Positive Qualities – Fine & Cozy

We are what we pretend to be. — Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007) Author

We all have some Fine qualities. As we refine them, they Cozy up to each other coalescing in a family of values we show to ourselves and to the rest of the world.



Definitions: (1) enjoying or affording warmth and ease; snug; (2) marked by the intimacy of the family or a close group


Definitions: (1) of superior or the best quality; of high or highest grade; excellent; (2) characterized by refinement or elegance; polished; (3) sophisticated in appearance; smart; (4) good‑looking; handsome; (5) delicate in texture or workmanship; performed with extreme care and accuracy; (6) showing subtle ability or nicety; discriminating; (7) physically trained or hardened close to the limit of efficiency; healthy; highly skilled or accomplished

Synonyms: attractive, beautiful, choice, dainty, rare, showy

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Extraordinary & Humble

Who wills, can.
Who tries, does.
Who loves, lives.

Dragon Flight, Anne McCaffrey (1926-2011) Author

This is a good example of how qualities work together for the greatest good. A person who thinks themselves extra Extraordinary will hold themselves above others. But add a good measure of Humility and they will see themselves from a higher perspective.



Definition: going beyond what is usual, regular, or customary

Derivation: It is interesting that this word is made by combining two words that by themselves would not be considered anything out of the ordinary: extra and ordinary. Put them together, add a personality, and you do get someone truly special.


Definitions: (1) modest or meek in temperament; free from pride or vanity; (2) respectful

Synonyms: unassuming, unobtrusive, unpretentious

Familial Quality: humor

Lay first the foundation of humility. — Saint Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Roman Theologian

The sage has no interest of his own, but takes the interests of the people as his own. He is kind to the kind; he is also kind to the unkind: for Virtue is kind. He is faithful to the faithful; he is also faithful to the unfaithful: for Virtue is faithful. — Lao-tse (6th Century bc) Chinese Theologian

We humbly ask God (as we understand the concept) to remove our shortcomings. — Number seven of the Alcoholics Anonymous twelve‑step program.

Observation: One of the opposites of humility is conceit. And, of course, adding humility to your character traits will greatly reduce negative arrogance. But how to acquire humility. A sure fire way to gain humility is to see yourself in relation to a greater reality. This could be God or nature or even physics. But it has to be someone or something you respect and cannot help but be very impressed with. Once a person sees themselves in a larger context they will have the ability (and maybe the will) to see themselves as they truly are.

Symbol: shoes

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Enterprising & Favored

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. — Dr. Theodor Seuss Geisel (1904-1991) Author

Some qualities are primarily active (Enterprising) and others are passive (Favored) but one can admire a favorite because the apple of their eye is creative, inventive, takes the initiative, and follows through on their imaginative ideas.



Definitions: (1) showing an independent, energetic spirit and a readiness to experiment or commit; (2) willing to attempt large or untried schemes; (3) full of energy and inventive initiative

How to Live This Quality Today: Write down your good ideas and let them incubate.

Color: red


Definitions: (1) treated with or looked upon with friendliness or approval; (2) enjoying special advantages; privileged

Familial Quality: fascinating

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Thoughtful & Penitent

We become what we do.Dune, Frank Patrick Herbert (1920-1986) Author

One piece of general advice these days is to take yourself out of the equation. A healthy sense of self is necessary, and yet it is not an excuse to be selfish. A good way to create a balance is to think of the rights and feeling of others. How can I be Thoughtful? How can I be positively Penitent? What is the proper action to take with the offence I have given?



Definitions: (1) showing respect for others; considerate; courteous; (2) aware of the views and sensibilities of others; heedful; mindful; attentive; (3) characterized by or manifesting careful deliberation; contemplative; cognitive; (4) occupied with or given to religious reflection; meditative; (5) possessing the power of reasoning and conceiving ideas; imaginative

Balancing Qualities: creative, curious, flexible, open, persistent

The soul is dyed with the color of its thoughts. — Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (121-180) Roman Emperor and Philosopher

Govern your thoughts as if your future depends on them, because it does.
— Debra Saint Claire (1952 – ) Master Herbalist

 Reflection: Others deserve your special attention because they are valuable. If you realize their worth, you will wish to be good to them – thoughtful, considerate, and courteous.

