Chocolate Prevents Belly Fat and Obesity

It may sound too good to be true, but the more chocolate teens eat, the less total fat and belly fat they are likely to have, according to a new study published in Nutrition.

This association held true even when exercise, total energy (calorie) intake, and a variety of dietary factors were taken into account. The study included 1,458 kids ages 12 to 17, and may the largest of its kind to date.

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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

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Tart Cherries: Ultimate Antioxidant, Natural Painkiller

One tangy fruit may be the ultimate antioxidant, as well as a natural painkiller, with a 2012 study reporting that it has “the highest anti-inflammatory content of any food.”

The researchers found that when osteoarthritis sufferers drank tart cherry juice twice a day for three weeks, their inflammatory markers fell significantly.

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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

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Superfood Puts the Flu in Quite a Pickle

Human clinical trials have been launched after researchers found that an immune-boosting probiotic from Suguki (a pickled turnip popular in Japan) blocked transmission of the H1N1 virus in mice that were exposed to it, according to a new study published in the SfAM journal, Letters in Applied Microbiology.

The probiotic bacterium, called Lactobacillus brevis, increases production of flu-specific antibodies, the scientists report, and may also help ward off other viral infections, including the deadly H7N9 flu, which has recently emerged in China.

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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

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Collapsable Photobioreactor

Collapsable Photobioreactor“We scaled up our novel photobioreactor design and conducted independent functionality tests that confirmed the unit’s robustness,” said Proterro CEO Kef Kasdin. “The modular photobioreactors, which are made from off-the-shelf materials, including polyethylene, can withstand category 1 hurricane winds,” she explained, adding, “Because of the materials used and the innovative design, we also have been able to validate low fabrication costs.”

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Clean Air from Dirty Fuel

When the exhaust from a typical engine is expelled, it contains a lot of unburned fuels. Besides being wasteful, the exhaust is so hot that in Oklahoma, (USA), firetrucks can not have a catalytic convertor or they may start more fires than the crews are trying to extinguish.

GEET (Global Environmental Energy Technology) offers a long suppressed, fuel efficient solution that includes a Self Induced Plasma Generator. The GEET Fuel Processor (GFP) begins by taking the newly vaporized fuel to the engine through the center of the path of the exhaust that’s leaving the engine, while maintaining a constant vacuum. There is a rapid exchange of heat from the exhaust into the “new fuel”. The “New Fuel” is called “GEET GAS”. GEET GAS implodes, pulling heat from the block of the engine. This serves to reduce the heat buildup in the engine, allowing the oils used for lubrication to last much longer.

The technology can be adapted to fit anything that uses fuel. During a demonstration for scientists at BYU, in 1994, the GFP was running on crude oils and saltwater. The results were zero HC; zero CO; zero CO2, and more oxygen coming out the exhaust pipe than in the ambient air. The system can be fueled by gas, diesel, kerosene, crude oil, floor cleaner, lacquer thinner, and as much as 80% water.

Despite corporate rejection, ridicule from the media, hostile take-over attempts, political corruption, blackmail, torture, and patent infringement, Paul Pantone and his 1983 invention have slowly gained acceptance. There are an estimated 5000 vehicles world-wide running on GEET. This includes cars, tractors, other farm equipment, and a helicopter. Generators, kit’s, components and other equipment are available proving that consumer sovereignty is a powerful, innovation sustaining force.

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Gardens in Space

Sustaining Life with micro-algae and flat panel reactors. This is where so-called life-sustaining circulatory systems come into play. Already, on the International Space Station (ISS), researchers have started reconstituting all kinds of things.

But the ISS has it easy: it’s relatively close to Earth. Several times a year it receives fresh provisions of food and water. But if people start traveling farther away from Earth, they’ll have to survive without the luxury of regular, fresh supplies.
And that’s why Jens Bretschneider at the Institute for Space Systems in Stuttgart is looking for new solutions. His team thinks the answer lies in biological systems, like micro-algae: “They make it possible to collect exhaled CO2 and create new oxygen, and at the same time build up biomass stocks.”

Brettschneider is working with a see-through plexiglass tank through which green water runs which bubbles away as exhaled air passes through it. “This tank is a flat panel reactor, with which we can cultivate algae on Earth in an efficient way,” Brettschneider says. “The advantage is that the gas is mixing with the algae constantly. That gives us a large contact area. We agitate the algae so that they move towards the light, and then move away from the light again – and that encourages them to grow faster.”

