where healthy, nutritious food is accessible to all.
—The program promotes discourse on global agriculture issues and produces the Global Food for Thought news brief to provide updated information, commentary, and analysis on global agricultural development and related issues.
Chicago Fair Trade — Chicago Fair Trade mobilizes consumers to support global food production that abides by environmental standards and fair wages for workers. Chicago Fair Trade members collaborate with international partners in the movement to create more conscious consumers.
Church World Service (CWS) — CWS was initially founded as a World War II effort to feed, clothe, heal and shelter to those in need. Now, CWS is involved in faith-based international emergency response efforts. Hunger and malnutrition are key areas where CWS seeks location-specific solutions to global problems.
CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center — CIMMYT is a non-profit organization that researches the development of wheat and maize in the developing world.
City Harvest—City Harvest collects excess food from all segments of the food industry and delivers it to 500 community food programs throughout New York City. The organization also serves to educate the public on food issues ranging from sustainable agriculture to diet-based disease prevention.
Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW)—CIW is a human rights organization addressing the issues of farm labor abuse, and improving farm worker conditions and wages.
Community Agroecology Network (CAN) — Through participatory action research, action education, and alternative market development, CAN takes a robust approach to confronting food insecurity. The organization now works to connect local communities to industry-leading researchers.
Community Food Centres — Community Food Centres provides resources and brings people together to grow, cook, share, and advocate for good food across Canada.
Community for Zero Hunger—Sustainable food sources require community action. The Community for Zero Hunger is designed to be the community-based arm of the United Nations Zero Hunger Challenge. The Community is a central repository of international agencies, government and institutional academic research—all geared toward meeting the Zero Hunger Challenge.
Cornucopia Institute — The Cornucopia Institute, through research and investigations on agricultural and food issues, provides information to family farmers, consumers, and the media.
CropMobster — CropMobster is a community of farmers, producers, hunger relief organizations, and everyday citizens intent on: feeding hungry people, supporting local farmers and others to prevent waste, increasing the visibility and income of local producers, and generating positive impact and measurable results.
Cultivating Community — Cultivating Community’s mission is to work with diverse communities to create fair, secure, and resilient food systems. The core purpose is to provide access to healthy, culturally appropriate food for people and families living on low incomes and to focus on a whole community approach to food security.
DC Central Kitchen — Since 1989, the DC Central Kitchen has been redistributing food that would have otherwise been wasted to local homeless shelters. They also train unemployed adults for culinary careers, serve healthy school meals, and educate children on food by engaging them in the gardening process.
Digital Green — Digital Green’s mission is to integrate innovative technology with global development efforts to improve human well-being. Their approach has been found to be ten times more effective, per dollar spent, in helping convert farmers to better farming practices than traditional approaches to agriculture extension.
ECHO — ECHO empowers small-scale farmers to increase the yield and nutritional diversity of their crops. They operate a seed bank to provide regionally appropriate crops for development workers. And they offer training courses and workshops on many topics, such as tropical agriculture.
EcoAgriculture Partners—Built to support rural livelihoods, conserve biodiversity, and create sustainable solutions, EcoAgriculture has both a conservation and development strategy. The Landscapes for People, Food, and Nature Initiative provides research in 13 landscape sites around the world.
Edible Communities—Edible Communities is a publishing and information services company that creates editorially rich, community-based, local-foods publications in distinct culinary regions throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Edible Schoolyard—Edible Schoolyard evolved from the Chez Panisse Foundation, and the project serves as a model for the integration of gardening, cooking, and preparing sustainable food into core academic curriculum for public schools.
Eliminate Poverty Now — Eliminate Poverty Now works in 11 sub-Saharan countries to promote economic development and educational opportunity, especially for women. Their programs build an economic base for agriculture, enhance future potential for women, and promote economic opportunities.
Environmental Working Group (EWG)—A health and advocacy organization, the EWG works to produce the insight, through research, that spurs partnering organizations to create a healthier and cleaner environment and a more sustainable food system.
Every Last Morsel — Every Last Morsel is a community marketplace for locally grown food. They want to foster a more responsible and democratic food system by connecting neighbors and empowering entrepreneurs to prevent waste.
