
Definitions: (1) receiving <especially compliments> with good grace and a gracious demeanor; (2) receiving with a consenting mind or willing satisfaction; (3) accepting with gratifying pleasure; (4) submitting or agreeing to an idea or a proposal; (5) understanding as true; (6) a pleasing person; agreeably civil; (7) admittance or approval <accepted as part of the group>

Synonyms: admit, grateful, welcome, unobjectionable

Familial Quality: popular

Quote: When you really know somebody, you can’t hate them. Or maybe it’s just that you can’t really know them until you stop hating them. — Orson Scott Card (1951-) Speaker for the Dead {1986}

Reflection: They say in order to receive God’s grace all one has to do is accept it. This is true, but the manner of acceptance is not passive; it is active. What you are receiving is love, and to continue the current you must let it flow through you. You are not just a vessel but a conduit.

Tip: The giver can also think about helping the accepter accept, usually by understanding how to explain or emote acceptance.

Advice: Even though it is often a sign of acceptance, silence is usually a sign of thoughtfulness – or reluctance to express an opinion. Elicit a response. Verbal declaration is important.


Definitions: (1) marked by great plenty, ample supply; (2) fully sufficient; abounding; (3) brimming; overflowing

Synonyms: affluent, copious, exuberant, prodigious, rich, wealth

Parental Quality: faith

Quote: Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed like one of these. — Jesus of Nazareth (7 BC-30 AD) The Bible, Matthew 6:28–29

Affirmation: All financial doors are open; all financial channels are free, and endless bounty now comes to me. — Catherine Ponder (1927-) American Minister, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity {1962}

Advice: Forgive yourself and others in order to move forward with confidence. Blame and malice are burdens holding a place in your mind and heart that could be filled with the expectant openness necessary for abundance.

Symbols: 1) vegetation; 2) a big mountain (Native American); 3) fuchsia flowers

Mythological Place: The Land of Cockaigne: An imaginary country where all good things are to be had for the taking.

Mythological Figure: Amalthea, the “tender goddess” [foster-mother of Zeus]

Mythological Object: Cornucopia – the horn of plenty. Zeus, grateful for Amalthea’s nursing, broke off the horn of a goat and endowed it with the power to be filled with whatever the possessor desires.


Definition: straightforward, honest; without deception; not concealed, in open sight

Derivation: From the difficulty of cheating at cards when the hands are above the table.

Saying: above suspicion

• We aim above the mark to hit the mark. — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American philosopher
• Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me. — Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) Prussian philosopher


Definitions: (1) having sufficient power, strength, or skill to accomplish something; (2) having or exhibiting superior abilities, intelligence, knowledge, talent, or competence; (3) having sufficient fortitude, vigor, or qualifications to proceed with a project or toward a goal

Synonyms: apt, capable, effective, efficient, qualified

Compatible Quality: bedazzle (with outstanding ability)

• It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. — Aristotle (384-322 bc) Greek philosopher
• Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. — Desmond Tutu (1931-2021) South African Anglican bishop and theologian

Visualization: When you are able to call to mind all good things, you will more likely be
able to allay your fear,
able to assuage your distress,
able to ask for what is needed,
able to endure until times are better,
able to buck up under harsh conditions,
able to discern poetry in common existence.

• What can I do?
• What are my talents?
• What are my dreams?
• What do I appreciate?
• What do I know instinctively?


Definitions: (1) bearing patiently; tolerant; (2) enduring or sustaining; withstanding; (3) stable <an abiding love>; (4) prepared; (5) compliant

Synonyms: changeless, continuing, durable, enduring, lasting, steadfast

… and You, still as constant as the Summit
With all your magic rising beside me
Holding out your hand to catch everything I am
And am not quite yet.
     — Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio (1993-) Hawaiian poet

Quote: Remember that life’s length is not measured by its hours and days, but by that which we have done therein. A useless life is short if it lasts a century. There are greater and better things in us all, if we would find them out. … The day will come when light and truth, and the just and the good shall be victorious; and evil will be no more forever. — Walter Breuning (1896-2011) Oldest American-born man [as of 2023] <114 years, 205 days>

Symbol: the elephant {Long-lived}


Divine Definitions: (1) The supporter and sustainer of all reality; the conservator; (2) The protector and preserver of life; the maintainer; (3) Ever watchful; vigilant and alert; (4) Able to give undivided attention to every atom, person, idea, system, and relationship in the universe; (5) The one who lifts up; the one who prevents falling or failing; (6) Willing to stand with us against all odds

Comment: Having given us free will, He will not prevent our slipping if we so choose. But He, and all of His friends and agents, are supportive until we understand His way is the right way.

