
Definitions: (1) clearly and effectively presented or expressed <an articulate argument>; lucid; (2) a well formulated thought particularly well stated <no doubt of the meaning in another mind>; perspicuous; (3) a precise ability to put all of the appropriate pieces together in their correct positions

Synonyms: eloquent, oratorical

When articulation is impossible, gesticulation comes to the rescue. — William Lewis Safire (1929–2009) American author & journalist
• The man who can articulate the movements of his inner life need no longer be a victim of himself, but is able slowly and consistently to remove the obstacles that prevent the spirit from entering. — Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen (1932–1996) Dutch Catholic theologian

Symbol: an orator


Definition: attracting wanted attention or interest; striking; impressive

Derivation: Latin, “to remain or stop”

• Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. — Greg David Anderson (1961-) Australian Anglican bishop
• I can think of no other experience quite like that of being 20 or so pages into a book and realizing that this is the real thing: a book that is going to offer the delicious promise of a riveting story, arresting language, and characters that will haunt me for days. — Anita Hale Shreve (1946–2018) American novelist


Definitions: (1) emotional warmth <he pursues his study with ardor>; (2) intense feeling; fervent; (3) deeply devoted; zealous; (4) a bright spirit

Derivation: Latin, “to burn”

Quote: Virtue demands the active employment of an ardent mind in the promotion of the general good. No man can be eminently virtuous who is not accustomed to an extensive range of reflection. — William Godwin (1756–1836) English philosopher & novelist

Prayer: God forgive me if I do wrong in following with ardor the strongest instincts of my nature. — Julia Ward Howe (1819–1910) American author and poet


Definitions: (1) to have <and particularly express> a favorable attitude or opinion; (2) to be pleased with; to think or declare something or someone to be good or satisfactory; (3) to commend; endorse; sanction

Synonyms: accrediting, admiring, authorizing, certifying, consenting, promoting, ratifying, supportive

What is a kiss? Why this, as some approve: The sure, sweet cement, glue, and lime of love. — Robert Herrick (1591-1674) English poet & cleric
What do you call love, hate, charity, revenge, humanity, magnanimity, forgiveness … different results of the one master impulse, the necessity of securing one’s self-approval. — Mark Twain [born Samuel Clemens] (1835-1910) American humorist


Definitions: (1) to do exactly what is required under the circumstances; (2) especially suitable or relevant to a situation; (3) fit or proper; compatible <particularly with relationships>

Synonyms: adapted, apt, becoming, congruous, , pertinent, particular

Quote: I shall now recall to mind that the motion of the heavenly bodies is circular, since the motion appropriate to a sphere is rotation in a circle. — Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543) Polish Renaissance polymath [eight disciplines]

Comment: “To do exactly what is required under the circumstances” may be something very bizarre if you’re a prisoner in a concentration camp, a kid in the ghetto, or even a housewife in the suburbs. But as long as you are sincere and conscious of doing the best thing, then you are making a choice, and you are acting in your right mind.


Definitions: (1) The ability of The Creator to be close to His creation; to be intimate with every creature; (2) Potential for both The Creator and the created to move toward each other; (3) Possible for the created to emulate The Creator in character or quality; (4) Having easy and open access; friendly; (5) Able to be appreciated; (6) Able to be contacted; findable; (7) Worthy of being prayed to

• Several qualities attributed to God are His only in relation to others. God is accessible to his family of created beings. We exist. He exists. He wants the best for us; therefore, He has designed the universe so we can choose to approach His perfection.
• Considering the infinite distance, we have to go, the best we can do in this lifetime in our attempt to approach God is to face the right direction. He does everything He can to help us find Him. No matter how close to The Absolute we may get, there will always be an absolute distance to go.


Definitions: (1) value or esteem for others; (2) conscious of the significance, desirability, or quality of a person or their deeds; (3) discriminating perception and enjoyment of aesthetic values; (4) expressing admiration, approval, or grateful acknowledgment; (5) keenly sensible of or sensitive to; intuitive awareness; (6) exercising wise judgment, delicate discernment, or keen insight in recognizing worth
     See also: Giving

Synonyms: cherished, prized, relished, treasured, understood

Balancing Quality: Respectable

• Be prepared to appreciate what you meet. — Frank Patrick Herbert Jr. (1920-1986) Dune
• By appreciation, we make excellence in others our property. — François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778) French philosopher

• Tell the people you love, you appreciate them.
• Recognize the compliment your friends give you by including you in their lives.

Admonition: Appreciate the plants and animals. They share and give up their lives so you can live. Respect the living energy sustaining you.

• Appreciation enhances experience. One feels an experience all the more deeply when one appreciates it, especially when shared with a friend.
• If you appreciate something, it is likely someone else does too. Keep that in mind if you like a clean park and are wondering what to do with your trash.

Exercise: Make a list of those things you appreciate: the smell of clean air, the beauty of a flower, the diversity of nature, the good people in your life, and the sunrise and sunset on the walls of the Grand Canyon.


Definitions: (1) value or esteem for others; (2) conscious of the significance, desirability, or quality of a person or their deeds; (3) discriminating perception and enjoyment of aesthetic values; (4) expressing admiration, approval, or grateful acknowledgment; (5) keenly sensible of or sensitive to; intuitive awareness; (6) exercising wise judgment, delicate discernment, or keen insight in recognizing worth
     See also: Giving

Synonyms: cherished, prized, relished, treasured, understood

Balancing Quality: Respectable

• Be prepared to appreciate what you meet. — Frank Patrick Herbert Jr. (1920-1986) Dune {1965}
• By appreciation, we make excellence in others our property. — François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire (1694-1778) French philosopher

• Tell the people you love, you appreciate them.
• Recognize the compliment your friends give you by including you in their lives.

Admonition: Appreciate the plants and animals. They share and give up their lives so you can live. Respect the living energy sustaining you.

• Appreciation enhances experience. One feels an experience all the more deeply when one appreciates it, especially when shared with a friend.
• If you appreciate something, it is likely someone else does too. Keep that in mind if you like a clean park and are wondering what to do with your trash.

Exercise: Make a list of those things you appreciate: the smell of clean air, the beauty of a flower, the diversity of nature, the good people in your life, and the sunrise and sunset on the walls of the Grand Canyon.


Definition: stimulating or tempting to the [physical, mental, or spiritual] appetite; tasty

• Our plans never turn out as tasty as reality. — Baba Ram Dass [born Richard Alpert] (1931-2019) American spiritual teacher
• The soul that journeys to God, but doesn’t shake off it’s cares and quiet it’s appetites, is like someone who drags a cart of dirt uphill. — Juan de Yepes y Álvarez [Saint John of the Cross] (1542-1591) Spanish priest & mystic


Definitions: (1) to make quiet or calm; to pacify or soothe; (2) to conciliate <especially by giving in to demands>

Derivation: Latin, “at peace”

Quote: You cannot appease fascism by meeting it in the middle; you cannot beat racism by indulging or excusing it. — Mehdi Raza Hasan (1979-) British-American broadcaster

Reflection: There are various appropriate ways to appease a baby or a small child. All parents learn this the hard way. A fussy child is a harsh teacher. But however the child is treated they bring those lessons on into their adult life.

Consideration: One cannot appease a wrathful God simply because there is no wrath in God.