Fair Food Network (FFN)—FFN is based off the belief that everyone has the fundamental right to healthy, fresh, and sustainably grown food. FFN works to provide access to food, especially in underserved communities by implementing model programs and bringing people together.
Fair Trade USA — Fair Trade USA is the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. Instead of creating dependency on aid, they use a market-based approach that gives farmers fair prices, workers safe conditions, and entire communities resources for fair, healthy, and sustainable lives.
Fairfood — Since 2002, Fairfood International has worked as an advocate for a fair global food system which is able to feed the world, preserve the environment, respect human rights, and support economic growth. Fairfood empowers vulnerable populations and ensures companies’ food production accountability.
Family Farmed — An Illinois nonprofit committed to locally-grown and organic resources, Family Farmed works with family farmers and organization to build up local food systems. Family Farmed distributes educational materials, such as guides to eating local food and CSA subscription programs.
Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC)—Brokered in the mid 1960s to cooperate for common gain, the FLOC operates on two key principles: farmworkers need a unionized voice and all parties need to be part of the conversation. FLOC works to improve labor and housing conditions and to increase wages through collective bargaining agreements.
Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund – The Farm to Legal Defense Fund works to protect the rights of local, family, and artisan farmers from federal, state, and local government interference. Membership to the fund includes consultation with attorneys, access to contractual documents and the possibility of legal representation for farmers in the U.S.
Farmers of the Future in Niger – A branch of Eliminate Poverty Now, Farmers of the Future is an effort to bridge the gap between subsistence farming and agribusiness. By working with young people in the classroom and gardens, the organization hopes to create a model for agribusiness that can be implemented across Africa.
Feeding America Network — Feeding America is the leading domestic hunger-relief charity in the U.S. Their mission is to feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engaging the country in the fight to end hunger.
Feeding the 5000—A global campaign designed to inspire communities to consider the costs of wasted food, Feeding the 5K works at the international level to create solutions in the area of food waste. Feeding the 5K is also leading the cause behind The Gleaning Network—an initiative to save wasted English fruits and veggies.
FIAN International— FIAN is an international human rights organization that exposes violations of people’s right to food. FIAN’s vision is a world free from hunger.
FIBL— FIBL is a non-profit research institution that works to advance science in the field of organic agriculture. They work with farmers to develop solutions to improve agricultural productivity
FIND Food Bank — FIND Food Bank is dedicated to relieving hunger, the causes of hunger, and the problems associated with hunger through awareness, education and community involvement.
First Peoples Worldwide — An indigenous-led organization, First People focuses on funding local development projects in Indigenous communities all over the world. The organization facilitates the use of traditional Indigenous knowledge in solving today’s challenges, including climate change, food security, medicine, governance, and sustainable development.
Food + Tech Connect—Food + Tech Connect, brings together the leading thinkers and do-ers in the food, agriculture, health, and technology industries to build a network of innovators to transform the business of food.
Food and Water Watch (FWW)—FWW works to ensure the food, water, and fish consumers eat is safe, accessible, and sustainable. Their website provides information to eaters, advocates, and activists to make change in the food system.
Food Democracy Now (FDN)—FDN is a grassroots movement of 650,000 farmers and citizens across the United States advocating for locally produced food and equal access to quality food. FDN aims to recreate regional food systems, supporting the growth of humane, natural and organic farms, and protecting the environment.
—Food First, a food system think tank, works to augment social movements in the fight for food security. Food First was founded in 1975 and works to inform eaters, farmers, and policymakers about local solutions to global food issues.
Food for Life—This project is active in over 60 countries worldwide. Food for Life volunteers serve more than three million, free, plant-based meals every day.
Food for the Hungry (FH)—FH is a Christian organization dedicated to serving the poor for over 40 years. FH addresses hunger through short-term emergency relief as well as long term programs in more than 20 countries.
Food MythBusters—Food MythBusters is working to tell the real story of how food is produced through short films. Through collaborations with different individuals and organizations, Food Mythbusters is proving that we can have a food system that is truly affordable, delicious, fair, and good for the planet.
Food Recovery Network—A few years ago, a group of enterprising University of Maryland students decided to take action and launched this initiative with the goal of delivering cafeteria leftovers to local food shelters. It has since expanded to 11 chapters on campuses across the U.S. Students involved in the Food Recovery Network visit their campus dining halls nightly to rescue leftover food and deliver it to local shelters and food pantries.
