Parable of the Sower – The Soil

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit … Read more

Teach Your Parents

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: A deeply resonant CSN song began with the lyric “You, who are on the road, must have a code that you can live by.” While this is likely true, one would hope the rest of us don’t need an Ovaltine Decoder Ring to figure … Read more

The Steady Drip, Drip, Drip!

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: Sometimes we are truly thankful for each day we manage to stay on top of the ground. If we lived a few thousand years ago, in or near the desert, we might prefer to get out of the hot sun by working underground. Digging … Read more

Parable of the Sower – The Thicket

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: In his Parable of the Sower Jesus said: “Other seed fell among the thorns, and as the thorns grew up it was choked so that it yielded no grain.” In another related teaching the Master said: “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man … Read more

Taint by Numbers

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: On January 6th in the year 2021, hoards of emotionally charged, intellectually stunted insurgents breached security and stormed into the United States Capitol building. Elected representatives were evacuated. The traitorous, treasonous, seditionist, insurrectionist authoritarian enablers among them tried to distance themselves from the violence they … Read more

What Became of the SunnyBot?

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: I recall reading a certain Superman comic-book story in my youth. Our hero was having more than a few bad days. On one of them, he had built and gifted a high-tech solar array to Metropolis. It was reflecting sunlight into, what would otherwise … Read more

Parable of the Sower – The Rocks

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: There is abundant evidence that human beings were working stone over two and a half million years ago. Early humans were making Acheulean axes and other large cutting tools over one and a half million years ago. Two hundred thousand years ago middle stone … Read more

Keep the Light On

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: As the clock struck 11 p.m. on New Year’s Eve in 2020, and as the British exit from the European Union was finalized, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, tweeted: “Scotland will be back soon, Europe. Keep the light on.” The First Minister intends to … Read more

The Home

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: The home is the crowning achievement of human kind. Genuine science, philosophy and religion each recognize the home as the reward for progress, the capstone of an evolutionary struggle. Accordingly, the TLC broadcast is about The Living Crown as well as the Tender Loving Carethat is brought … Read more

Parable of the Sower – The Wayside

Listen to the Audio and/or Subscribe to the Podcast Full Transcript: There is a ruggedized form of ministry that closely follows in the footsteps of Jesus. It operates in a way that is both informed by, and stems from, the Parable of the Sower. It serves to soften any compacted soil and it labors to … Read more