• Positive thoughts expand. Negative thoughts contract.

• In order to be thoughtful you have to know (or gamble on knowing) what the other person desires, needs, or wants. There are subtle signs, but one way that is pretty definite: Ask.


Definition: having regret of offense or sin and willingness to atone; contrite

Comment: If you did something you know was wrong, you will eventually see it for what it was, and want to reverse the injury. To feel a need to take positive action is a first step. Yet you may not be able to remove the harm done to a specific person. What you can do is change who you are. Then you will act differently to all.

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Vibrant & Blissful

Should a person perform a meritorious action, he should do it again and again; he should find pleasure therein: blissful is the accumulation of merit. — Buddhism, Dharmmapada 18

It is a tall order to ask someone to spontaneously manufacture Vibrant Blissfulness. We do not go around in a state of energetic vitality all of the time (unless you are a child). But we can mellow the manic side of these qualities (by harmonizing them with the tranquil qualities) and find their mental and physical energy to be enervating.



Definition: characterized by energetic activity; vital; vigorous


Definitions: (1) experiencing complete happiness or joy; (2) the cause of delight or elation

Synonyms: blessed, ecstatic, rapturous

Note: The following four quotes are from Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) Interview with Bill Moyers

If one has the guts, you might say, to follow the risk, life opens, opens, opens up all around the line.

The way in which the “richness” of the quest builds up, builds up, and continues to build up – it’s terrific.

I feel if one follows his bliss, the thing which really gets you deep in the gut, and that you feel is your life, doors will open up – they do! If you are on your way, even if no one has done it before, it will open up.

If you follow your bliss, you will have your bliss, whether you have money or not. If you follow money, you may lose that money, and then you won’t even have that. The secure way is really the insecure way.

Comment: Part of being in your bliss is being in balance. When you enhance a quality, it floods into the space where negative qualities had lurked. Bliss and fear cannot live in the same place.

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Endearing & Cordial

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time. — James Vernon Taylor (1948-) Composer

A sweet little baby is Endearing. Each of us comes into this world with a set of values gifted to us simply by the generosity of grace. As we grow, it is our responsibility to expand these elemental qualities into more sophisticated and personal flowers and gems of goodness. Our second word this week is Cordial. In both definitions is the word affection(ate). Therefore cordiality is an outgrowth of being endearing.



Definitions: (1) binded by ties of affection and love; cherished or beloved; (2) manifesting tender emotion; admiration


Definitions: (1) proceeding from the heart; warm; affectionate; genial; (2) reviving of spirits; cheering; giving strength; invigorating

Synonym: gracious

Saying: A bras ouverts (French): “with open arms”

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Sapient & Metaphysical

The ancient question is still awaiting an answer: What features in our brain account for our humanity, our musical creativity, infinitely varied artifacts, subtlety of humor, sophisticated projection (in chess, politics, and business), our poetry, ecstasy, fervor, contorted morality, and elaborate rationalization? — Theodore H. Bullock (1915-2005) Neurobiologist

Sapient and Metaphysical are not words we use everyday, but hopefully the meanings and ideals behind them are part of our ongoing move from a simply material realm over to a more spiritual and soul minded existence.



Definition: possessing a capacity for great wisdom or sound judgment; discerning; knowing; sagacious


Definitions: (1) pertaining to the nature of being; one’s essential reality; (2) based on abstract and subtle reasoning; (3) relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the purely physical senses; supernatural

Comment: Metaphysics is one bridge between the material and the spiritual. Other bridges are humor and music.

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Helpful & Forgiving

‘To be is to do’ — Socrates
‘To do is to be’ — Jean‑Paul Sartre
‘Do‑be‑do‑be‑do’ — Frank Sinatra
— Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007) Author

This week’s Positive Qualities are Helpful and Forgiving. These are a couple of the big qualities. That is to say, so much is riding on them. Also, I had a lot to say about them.