Food Secure Canada — Food Secure Canada is a pan-Canadian alliance of organizations and individuals working together to advance food security and food sovereignty through three goals: zero hunger, healthy and safe food, and sustainable food systems.
Food Use for Social Innovation by Optimising Waste Prevention Strategies (FUSIONS)—FUSIONS hopes to tackle the issue of food waste throughout the supply chain, working with farmers and retailers to make sure less-than-perfect-looking produce isn’t wasted. And they work with grocery stores to offer discounts to consumers on products that are nearing their expiration dates.
Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)—FANRPAN ‘s goal is to free Africa of hunger and poverty. FANRPAN objectives are to promote the development of appropriate agricultural policies in order to reduce poverty, enhance food security in Africa, and promote sustainable agricultural development in Africa.
FoodCorps—FoodCorps is a public private partnership that places emerging leaders in limited-resource communities to teach kids about what healthy food is and where it comes from.
FoodShare — FoodShare Toronto is a non-profit organization whose vision is of good, healthy food for all. Working from field to table, FoodShare focuses on the entire food system: from the growing, processing, and distribution of food to its purchasing, cooking, and consumption.
Friends of Family Farmers — Friends of Family Farmers is a grassroots organization working to promote and protect socially responsible agriculture in Oregon.
Future Directions International — A research institute and think tank, Future Directions will launch a new program that will examine the food and water security situation in Australia and the long term sustainability of Australian food systems. They hope to influence political action to build a better food system.
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves — One of the main goals of the Alliance is to become a knowledge-hub for the sector, through coordinating and catalyzing technical information to enable stakeholders to be well informed and succeed in implementing their clean cookstoves and fuels initiatives.
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)—GAIN is an alliance driven to end malnutrition created in 2002 at a U.N. Special Session of the UN General Assembly on Children. GAIN promotes public-private partnerships and has worked with 600 companies and civil society organisations in more than 30 countries, reaching an estimated 667 million people with nutritionally enhanced food products.
Global Center for Food Systems Innovation (GCFSI)— GCFSI works to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of USAID programs, with a holistic approach to global food systems.
Global Crop Diversity Trust—Global Crop Diversity Trust is an independent international organization working to guarantee the conservation of crop diversity around the world.
Global FoodBanking Network—The Global FoodBanking Network works to support and enhance existing food banks and create new food bank systems around the world.
Global Forest Coalition — Global Forest includes all ecological as well as economic and social aspects into their management plan of the forests, which also embraces sustainable farming.
Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) — GFRAS is working to provide advocacy and leadership on rural advisory services within the global development agenda.
Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR)—GFAR seeks to be the nexus of discussion concerning the future of agriculture. Focusing on global advocacy, institutions for the future, partnerships, and the spread of knowledge, GFAR provides a connection between scientific research and farming methods.
Groundswell International — Groundswell works to enable thousands of rural communities and organizations in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to improve their lives through agroecological farming practices, farmer innovation, farmer-to-farmer extension, community health, and strengthening local organizations.
Grow Biointensive/Ecology Action—The organization educates and trains farmers around the world to establish high-yielding, sustainable agriculture systems that emphasize local food production and culturally appropriate techniques. Grow Biointensive farming techniques have been adopted in Mexico, Kenya, Argentina, Ecuador, Russia, Uzbekistan, the U.S., and other parts of the world. The organization also provides workshops and research publications.
Grow Calgary — Grow Calgary seeks to ensure all Calgarians have access to healthy food and provides produce to the Calgary Interfaith Food Bank. Staffed by volunteers and supported by food programs, Grow Calgary is a provider of healthy, nutritious food.
Growing Power—Growing Power was founded by former pro-basketball player Will Allen and engages youth and people from diverse backgrounds by helping to provide equal access to healthy, high-quality, safe, and affordable food.
Hands for Hunger—Hands for Hunger is committed to eliminating unnecessary hunger and reducing food waste through creating partnerships within Bahamian communities, and developing food recovery and education projects.