Human Definition: having integrity; upright; honorable; straightforward

• Get up, stand up. Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up. Don’t give up the fight. — Bob Marley (1945–1981) Jamaican songwriter
• Always tell young people to hold on to their dreams. Sometimes you have to stand up for what you think is right even if you have to stand alone. — Claudette Colvin (1939-) American Civil rights pioneer

Symbol: a tall tree


Definitions: (1) All of the whole; cosmic; (2) All-reaching; (3) Related to all; the Universal Solus; (4) Covering all space, mind, time, influence, and personalities completely; (5) Adaptable to all situations; applicable to all beings; (6) Intended to be used by everyone; comprehensive; (7) Differential infinity unified; the Universal Absolute

Quote: Men are forced into strange fancies by attempting to measure the whole universe by means of their own scale. We should thereby suffer … the fact that we are always becoming something new. — Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de’ Galilei (1564-1642) Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer

Comment: The attitude of love is universally true.

Human Definitions: (1) the desire of an individual to give other points of view a respectful hearing; (2) cooperative unity <especially among churches and religious denominations>; (3) finding the universality within the diversity of an organization; cooperation among divergent groups

Derivation: Greek, “inhabiting the earth”

• In the fellowship of the kingdom there shall be neither Jew nor gentile, rich nor poor, free nor bond, man nor woman. — Jesus of Nazareth (7 BC-30 AD)
• To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter… to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird’s nest or a wildflower in spring – these are some of the rewards of the simple life. — John Burroughs (1837–1921) American naturalist

Comment: This quality is often misunderstood as proselytizing your religion to others. When it is used that way, the other person feels like they are being forced into accepting something which they have not digested yet. The more positive view is to first respect, if not understand, the other’s current grasp of reality, and then offer yours with the hope they can glean some good from it. Reflecting on their corner of reality will also most likely give you some new piece of information to add to your own growing picture. No one has all of the answers. There is always room for enhancement.


Divine Definitions: (1) Perfect integration and continuity of the original plan and singular Divine purpose; holistic; (2) In complete agreement; of one sentiment; (3) In accord; having one objective: loving service; (4) Changelessness of intent; versatility and unanimity in action; (5) The total greater than the sum of its parts; (6) Exceptionally well thought out; inclusive of all for all time; (7) Unable to be improved upon; undiluted; undivided

• When God assesses Himself in His infinite realm, He recognizes One Being. Think of a giant clear bubble made of a series of perfectly incorporated inner-spheres. Each one is a different aspect of Deity. From the inside we look out and up and see many phases. From the outside He experiences Himself, with all of His facets, as Unity.
• We know God is a single and unified Being. Yet when we look at Him from our finite state, we see Him expressing Himself in all of His differing manifestations. There is simply too much God for us to take into mind as an infinite whole; we see only some of His parts. It will take a long time for us to investigate, and try to integrate, them all. The key to this integration is our personal incorporation of qualitative values. We have to be more valuable in order to see more value.