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Tooling Up for Hydroponics

Does Anyone Wanna’ Go Dance Upon the Roof?

Humans have grown plants atop structures since antiquity. The ziggurats of ancient Mesopotamia (4th millennium BC–600 BC) had plantings of trees and shrubs on aboveground terraces. An example in Roman times was the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii, which had an elevated terrace where plants were grown. A roof garden has also been discovered around an audience hall in Roman-Byzantine Caesarea. The medieval Egyptian city of Fustat had a number of high-rise buildings that Nasir Khusraw in the early 11th century described as rising up to 14 stories, with roof gardens on the top story complete with ox-drawn water wheels for irrigating them.

A study at the National Research Council of Canada showed the differences between roofs with gardens and roofs without gardens against temperature. The study shows temperature effects on different layers of each roof at different times of the day. Roof gardens are obviously very beneficial in reducing the effects of temperature against roofs without gardens. “If widely adopted, rooftop gardens could reduce the urban heat island, which would decrease smog episodes, problems associated with heat stress and further lower energy consumption.”
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Tooling Up for Hydroponics

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“The foxes have holes, and the birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head,” and so it is today for many of his followers. Despite all the warnings about the snares laid by moneylenders, despite the fact that gage mort is literally translated as a pledge to give up one’s life, millions have lost their homes through mortgage exploits, and their quality of life through the service of debt.

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Precision Irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa

Large, centralized irrigation schemes, often built around big water storage dams, were a major component of the Green Revolution that helped boost food production and reduce famine risks for millions of people, especially in Asia. But they have often proven environmentally destructive and, especially in Africa, expensive.

By contrast, decentralized irrigation – small individual systems designed to serve a single or community farm – can often be better tailored to local conditions, purchased and operated by private farmers, and avoid the environmental and social downsides of big dam-and-canal systems.

The emergence and spread of affordable pumps and other technologies that enable farmers to irrigate their small plots has begun to boost harvests and family incomes in some of the world’s deepest pockets of hunger, including parts of sub-Saharan Africa.

For millions of poor farm families in sub-Saharan Africa, access to water makes the difference between hunger and a full belly, between a well-nourished child and one stunted by malnutrition, and between a productive livelihood or one mired in poverty.

Tooling Up for Hydroponics

The Wind at Our Back Gusts from 73.6GW in 2006 to 280.6GW in 2012

According to a new report, Wind Power – Global Market Size, Turbine Market Share, Installation Prices, Regulations and Investment Analysis to 2020, by research firm GlobalData, installed capacity increased at a compound annual growth rate of 25%. This translates into to a jump from 73.6GW in 2006 to 280.6GW in 2012.
There was a 7%, fall in annual additions in 2010 as major wind markets such as the US, Germany and Spain, faced economic problems following the global economic crisis.
China was the global leader in wind power in 2012 with the US coming second. The US lost out on the top spot due to the economic slowdown and uncertainties relating to the future of the industry because of a lack of long-term policies supporting the wind sector.
Offshore wind power installations accounted for 1.9% of the global wind power market in 2012.
GlobalData’s forecasting from 2012 to 2020 sees the share of offshore wind in the global wind power market reaching 8.4% by 2020.
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“The foxes have holes, and the birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head,” and so it is today for many of his followers. Despite all the warnings about the snares laid by moneylenders, despite the fact that gage mort is literally translated as a pledge to give up one’s life, millions have lost their homes through mortgage exploits, and their quality of life through the service of debt.

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The Pitch of a Solar Roof

The angle or pitch of your roof actually has less impact on solar panel performance than the direction it faces. In general, optimal production occurs when solar panels face south at a tilt equal to 30°. But what happens if your roof is flat? Lowering the tilt all the way down to 5° only decreases production by about 10%, regardless of where you live. The difference in production for steeper roofs is barely noticeable. Increasing the tilt from 30° to 40°, for example, results in a negligible decrease of about 1%.
Looking at data from six cities- Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., Energy Sage estimated the production levels generated at various tilt angles. They held the azimuth constant at 180° which in laymen’s terms means they always assumed that the roof faced directly south. What they found was consistent with their investigations into the effects of other variables.
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“The foxes have holes, and the birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head,” and so it is today for many of his followers. Despite all the warnings about the snares laid by moneylenders, despite the fact that gage mort is literally translated as a pledge to give up one’s life, millions have lost their homes through mortgage exploits, and their quality of life through the service of debt.

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