Healthy Food Action — Healthy Food Action works to involve health care experts in public policy debates. They make it simpler for health professionals to act, by providing important information and mechanisms for action.
Heifer International—Heifer International has been working for more than 70 years in communities around the world, helping farmers practice better animal husbandry and develop more environmentally sustainable sources of food production.
Humana People to People — Humana People to People is a network of nonprofit aid organizations. Their programs include training small-scale farmers in sustainable agriculture practices such as conservation farming, and they equip farmers with knowledge they can use to adjust to the changing conditions.
Humanitarian Coalition — The Humanitarian Coalition brings together Canada’s leading aid agencies to finance relief efforts in times of international humanitarian crises. As a joint Canadian approach to humanitarian response, the Humanitarian Coalition is a “one-stop-shop” for all Canadians during times of International humanitarian crises.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP)—The Institute works to counter globalization, builds innovative economic models, and monitors overuse of agricultural antibiotics. They are also encouraging eaters, farmers, and policy-makers to think beyond the next Farm Bill and focus on better food policies.
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)—Since the early 1970s, IFPRI has sought to improve the understanding of national agricultural and food policies to promote adoption of innovations in agricultural technology. In May, they’ll be bringing together advocates, researchers, scientists, and policy makers from all over the world at their Building Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security conference in Ethiopia.
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)—A specialized agency of the United Nations, IFAD was established in 1977. The fund was designed to finance development projects for food production in developing countries. IFAD works directly with rural poverty groups to raise income levels and to eliminate hunger and malnutrition.
International Green Energy Council — The International Green Energy Council is an educational and advocacy body. They provide advice and give opinions concerning all of the issues affecting the “green” industry on the federal, state, country, and municipal levels of government.
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)—IITA seeks to increase agricultural production in a sustainable way to help improve the nutritional status and well-being of people in sub-Saharan Africa.
International Land Coalition (ILC)—ILC is an alliance of civil society and intergovernmental organizations promoting equal access to land for women and men around the world by creating awareness and education.
International Water Management Institute (IWMI)—IWMI is a non-profit organization that focuses their research on improving how water and land resources are managed with the aim of improving food security and reducing poverty while safeguarding water supplies.
James Beard Foundation—Renowned author and teacher, James Beard was an avid culinary educator. The James Beard Foundation continues in his honor. By looking at food issues from a breadth of perspectives: economic, political, entertainment, and culture, the Foundation works to prove that food’s meaning extends far beyond the plate.
Jamie Oliver Food Foundation (USA)—With a central goal of fighting obesity, Food Revolution is urging Americans–and especially schools–to rethink the American diet. Oliver suggests teaching kids how to cook and urges parents to find out what their kids are eating at school.
Kitchen Table Advisors — Kitchen Table Advisors provide farmers with access to tools, knowledge and resources they need on their path to become resilient and viable businesses. Through their business and financial advising, Kitchen Table Advisors help farmers build the foundation for a successful future.
La Via Campesina—La Via Campesina (“The International peasant’s voice”), was established in 1993 as a network of small-scale agriculturalists. Comprised of 150 local groups from 70 countries, LVC represents close to 200 million farmers. LVC works to encourage small farmers to pursue local solutions to their regional food sustainability issues.
Landesa Rural Development Institute—Landesa was created for the more than two billion people who live on less that US$2.00 a day. The organization works with governments in developing countries to implement policies and programs that ensure better land rights.
Last Minute Market (LMM)—LMM works with farmers, processing centers, grocery stores, and other food sellers to reclaim food that would have otherwise been wasted. Founded by Andrea Segrè, LMM now runs food donation programs in more than 40 Italian communities.
Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture—The Leopold Center is a research and education center at Iowa State University. The Center works to identify and reduce the negative environmental and social impacts of agriculture, while developing more sustainable ways to farm and protect the environment.
Local Food Hub — Local Food Hub is a nonprofit organization working to improve small farm viability and increase community access to local food.
LocalHarvest — Founded in 1998, LocalHarvest provides consumers with information about local foods. The LocalHarvest website allows consumers to participate in buying a wide range of local products from CSA’s to fruits and veggies, to soaps and pet needs.
Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW)—LFHW works to educate the public on how to reduce food waste in day-to-day activities. The program is funded under the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, and provides cooking strategies and recipes aimed at minimizing food waste.
