When the Home is Threatened

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Our interview with Ramona Johnson continues as,we turn our attention to the special challenges that poverty and mental health challenges bring to bear within a threatened home. In Part 3 we will again turn our attention to listening and also discuss competing priorities in … Read more

Love is a Verb

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: In his 1989 Feeling Good Handbook, Dr. David Burns described what he termed Cognitive Distortions. The target demographic for the doctor’s book was anyone that might be suffering from bouts of depression. He wrote that “We all tend to think in extremes…and when traumatic events happen … Read more

Restoring Legitimacy

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: From an early age we are admonished to “Never judge a book by its cover.” As we begin to pay attention to our participatory democracy, we quickly learn that any initiative named by a politician cannot be accepted at face value. Throughout history, we’ve … Read more

Coping with Tumultuous Change

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: In this series of treatments on healthy homes we are speaking with Ramona Johnson. Ramona is president and CEO of Bridge Haven Mental Health services in Louisville, Kentucky. In this segment, we discuss coping skills in the context of the current pandemic. In Part … Read more

Flights of Fancy – Leaps of Faith

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Could an individual attempting to navigate without the benefit of rudder, charts, sextant, knowledge of atmospheric and sea conditions or familiarity with his or her craft truly be called its master? Or, would the graduating class of 1492 vote such a person “most likely … Read more

Stay out of Politics!

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: “My advice to the corporate CEOs of America is to stay out of politics.” So said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on April 5th 2021. His aids were quick to point out that he was, in no way, referring to corporate contributions. As he warns … Read more

Gasification – Part 6

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: In this treatment Dr. Bates warns of the key differences between flu gases and engine exhaust gases. We will touch upon throttle settings and turn-down ratios plus the value of insulation in the context of reclaiming heat. We will further discuss rocket stoves, and … Read more

The Wisdom of Jesus

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: The Book of Wisdom is one of the seven wisdom books comprising the Septuagint. The others are Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Song of Solomon), Job, and Sirach. The Book of Wisdom, or the Wisdom of Solomon is included in the canon of … Read more

Defining the Zone

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Prometheus is the Titan god of ancient Greece characterized by forethought. He was credited with stealing fire from the most hoity-toity of the gods and then gifting it to humanity as a cornerstone for civilization. The United States Supreme Court’s unanimous decision was published on April … Read more

Gasification – Part 5

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Again, we continue our conversation with Dr. Richard Bates and discuss the characteristics of diesel and gas engines, using a farm tractor as preparation system, sewage treatment, two stage wood stoves, and using waste heat. In Part 6 we will discuss rocket stoves, flue … Read more