Definition: willing to or actually rendering aid or assistance; giving useful service

Compatible Quality: friendly

If someone comes to you asking for help, do not say in refusal, “Trust in God. God will help you.” Rather, act as if there is no God, and no one to help except you. — Hasidic

One has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help. — Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) 16th President of the United States

Like the blind man standing on the corner waiting for somebody to lead him across; all of us, at some point in our lives, need some help. — Joe Frazier (1944 – ) American Boxer

Parable: There was a preacher who believed in God’s help. Now his church was in danger from the rising waters of a flood. When it was time for evacuation, he made sure all of his parishioners got to safety, and went back into the church. The police came in a squad car demanding it is time to go, but he refused, saying, “I will put my faith in God. He will save me.” Later he was on the second story of the church with the water rising fast. Another rescue squad came in a boat to pick him up, but he refused them also, saying, “Thank you kindly, but I am not leaving. God will save me.” Finally, with the raging waters all around him, he had to get out on the roof and hold onto the steeple. A National Guard helicopter arrived to save him, but again he turned them down, saying, “God will help me.” Well, the preacher was drowned. When he got to heaven he asked God why he didn’t help him in his time of need. God said, “What do you mean? I sent you a car, a boat, and a helicopter!”

Tip: Simply be willing to be helpful and you will have the opportunity. Albeit, some need to constrain their willingness so as not to be pushy about helping where it is unwanted.


Definitions: (1) characterizes one who gives up resentment, stops anger, or pardons wrongs (or perceived wrongs); reconciliation; (2) giving up all claim to punish or exact a penalty; overlooking or abandoning vengeful feelings

Synonyms: absolving, exculpating, excusing, exonerating, releasing

Balancing Qualities: communication, imagination

Familial Qualities: acceptance, tolerance

Significant Date: International forgiveness week is the first week of February.

Ira furor brevis est (Latin): “Anger is a brief madness.”

To err is human; to forgive, divine. — Alexander Pope (1688-1744) English Poet

Proverb: Anger is as a stone cast into a wasp’s nest. — Malabar

Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet that clings fast to the heel that crushed it. — George Roemisch

Forgiveness can purify memory. It can travel through time and history breathing life into the killing fields, into the collective soul of nations, into the lives of its brutalized citizens. — Pope John Paul II [born Karol Józef Wojtyła] (1920-2005) the 264th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church

If you’re harboring the slightest bitterness toward anyone, or any unkind thoughts of any sort whatsoever, you must get rid of them quickly. They aren’t hurting anyone but you. It is said that hate injures the hater not the hated. — Peace Pilgrim [born Mildred Lisette Norman] (1908-1981) Steps Toward Inner Peace

Nature does abhor a vacuum, and when you begin moving out of your life what you do not want, you automatically are making way for what you do want. By letting go of the lesser, you automatically make room for your greater good to come in. — Catherine Ponder (1927 – ) The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

1. Find your own healing ritual that makes, for you, the restoration of justice and the end of anger.
2. Find ways of telling your story. Articulate and express your deepest fears and thoughts in order to gain understanding and to adjust your distance from them.
3. Form or join a self-help group with other people who have been through the same thing.
4. Find ways of breaking out of your usual story, of your usual perspective.
5. Take action to help others who are in the same predicament.
— Dr. Carol Travis, Controlling Anger

Note: Dr. Travis also suggests, under the proper circumstances, to confront the person who has made you angry in order to serve justice, provide you with new insights, restore understanding, balance, and fair play.