Lufa Farms — Montreal’s Lufa Farms is a commercial rooftop greenhouse and model for urban agriculture. Their goal is to create sustainable and organic farm space in compact areas by recycling water and optimizing energy.
Ma’O Organic Farm — Ma’O Organic Farm’s strategy impacts five critical areas of need: out-of-school youth, sustainable economic development, agriculture, health, and Hawaiian culture. They hope to re-establish community through their organic farm.
Micronutrient Initiative (MI) — MI is the leading organization working exclusively to eliminate vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the world’s most vulnerable populations through delivery platforms for micronutrients and other health inventions.
More and Better—Established in 2003, More and Better is a complementary network built to support social movements, civil society and a core group of national unified campaigns resolved to fight against poverty and hunger. More and Better members define the level of support needed, lobby decision makers, and facilitate international practice exchange.
Morethana Farm — A Pacific Bamboo Resources, Antioch University Seattle, and SeaChar project, Morethana Farm is a Washington farm turned permaculture testing ground. Permaculture models sustainable architecture from natural ecosystems to meet food, energy, and shelter needs.
National Family Farm Coalition (NFFC)—NFFC is a North American organization which represents family farms and rural groups who face economic challenges of rural communities. NFFC collaborates with international and domestic organizations who share their goal–to promote a secure, economically stable, healthy, and safe food system.
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) — NSAC is an alliance of grassroots organizations that advocate for federal policy reform to advance the sustainability of agriculture, food systems, natural resources, and rural communities.
Native Seeds/SEARCH—This organization conserves, distributes, and documents seed diversity as well as the role these seeds play in cultures of the American Southwest and northwest Mexico.
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)—With more than 1.4 million members, NRDC is a staunch defender of Earth’s resources. Their ground-breaking work on food waste in the U.S. is helping consumers and retailers save money and protect the environment.
Navdanya — Translates to “nine seeds” or “new gift” in Hindi. Through saving seeds, Navdanya, led by Vandana Shiva, preserves biodiversity, knowledge, culture, and promotes sustainability. They operate 111 community organic seed banks in 17 Indian states.
Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) — NOFA is a community of farmers, gardeners, landscapers, and consumers working to educate members and consumers about the benefits of local, organic food systems.
Oakland Institute—An independent policy think tank, Oakland Institute works to create research in eight key areas: land rights, high food prices, sustainable food systems, foreign investments, international aid, trade agreements, climate change and poverty. It is Oakland Institute’s key mission to increase public participation and encourage fair debate in each area.
Oldways—Oldways is an advocate for healthier eating by educating the public about the benefits of traditional cooking embracing culture and heritage.
One Acre Fund—One Acre Fund has developed an innovative model to help farmers improve yields by providing them credit for farm inputs, providing those inputs within walking distance of their farms, and making sure that farmers are able to sell their harvest at a profit. By 2020, the organization will serve 1.4 million farm families.
Organic Connections — Organic Connections magazine strives to help inspire and educate readers with profiles of people working to make our world healthier and more sustainable.
Oxfam—Oxfam is a confederation of 17 organizations working together to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. Oxfam works to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. Oxfam America’s recent Behind the Brands campaign is highlighting how some of consumers favorite brands have hidden costs—to farmers, food security, and the environment.
P2PFoundation — P2PFoundation is changing the way peer-to-peer collaboration works through creating an information commons, including information on agricultural technology and innovations.
Pacific Bamboo Resources — Founded in 2004 to bring citizens together with government leaders, Pacific Bamboo Resources explores new avenues for sustainable bamboo growth. Bamboo is widely used in food, fuels, housing, and the transportation industry.
Partners in Health (PIH)—PIH’s mission is to provide a preferential option for the poor in health care. With offices in more than ten countries, PIH provides medical treatment and food supplements to malnourished children.
Permaculture Research Institute — The Permaculture Research institute works with individuals and communities all over the world to expand the use of permaculture based sustainable agriculture.
Permaculture Voices — One of the world’s largest professional permaculture conferences. Permaculture Voices’ goal is to have the absolute best speakers and the most motivated attendees.
