A Few Fascinating Things About Isaac Newton

The first universal law of nature that was ever discovered by a human was found by Newton. That law is as follows: if you double the distance between two objects, the attraction between them becomes four times weaker. This idea, in itself, doesn’t mean much to most people, but with this idea, you will always know your gravitational position wherever you go. This formulation serves all researchers and scientists today when they try to figure out problems concerning motion.

What’s so astonishing is that Newton figured out this idea back in 1666 when he was only 23 years old.

One of the other laws Newton came up with explained so many things. For-instance, one of his laws explained the slosh and roll of the ocean tides, the motions of the planets, why cannonballs track a particular trajectory before thudding back to the Earth, why we aren’t flung into space as the planet spins beneath us. For your information, the earth is spinning at a rate of 1,000 miles per hour. Just think of driving in an airplane at 500 mph; now double that.

He also came up with the idea that the earth is not the round ball we all think it is. As a matter of fact, the earth bulges at the equator and flattens at the poles.
This man came up with so many new ideas that have held true right through to today. He was a true genius. And all this happened back in the 1660’s.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at www.OpenTable.fun You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.