I fully and freely forgive you. So far as I am concerned, that incident between us is finished forever. I wish you no harm. I am free and you are free and all is again well between us. — Catherine Ponder (1927 – ) The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

Meditation: Begin with several deep breaths, all the way down into your solar plexus, all the way down into your being. Calm yourself. Open yourself. Visualize the divine essence of forgiveness at your crown chakra at the top of your head. Ask for this forgiveness to be a part of you. You have experienced it before, and you want to experience it more fully. See it in all its colors. Let it settle into your mind. “I will forgive every thought I’ve had that needs forgiving. I will allow myself to forgive all who need forgiving. I will forgive myself for my missteps and misdeeds.”
Breathe forgiveness into each part of your body. Linger on each area as long as the forgiveness is doing its job. Move to your eyes and forgive all the anger you have emitted from them. Forgive all of the pain you have seen. Relax them, replace the pain with forgiveness. Replace the forgiveness with harmony, symmetry, and beauty. Move the divine energy of forgiveness to your ears, saying, “I forgive everything I have heard needing forgiving.” Move to your nose, forgive all evil smells. Move to the mouth and throat. Forgive yourself for all you’ve said in a hurtful tone, purifying your communication.
Accept divine forgiveness. Move to your arms and hands. Forgive them for any negative actions they have done. The deeper your forgiveness, the more of the negative you will be removing. If your forgiveness is pure, the negative no longer exists. Especially linger in your heart where you have hurt people in your relationships, or they have hurt you. All is forgiven, all is evaporated. Make sure you forgive yourself and others for all ills, real or imagined.
Breathe into your gut and release the anger and frustration you have been holding. All hurt and anguish are gone. The power of divine forgiveness is absolute. You are clean. Space is now open for new hope, new life.
Move now to your hips and genitals. Forgive yourself for all sexual misconduct.
Go to the base of your spine. A lot of what you felt you had to do, you did because of survival. Forgive yourself and allow yourself to be whole.
Move into your thighs and your knees. Forgive your legs for every time you ran away; for every time you’ve physically or wishingly kicked someone. Relax your feet, now you have happy toes. Let all of these ills sink into the earth and into the ether; they are replaced with divine harmony.
Move back up through you feet, your calves, your knees, your thighs, with a ball of harmonious and merciful energy. It is a cleansing glow of light, all of the molecules of your being are being replaced. Move back up through your spine. The ball of light at the base of your spine now has replaced all failure. Everything is calm. You are a new person. Move into your heart, breathing freely. It’s all okay now. Everything is in it’s proper place. Your arms are free, your shoulders are relaxed, you’ve got new vitality. You can begin again with a clean slate.
You will now communicate your new hope. You will see the world with new eyes. Smell the freshness. When you hear ill, and when you see ill, you will automatically transmute it. You will do something positive about it. Your mind is a new mind: fresh, decent, willing, and open. Give thanks to the divine power of forgiveness, and the divine substance of mercy, for renewing you.
Move back up to your crown chakra and let the divine essences float there, live there, renewing your body and soul. Keep filling your blood stream, your neurons, and your cells with the divine energy. There is a pulsating, glowing light filling your whole being.
When you are ready, come out of your meditation gently. Continue your life in grace.

Note 1: Forgiveness will remove the pain of guilt, but will not lesson the compensation you may need to take care of.
Note 2: Going through the forgiveness meditation, do not push away any specific instances that come up, but don’t linger on them either. Don’t try to bring them up; there is no need for specific detail. Be generous with forgiveness.
Note 3: You can adapt this meditation to fit any quality.

Causes of Anger
Frustration, irritation, or a threat to safety
2. Unfair treatment – real or imagined
3. Offended or endangered beliefs
4. Dissatisfaction with oneself – a need for self‑esteem
5. Exhaustion or chronic fatigue
6. Physical illness – unable to do what you could normally do
7. Restriction of freedoms
8. Some kinds of mental illness

Destructive Anger
Acting out your anger by striking out verbally or physically at others or yourself
2. Denial and repression
3. Anger turned inward results in depression. (But not all depression is the result of anger)
4. Self‑administered drugs and alcohol lead to problems and don’t help you deal with the root causes of the anger.
5. While driving angry you surely would not have driving safely on your mind.