Postharvest Education Foundation—Postharvest offers training materials, e-learning programs, and mentoring opportunities that help farmers around the world prevent food loss. Their postharvest management guide is available in ten languages, featuring topics such as how to choose the best time for harvest and the advantages of different transportation methods.
Principle Six (P6) Cooperative Trade Movement — P6 is a national movement exemplifying just and equitable trade relationships between farmers, producers, retailers and consumers rooted in cooperative principles and values. P6 is owned by and designed for co-ops.
Prolinnova—Prolinnova is an NGO-initiated multistakeholder program working to promote local innovation in sustainable agriculture. They focus on indigenous and traditional knowledge work to promote resilience among farmers, pastoralists, and fisherfolk. Among its many goals, the organization is working to highlight the importance of participatory research and build stronger farmer-extension-researcher partnerships.
Rainforest Alliance—The Alliance works to protect biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use and farming techniques, business practices, and consumer behavior. Their vision is “a world where people and the environment prosper.”
Rancho Mastatal — Rancho Mastatal is an environmental learning and sustainable living center, rural sanctuary and lodge. They teach about living responsibly in the tropics.
Rare Breeds Canada — This Canadian network seeks to spread awareness of Canadian agricultural heritage. The group’s goal is a future of awareness, sustainable farms, and a model that does not jeopardize the future in favor of the present. Part of this preservation effort involves the use of animal gene banks.
Rare Breeds Survival Trust — Rare Breeds Survival Trust is the leading national charity working to conserve and protect the United Kingdom’s rare native breeds of farm animals from extinction.
Re:char—Re:char uses innovative technology to help farmers grow more food. They develop and deploy small biochar production system in the developing world to increase farmers’ yields.
Real Food Challenge (RFC)—Started in 2008, RFC is a mobilization of mainly students advocating for the shift of US$1 billion of existing university food budgets away from industrial farms and junk food and, instead, toward local and community-based, fair, ecologically sound, and humane food sources by 2020.
Restaurant Opportunity Centers (ROC)—ROC’s mission is to improve the wages and working conditions for the U.S. restaurant workforce. Since it’s founding, ROC has successfully conducted restaurant justice campaigns, provided job training and placement, opened its own cooperative restaurant, and conducted research and policy work.
Rodale Institute—The Rodale Institute is a non-profit dedicated to pioneering organic farming through research and outreach. For more than 60 years, Rodale Institute has been researching the best practices of organic agriculture and sharing their findings with farmers and scientists throughout the world. They advocate for policies that support farmers, and teach consumers organic agriculture is good for both people and the planet.
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) — RSPO is an International multi stakeholder organization and certification scheme for sustainable palm oil. It was established in 2004 to promote the production and use of sustainable palm oil.
Santropol Roulant — Santropol Roulant uses food as a vehicle to break social and economic isolation between generations and cultures. Creatively and collaboratively, Santropol Roulant strengthens and nourishes their local community with novel approaches to active youth engagement, urban food systems, food security and community care.
Save Food from the Fridge—Jihyun Ryou, Korean designer and expert on food preservation, launched this project that attempts to prevent waste in homes. She outlines several ideas for keeping foods fresher longer without the use of modern kitchen technologies. In addition, she has also created a collaborative blog where anyone can submit their own innovative food storage ideas.
Save Our Soil — The Save Our Soil campaign aims to raise consumer awareness about the importance of soil for our health, food security, and climate. Save Our Soil works to increase awareness of degraded soils and find solutions.
Savory Institute—The Savory Institute was founded in 2009, to combat climate change and environmental degradaton by teaching sustainable, holistic grazing practices to farmers and ranchers worldwide.
Scaling Up Nutrition—Scaling Up Nutrition is a worldwide organization that works with national leaders to incorporate nutrition into all development decisions with a core focus on empowering women.
Seafood Watch — Seafood Watch raises consumer awareness through pocket guides, website, mobile applications and outreach efforts. They encourage restaurants, distributors and seafood purveyors to purchase from sustainable sources.
SecondBite — An Australian organization seeking to minimize waste, SecondBite procures surplus foods and redistributes it to over 1,000 community food centers across the country. Since being established in 2006, SecondBite has redistributed almost 10 million kilograms of fresh food.