Human Definitions: (1) to act as one; in concert; (2) being in agreement; in harmony; (3) the totality of components; a person who has brought together their complex parts into a systematic whole

• He who experiences the unity of life, sees his own self in all beings, and all beings in his own self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye. — The Bhagavad-Gita, VI,29 (Written ~ 400 BC-400 AD) {Published 1944}
• Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations. What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe? — Stephen William Hawking (1942–2018) English theoretical physicist


Divine Definitions: (1) Reality without prior source; self-existent; (2) The primal being in existence before the beginning; not created; (3) Self-caused reality; the initiator; (4) Never beginning but lasting forever; self-perpetuated; (5) The genesis of reality; self-generative; (6) The first cause producing original (and consequently all subsequent) effects

Quote: The concept of the I AM is a philosophic concession which we make to the time-bound, space-fettered, finite mind of man, to the impossibility of creature comprehension of eternity existences—nonbeginning, nonending realities and relationships. To the time-space creature, all things must have a beginning save only the ONE UNCAUSED—the primeval cause of causes. (0:3,23) — The Urantia Book {1995}

Comment: There is great value in pondering the unponderable when it has to do with God because something is always revealed, some new insight is realized. The deepest mysteries remain hidden but the act of seeking is the key to discovery. Since what is to be discovered is limitless and because the source is extravagantly generous, the revelation of some piece of the puzzle is always forthcoming.

Human Definitions: (1) first in order; preceding all others; the beginning; (2) arising or proceeding independently; inventive; novel; (3) thinking or acting in an individual or creative manner

• A mind that’s afraid to toy with the ridiculous will never come up with the brilliantly original.— Glen David Brin (1950 -) Brightness Reef {1995}
• The story of man’s ascent from seaweed to the lordship of earthly creation is indeed a romance of biologic struggle and mind survival. Man’s primordial ancestors were literally the slime and ooze of the ocean bed in the sluggish and warm-water bays and lagoons of the vast shore lines of the ancient inland seas. (65:2.1) — The Urantia Book {1955}


Divine Definitions: (1) The Manager of all cosmic forces; controller; (2) The ruling authority over all others; all-prevailing; omniprevalent; (3) Holding the reins of power; in charge; (4) Responsible for His followers; master; lord; (5) Influential in the hearts of His subjects; tactful; (6) Possessing overshadowing virtue; minister; (7) Uninfluenced by bargaining; indomitable

Synonyms: commander, governor, leader, master, monarch, overcontroller, supervisor

Comment: We are sovereign over our own (God given) free will choices. God is sovereign over all else.

Human Definitions: (1) mental or emotional restraint exercised over one’s own impulses, emotions, or desires especially in the face of self-described negative temptations; (2) able to curtail one’s own appetites <especially restraint in order to keep within (social or moral) bounds>; (3) exercising authority over one’s self or others; in command

Compatible Quality: self-forgetful

Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice;
Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgment.
— William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Hamlet {1603}

• Rare is the person who can weigh the faults of others without putting his thumb on the scales. — Byron Joseph Langenfeld (1909-1996) American humorist
• Human nature is complex. Even if we do have inclinations toward violence, we also have inclination to empathy, to cooperation, to self-control. — Steven Arthur Pinker (1954-) Canadian-American cognitive psychologist & psycholinguist

• You cannot control the facts of the past. But you can control your attitude toward the facts of the past. You can control your attitude and judgment about the present and what you will do in the future. You cannot control what other people do, or how they think, or who they are. You can influence them, but only if they are willing or susceptible to your example or power.
     Recognize what you actually have control over and what you do not have control of. It is useless to try to control what is not yours to control.
• There is also negative control: fear, torture, sleep deprivation, threats of harm to loved ones, threats of loss of job, or loss of life. If one is to encompass the positive aspects of control one needs to persuade with logic, emotion, spiritual flavor, experience, love, nurturing to help others recognize their own values and move forward at their own pace.
     Christ suggested we love our enemies. If we do, we will help them get in touch with their divine selves, just as we would our friends. We find ourselves within an evolutionary process. Progress is truer if it is focused on the positive. Negative pressure forces warped growth. Besides, people usually put enough negative pressure upon themselves.

Comment: Let go of the part fear plays in your growing process. As you change from a material to a spiritual being, you are relinquishing control of the physical in favor of cooperation with the Spirit; thus growing your soul.

Consideration: Laws, morals, and family rules do have influence in shaping an individual’s choices, but in the end the individual makes their own final choice.

Observation: The person asking the questions is in control of the conversation.

Symbol: the chariot