Mitigating Anger
If you feel tired or frustrated and find yourself lashing out at a friend for what may at the time seem like a good enough reason but probably isn’t, stop, explain that you are feeling stressed out and irritable, and then do yourself a favor and take your needed rest.
2. Use words rather than physical violence. When someone is reasonable, even though that person is stressed, he or she is recognized as someone with poise.
3. Talk to a friend or give yourself a good talking to.
4. If the problem involves a relationship, first talk with the person, but if it is serious enough ask a mutual friend to arbitrate.
5. Seek psychiatric or other forms of therapy. You may have a chemical imbalance which needs to be corrected with a change of diet or prescription drugs.
6. Be objective rather than subjective. Focus on the problem and not on the person. Focus on what is of higher importance.
7. Use the anger energy to do something constructive.
8. Get a massage.
9. Give it time by compartmentalizing your anger.
10. Put a wash cloth on your face and the back of your neck.
11. Learn forgiveness. First you must forgive yourself.
12. Say a prayer, meditate.
13. Take a shower, take a walk, read a book, play catch, run around the block, scream, cry, dance.

The Stages of Forgiveness
Decide to forgive
2. Forgive yourself
3. Forgive the other
4. Believe or imagine how the other can forgive you
5. Assume the other has forgiven you
6. Assume the other is forgiving himself or herself
7. Forget it

Observation: Anger is part of danger.

Tip: Forgive yourself and anyone in your past, present, or future. Ask in your heart that they forgive you. Freedom is about clean lines of energy. Blame and grudges block freedom’s flow. Continue positively from where you are.

Bless those who have harmed you or whom you have harmed – real or imagined. Some damage is deep and painful Practice forgiving and it will get easier, so begin with people who are easier to forgive. It may or may not be your responsibility to seek an active resolution to the problem, but at least, in your own mind and heart forgive and set free both the other person and yourself.
Communicate whenever possible. But you have to know (or believe) the other person wants to communicate with you.

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Thorough & Direct

There is a direct connection between what occurs in your consciousness and what occurs in your external life.The Path of Least Resistance, Robert Fritz (1943 -), Entrepreneur, Author

A lot has been said about goal setting. It all begins with a vision. Many will recommend you begin by seeing yourself living your dream. Others will say you need first to define the steps. Both of these are good advice. My version is to see the idea as the ideals you need to embody to become the person who is the original vision. The more Thoroughly you do this, the more Direct will be your route. Then, even it circumstances make you veer from your focused goal, you will be the person you want to be.



Definitions: (1) very exact, accurate, attentive, or painstaking <especially in regard to details>; complete; (2) having full command of an art or talent; (3) executed without negligence or omissions <a thorough search>

Synonyms: absolute, perfect

Compatible Qualities: focused, zealous


Definitions: (1) straight to the goal without deviating; (2) straightforward and to the point; frank; using exact and precise language

Proverb: You need not travel to the moon to get across the street.

Consider the Source

Positive Qualities – Stress Hardy & Voluptuous

From womb to tomb we are bound to others past and present … and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.Cloud Atlas, David Stephen Mitchell (1960-) Author

In the extremes and the opposites we find the balance. We need a bit of stress to help us acquire a Stress Hardy aspect. We also need a bit of an indulgence in the Voluptuous to appreciate the fullness and lavishness of beauty.



Definition: fond of pleasure; sensual; luxurious

            STRESS HARDY

Definition: able to maintain stability when faced with the state of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors tending to alter an existent equilibrium; emotional flexibility

Balancing Qualities: clarity, relaxation, understanding

The mind can go either direction under stress – toward positive or toward negative: on or off. Think of it as a spectrum whose extremes are unconsciousness at the negative end and hyperconsciousness at the positive end. The way the mind will lean under stress is strongly influenced by training. — Frank Herbert (1920-1986) Dune

1. Know your life goals. Decide to concentrate on what is worth being, rather than what is worth having.
2. Stop measuring your life in quantities and begin to think in terms of qualities.
3. Cut back on the “I’ve got to do everything” idea – delegate.
4. Spend some quiet time to read; stare into space.
5. Cultivate a deep friendship.
— Jane Brody (1941 – ) Type “A” Behavior: Don’t Rush Your Life Away
Brody also advises that we cure “hurry sickness” and conquer hostility.