Seed Savers Exchange—Seed Savers Exchange is dedicated to the saving and sharing of organic, heirloom, and non-GMO seeds.
Seed System — Seed System is a collaboration among diverse national and international organizations aiming to improve seed security in high stress and vulnerable areas across the world.
Slow Money — Slow Money is a non-profit organization that works with investors and donors to enhance food security, safety, and security.
SNV Development Organization — Located in 36 Asian, African, and Latin American countries, SNV was founded on the belief that everyone has a right to sustainable development. SNV World partners with location organizations to better equip citizens to break cycles of poverty.
SOIL (Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihood) — SOIL is a non-profit organization in Haiti that protects soil resources, empowers communities, and transforms waste into resources.
Soil Association—Founded in 1946, the Soil Association works to ensure that organic systems are being used whenever possible. The Association encourages new solutions to climate change, improvements to animal welfare and greater biodiversity support. The Food for Life Partnership teams up with local schools to transform dietary choices of thousands of young students.
Songhai Women’s Capital Fund in Benin — This capital fund is an Eliminate Poverty Now subsidiary. Many women in Benin lack the collateral (land) to be able to apply for loans, and the Songhai Women’s Capital Fund was created to help women graduates obtain the necessary funds to start a business.
Sonic Bloom — Sonic Bloom is a proprietary audio, organic nutrient plant growing process that was developed by Dr. Dan Carlson to assist the farmer, particularly with low water availability and poor soil conditions. The use of the Sonic Bloom system produces greater yields, higher nutrient levels, shorter growth cycles and greater shelf life for produce.
Stone Barnes Center for Food and Agriculture—Located just 25 miles from Manhattan, New York, Stone Barnes Center is a non-profit farm institution. With goals of creating healthy and sustainable food systems, Stone Barnes Center works to increase public awareness of sustainable choices, train farmers environmentally techniques, and educate youth of farming choices.
Sustainable Food Center (SFC) — SFC is located in East Austin, Texas and is focused on creating strengthening the local food system and improving access to nutritious, affordable food.
Sustainable Food for the Globe, Energime University— Energime University is the world’s first scientist driven entity dedicated to teaching sustainable global resource management (energy, food, water, waste). Energime University is embarking on an ambitious quest to educate the world and provide the essential skills to forge a more sustainable world.
Sustainable Food Trust—With the belief that everyone is in a position to influence a change, Sustainable Food Trust works to enhance production of quality foods. Through research and by examining the close relationship between farmers, consumers, industry-leaders and policy-makers, the Trust takes a closer look at what needs to be done to improve the food system.
Sweet Water Foundation — The Sweet Water Foundation is a non-profit that develops educational programs for sustainability with a focus on urban agriculture and aquaculture in the 21st century.
Tasting Cultures Foundation — The Tasting Cultures Foundation works with individuals and communities, on a national and global scale to develop art and education on food culture.
TEDx Manhattan—TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share deep discussion. TEDxManhattan is organizing “Changing the Way We Eat,” led by Diane Hatz, founder and executive director of Change Food, to help bolster and create news ideas in the sustainable food movement.
The Christensen Fund—Founded in 1957, The Christensen Fund is a cultural ally for indigenous groups around the world. The Fund seeks to establish partnerships and implement the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as highlight the importance of indigenous and traditional crops.
The CookBook Project—The CookBook Project trains local leaders worldwide to use food culture and cooking program curriculum in their own communities. The goal is “to empower youth worldwide to cook REAL food with family and friends to reverse the global obesity and chronic disease epidemic.”
The Hunger Project—The Hunger Project works in partnership with grassroots organizations in Africa, Asia and Latin America to develop effective bottom-up strategies empowering people to overcome hunger and poverty. Programs teach self-reliance and foster partnerships with the local government.
Think.Eat.Save.—A campaign of the Save Food Initiative, this partnership supports the United Nations Zero Hunger Challenge. Think.Eat.Save takes a closer look at food production and how much is lost and wasted at each step of the production process.
Thousand Gardens—Thousand Gardens in Africa is a project under the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity that is working to cultivate more than 1,000 food gardens in schools, villages and on the outskirts of cities in 25 African countries.
