
Definition: the intentional exercise of freewill; one’s deliberate choice resulting in voluntary action; volitional

Derivation: Middle English, “full of <free> will”

Balancing Qualities: Open-minded, Respect for others

Parental Quality: conscious

Too Far: obstinate, stubborn

• All variety of created objects which represent order and life in the universe could happen only by the willful reasoning of its original Creator. — Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1727) English polymath [eight disciplines]
• I don’t have any control over what actually happens except for that I have full control over my will for myself, my intention, and why I’m there. That’s all that matters. — Solána Imani Rowe [aka SZA] (1989-) American singer-songwriter

Symbols: 1) music; 2) the sun


Definition: (1) showing devoted commitment, earnest enthusiasm, directed determination, or sincere and energetic focus; (2) dedicated to an ideal over a long time; loyal; whole-souled

• A man who always speaks the truth wholeheartedly is greater than those who do penance and deeds of charity. — Thiruvalluvar [aka: Valluvar] (c. 31 BC) Indian poet & philosopher
• Moral acts are those human performances which are characterized by the highest intelligence, directed by selective discrimination in the choice of superior ends as well as in the selection of moral means to attain these ends. Such conduct is virtuous. Supreme virtue, then, is wholeheartedly to choose to do the will of the Father in heaven. (16:7.10) — The Urantia Book {1955}


Definitions: (1) promoting or conducive to good health, mental vitality, or well-being; vigorous; sound; (2) tending to improve the mind or morals

Compatible Quality: homey

• Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint. — Daniel Webster (1782-1852) American lawyer and statesman
• The first condition of education is being able to put someone to wholesome and meaningful work. — John Ruskin (1819–1900) English polymath [eight disciplines]

Symbol: bread


Definitions: (1) able to communicate with grace, kindness, or propriety; articulate; (2) civil; courteous; (3) having the ability to converse with ease; quick-minded

Proverb: The great man is not he who takes a city or overthrows a nation, but rather he who subdues his own tongue.

• Good English, well spoken and well written, will open more doors than a college degree… Bad English will slam doors you don’t even know exist. — William Raspberry (1935-2012) American syndicated columnist
• The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty, and goodness. — Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-born theoretical physicist

Comment: It can often be a greater kindness not to speak.


Definition: (1) acting with playful humor; (2) demonstrating eccentric creativity; (3) spontaneous, fanciful, and imaginative inventiveness

Compatible Qualities: changeable, rascally

If you’re alive, kick into drive. Chase whimsies. See if you can turn dreams into a way to make a living, if not an entire way of life. — Kevin Patrick Smith (1970-) American filmmaker
• We find in the history of ideas mutations which do not seem to correspond to any obvious need, and at first sight appear as mere playful whimsies such as Apollonius’ work on conic sections, or the non-Euclidean geometries, whose practical value became apparent only later. — Arthur Koestler (1905–1983) Hungarian-born author & journalist


Definitions: (1) in sound health; not diseased or injured; unimpaired; (2) intact; not broken, damaged, or defective; (3) containing all elements or parts; entire; complete

Quote: An act is not, as young men think, like a rock that one picks up and throws, and it hits or misses, and that’s the end of it. When that rock is lifted, the earth is lighter; the hand that bears it heavier. When it is thrown, the circuits of the stars respond, and where it strikes or falls the universe is changed. On every act the balance of the whole depends. … Having intelligence, we must not act in ignorance. Having choice, we must not act without responsibility. — Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018) The Farthest Shore {1972}

Reflection: As the individual grows in grace and wisdom, they help the Whole to become more complete. As the Whole is evolving to its ideal, it helps the individual to become more perfect. It all works together. Thus, things eventually become more ordered and less chaotic.

Observation: A net is a group of (w)holes tied together with string.

Actively function in all aspects of life.
• Appreciation
• Art, Creation
• Education, Teaching, Learning
• Emotional
• Job, Career
• Mental gymnastics
• Nature
• Physical exercises
• Playfulness, Relaxation
• Relationships
• Spiritual

Symbols: 1) the ring; 2) the globe; 3) the wheel; 4) the peacock; 5) the bracelet; 6) the pomegranate {Unity with Diversity} [many seeds contained in one sphere]

Mythological Figure:
Woman, in the picture language of mythology, represents the totality of what can be known. — Joseph John Campbell (1904-1987) The Hero with a Thousand Faces {1949}

Mythological Object: Yggdrasil, in Scandinavian mythology, is a huge ash tree whose roots and branches hold together the universe.


Definitions: (1) having a purpose in mind; (2) willing to convey, with clear focus and good intent, one’s sincere truth; (3) what is clearly in mind, both included and excluded; (4) logical and straightforward; (4) well-wisher <a person who desires or expressed happiness or success for another>
     See also: Purposeful

• I want to go places where there are really well-meaning people doing work that is interesting and seems to really matter and where everybody, at least once a day, have a really good laugh. — Christine “Tina” Elizabeth Smith (1958-) American politician & businesswoman
• Smart, well-meaning people get it wrong when they start believing that the world owes them something and that the rules are different for them. — Guy Takeo Kawasaki (1954-) American marketing specialist
     Note: Every positive quality can benefit from a little help from other positive qualities.


Definition: one who loves literature; well-educated; well-informed

Derivation: The word encyclopedia comes from the Greek meaning “well-rounded.”

• I was reading the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything. — Steven Alexander Wright (1955-) American stand-up comedian & actor
• Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. — Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) English philosopher & statesman

Symbols: 1) any book; 2) a library

Mythological Figure: Nebo, the god of science and literature in Babylonian mythology; also the god of prophecy


Definitions: (1) carefully observant; vigilant; attentive <especially with parental care>; cautious; diligent; awake; aware; (2) guarding against danger; (3) alert to opportunity; (4) mentally informed; (5) acting with discretion; self-observant; self-restrained

• More firm and sure the hand of courage strikes, when it obeys the watchful eye of caution. — James Thomson (1834-1882) Scottish poet & playwright
• Be ever watchful for the opportunity to shelter little children with the umbrella of your charity; be generous to their schools, their hospitals, and their places of worship. For, as they must bear the burdens of our mistakes, so are they in their innocence the repositories of our hopes for the upward progress of humanity. — Conrad Nicholson Hilton (1187-1979) American businessman

Symbol: eyes

Mythological Figure: Argus, a Greek mythological giant had a hundred eyes and was ever watchful. After he was killed by Hermes, the god Hera set his eyes into the tail of the peacock.


Definitions: (1) sound in body and mind; healthy; (2) having reasonable propriety; just; right; (3) expertly accomplished; skillful; complete; done with close attention <well done>; thorough; (4) abundant; prosperous; fortunate; comfortable <His investments did well.>; (5) with a high degree of pleasure or approval; (6) the proper or satisfactory treatment of a person, thing, or situation; in a kindly or friendly manner; (7) to accept in good grace; (8) behaving in a moral manner; commendable; with merit; (9) a reservoir of feelings and emotions; (10) elegantly <She carries herself well.>

Music: When Peace Like a River {1873}
When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to know
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
— Horatio Gates Spafford (1828-1888) American lawyer & church elder

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. — Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar (1926-2021) American motivational speaker
• Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. — Lou Leo Holtz (1937-) American football coach & analyst

Symbol: sunflowers