Exercise helps create stress hardiness – all kinds of exercise: physical, emotional (friendship), psychological (reflecting), and spiritual (meditation).
• All qualities are progressive. Compare a current concern to a previous one. Earlier you would have folded, but now it is less of a big deal. It used to be heavy, but now you take it in stride.
• If you are escaping your stress with drugs or alcohol, you are doing so to relax and forget. But you should know your shortcut does not work in the long run. The next time you reach for the temporary solution, do something to move you onto a healthier path.
• There is hard stress and soft stress. What is soft stress to one could be hard stress to another. But you know what you are capable of without too much trouble; and you know what really gets to you. Usually what you think will be hard stress is not too bad once you get into it. Anticipated difficulty is most often worse than the real thing. Soft stress is necessary in developing your quality of stress hardiness. Hard stresses you survive will eventually be good for you too.
• There are real‑life examples of positive qualities under very stressful extremes. Studies done on prisoners of war show the survivors are the people who are the most flexible – people who can assess the situation, eat whatever is available, and do whatever is necessary. The question is where to draw the line. If the decision is survival at all costs, then it would be okay to betray your comrades. The situation dictates the extremes, but the individual dictates the boundaries. This internal/external combination governs whether a normally positive quality is negative, or a normally negative quality is positive.
• In order to measure your individual level of stress hardiness, you need to stare at the edge. The situation can be accumulative, a build‑up of stress; something relatively minor could push you over that edge. On the other hand, if you’re well rested, have a good self‑image, are chemically balanced, healthy, and mature, you may be able to handle even a major blow smoothly.
No one can avoid the difficulties and stresses of life. Nonetheless stress should be managed so you do not get too overwhelmed. Stress, to a greater or lesser degree, is exhilarating and a major player in positive growth. If something is difficult but you are coping, even if you are out of your depth, you are discovering your stress threshold. As you grow, this threshold changes – it expands.
If you are faced with stress beyond your ability, you have no choice but to discover some way to deal with it. You will find you do have some methods. Note what they are and use them to your advantage – even if you dislike them. Until you learn something differently, these methods are all you’ve got. Keep your eyes open and your options varied.

• Forgiveness induces stress hardiness. Somebody being a jerk provokes stress. The greater ability you have to forgive them, the less stress you will feel. If the person is behaving wrongly toward you on purpose, remove yourself from the situation or confront them directly, maybe even legally.
• If your reactions are limited to your defense mechanisms, you are almost required to follow those patterns in nearly all conditions. But if you have an abundance of options to choose from, you can respond more appropriately to individual situations. In order for these multiple options to be of any use, you should develop the presence of mind to choose an alternate action in that crucial split second before your automatic response triggers itself. Expand your repertoire.

Stress Inducers

blame, cruelty, deadlines, fear, guilt, holding grudges, being overwhelmed, pet peeves, pressure (internal or external), regret, resentment, and worry

Stress Reducers
acceptance of people and situations, association with a loyal pet, balance between work and relaxation, creativity, deep breathing, entertainment, exercise, friendliness, goal accomplishment, healthy diet, laughter, love, massage, meditation, musical appreciation, playfulness, positive attitude, REM sleep, removing yourself from the presence of stress, rewarding yourself for progress, romance, sensitive touch, sex, stimulating conversation, stretching, and varying your routine

• The more control you have the more power you feel.
• Stress‑hardy people like a challenge and view difficulty as opportunity.
• Negative stress can be flipped to positive stress when you realize the growth value inherent in the turmoil.
• If you have a noble reason for doing what you’re doing, you will be highly motivated. Stress, then, becomes more acceptable. Committed people do what they like to do, and do something about the stress they experience.

Symbol: water off a duck’s back

Consider the Source