TomKat Ranch — TomKat Ranch is dedicated to the health and preservation of their land and community. TomKat Ranch’s highest priority is guaranteeing their cattle are raised in the most socially aware, morally conscientious, sustainable grass-pasture environment possible.
Transform Nutrition—A consortium of six organizations, Transform Nutrition pushes nutrition up higher on the political agenda and works to create more effective action to improve nutrition.
Transition Network — The Transition Network is a charitable organization that works with communities to create initiatives that reduce carbon-dioxide emissions.
True Price Foundation (TPF) — TPF examines what the actual cost of an action is. By working with a wide range of organizations, TPF is developing a valuation method to determine social and ecological costs, so that our production and consumption create value for our planet and society.
U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) — FAO’s mandate is to improve nutrition, increase agricultural productivity, raise the standard of living in rural populations, and contribute to global economic growth.
U.S. Food Sovereignty Alliance (USFSA) — With efforts to rebuild local food economies and make food systems more responsible to the people, USFSA supports shifting from a corporate-controlled food system. USFSA treats food and water as basic human rights and seeks to raise awareness of policies that undermine food sovereignty.
Union of Concerned Scientists—The Union of Concerned Scientists works to ensure that all people have clean air and energy, as well as safe and sufficient food. UCS combines technical analysis and effective advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future.
United Farm Workers (UFW) — Founded in 1962, the United Farm Workers of America unionizes agricultural industries in ten states. Built on foundations of integrity, confidence, innovation, non-violence and empowerment, the UFWA seeks to protect and be a resource for all farm workers in the U.S.
Viroqua Food Co-operative — The Viroqua Food Cooperative in Wisconsin combines a commitment to natural foods, superior customer service, and the building of cooperatively run business. Viroqua emphasizes selling organic and local foods and products to promote long-term health of individuals and the environment.
Wallace Center at Winrock International—The Center serves the growing community of civic, business, and philanthropic organizations involved in building a good food system in the United States. The organization is working to advance regional efforts for a healthy, green, fair, affordable food system into larger scale markets to benefit more producers, consumers, and businesses.
Wellspring — Wellspring is a non-profit education and retreat center as well as an organic farm. Their mission is to inspire and teach people to grow, prepare, and eat healthy food.
WhyHunger—WhyHunger is a leader in building the movement to end hunger and poverty by connecting people to nutritious, affordable food and by supporting grassroots solutions that inspire self-reliance and community empowerment.
Women, Food and Agriculture Network (WFAN)—WFAN is a community of women involved in sustainable agriculture, working primarily in the U.S. Midwest, and exists to give female farmers the opportunity to exchange information, support, and help each other in creating a sustainable food system.
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)—ICRAF is an international institute headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, that specializes in generating and using science-based knowledge about the diverse roles of trees in agricultural landscapes to advance the practice of agroforestry, for the benefit of the poor and the environment.
World Farmer’s Organization (WFO)—WFO is an international organization “of farmers for farmers,” to bring together farmers with the goal of developing policies that favor farmers around the world, particularly smallholder farmers.
World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) — WFO is an international organization of farmers for farmers, which aims to bring together all the national producer and farm cooperative organizations with the objective of developing policies which favor and support farmers’ causes in developed and developing countries around the world.
World Food Programme (WFP) School Meals—WFP School Meal’s vision is to reduce hunger among schoolchildren so that hunger is not an obstacle to their development. WFP provides meals to around 22 million children in 60 countries, often in the hardest-to-reach areas.
World Resources Institute—WRI is a global research organization working closely with leaders to turn big ideas. According to their research, the world will have to close a gap of nearly 70 percent between the amount of food available today and that will be required in 2050. WRI is researching ways to reduce agriculture’s impact on climate, ecosystems, and water to secure a sustainable food future.
World Rural Forum—A liaison between research centers and cause-driven associations, the WRF is a forum for issues of rural development. The organization defines itself as a network, covering five continents. It believes its duty is to facilitate fruitful interaction between different agents in rural environments.
Youth Food Movement – Launched in Australia in 2011, the Youth Food Movement is an international movement that started as a dinner party. Comprised of many people from chefs to permaculture experts to designers, the Youth Food Movement aims to make the younger generations aware of the power consumers have in the food system.