Definitions: (1) asserting conclusively; (2) confirming with reasonable proof; (3) making a positive statement; validating
Synonyms: asseverative, assuring, attest, aver, avouching, declarative, ratifying
Balancing Quality: thankful
• I will act as if I make a difference. — William James (1842-1910) American psychologist and philosopher
• An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so. — Shakti Gawain (1948-) American inspirational author
• I am (name your desired quality), and I am growing in understanding of (this quality) as I continue to live it.
• I am a lovable person. I have the right to say “no” to people without losing their love. — Leonard Orr (1938-) American teacher
Observation: You can read your environment, it is giving you feedback. I used to think that Native Americans used to think <Oh, there goes a crow. That means something.> Now, I know, from my own experience, that when I’m thinking something, what I see – the crow – shows up to affirm my thought while I’m thinking about it. — Gerard “Jerry” Vincent Hubert Downs (1949-) American photographer & writer
• Affirmations help you stay focused on the positive.
• The key to affirmations is to let your higher self, your cosmic identity, do the talking. Transfer the seat of consciousness from the ego-self to your soul-self.
Applying the technique of autosuggestion to affirmations:
1. Write each affirmation ten to twenty times.
2. Work with one or more affirmation every day until they become part of your consciousness: at the start of the day, just before bed, whenever you feel the need.
3. Record your affirmations on tape multiple times and play them back to yourself.
4. Make a list of your most meaningful affirmations.
5. Put specific names and situations into your affirmations.
6. Make your affirmation personal and invent new ones.
7. Say the affirmations in the first, second, and third persons.
— Adapted from The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity {1962} by Catherine Ponder (1927-)
Symbols: 1) the column; 2) yes [nodding the head up and down]