
Definitions: (1) constant, firm, persevering, or determined; tenacious; (2) resolutely supportive; faithful, loyal

• He always stands by his decisions: what is right is right, even if it hurts or later turns out to be wrong. — Nina George (1973-) The Little Paris Bookshop {2013}
• The rewards of tomorrow are safely hidden in the belief of never quitting and not giving up on yourself today. ― Johnnie Dent Jr. (~1960’s-) American author

Observation: Antidotes to Disappointment
• A sense of humor
• Faith in what you are doing
• Learning from information given
• Adjusting your plan to circumstances

Inspiration: Terry Fox (1958-1981) ran 3,339 miles across Canada in 1980 raising $25 million for cancer research, even though he had one artificial leg lost to cancer. — Ann Donegan Johnson (~1930’s-?) The Value of Facing a Challenge: The Story of Terry Fox {1983}


Definition: characterizes one who encourages others to growth; rousing to greater activity; (2) exciting the senses or emotions; stirring

Compatible Quality: inspiration
     Note: You are inspired to begin or continue with enthusiasm if you are stimulated by some force, outside or inside, that is powerfully valuable to you.

• A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates innovation, and encourages perseverance. —  Gary P. Hamel (1954-) American management consultant
• Every society needs people who can encourage and stimulate and cheer. They are the ones who make the world run. — Richard Marvin DeVos (1926-2018) American businessman

Colors: magenta, yellow


Definitions: (1) like a star; brilliant; (2) outstanding; a superstar

Motto: Through difficulties to the stars. — British Royal Air Force

Quote: When one has been touched by the stellar power and ethereal playing of a sublime musician, one is lifted, if only briefly, to a place beyond the realm of the temporal. — Paul John Keating (1944-) Australian politician, 24th Prime Minister


Definition: firm, constant, or resolute in mind, purpose, pursuit, or principle; controlled and stable

Compatible Quality: dependable

Adage: Slow and steady wins the race. — Aesop (c 620–564 BC) Greek fabulist
     Note: To win the race one also needs to be clear-eyed, prepared, and systematic.


Definition: conforming to excellent quality, value, or standard <a sterling reputation>; genuine purity

Quote: Propriety is a rigid master, but one that must be obeyed if one wants to keep a sterling reputation. — Lawana Blackwell (1952-) American author


Definition: holding tightly to a principle; steady and steadfast; constant and consistent

Compatible Qualities: good listener, open-minded

Familial Qualities: faithful, loyal

Quote: My mum raised me in a home without mirrors. She’s a staunch feminist and wanted us to know that what we look like is the least interesting thing about us. — Claudia Anna Irena Winkleman (1972-) English writer & journalist

Comment: Staunch has been attached to all manner of persuasions. Unfortunately, it also carries the stigma of ‘My way or the highway.’ Keep it civil and polite so as to change the narrative. All attitudes do contain positive traits.


Definitions: (1) well established; (2) firmly fixed in faith; dedicated; (3) devotion to duty; resolute; (4) not fickle or wavering; loyal

Derivation: Old English, “to stand fast (stable)”

Too Far: stubborn

Quote: There is only one reason that you ever fail at anything, and that is because you eventually change your mind. — Victor Lemonte Wooten (1964-) American Bassist & Author


Definitions: (1) majestic in mien or manner; lofty, (2) dignified elegance

Synonyms: elevated, grand, imposing, lordly, magnificent, proud

Quote: Redwood time moves at a more stately pace than human time. To us, when we look at a redwood tree, it seems to be motionless and still, and yet redwoods are constantly in motion, moving upward into space, articulating themselves and filling redwood space over redwood time, over thousands of years. — Richard Preston (1954-) American writer

Comment: When you attend a formal occasion (whether funeral of state dinner) present yourself with appropriate stately decorum.

Definitions: (1) one versed in the principles or art of government; (2) one actively engaged in conducting the business of a government or in shaping its policies; (3) a wise, skillful, and respected leader serving in the public interest.

Quote: The art of statesmanship is to foresee the inevitable and to expedite its occurrence. — Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand (1754–1838) French statesman


Definitions: (1) well-proportioned beauty; stately; (2) showing poise and dignity; graceful

Quote: Life comes before literature, as the material always comes before the work. The hills are full of marble before the world blooms with statues. — Phillips Brooks (1835–1893) American clergyman & author
    Note: There are three statues of Rev. Brooks in Boston – one of them is marble.

Comment: The minimum requirements of a statuesque person are tall, healthy, proportionate, and presenting an attitude of surety. If you fall short on any of these, smile and be kind.


Definitions: (1) not easily moved or thrown off balance; not likely to break down, fall apart, or give way; steady; fixed; (2) firm in character, purpose, or resolution; steadfast; stalwart; (3) enduring or possibly permanent; long lasting; firm; solid; (4) capable of returning to equilibrium or original position after having been displaced; flexible; (5) full of composure; self-possessed; self-sufficient; staid <soberly respectable but primly unadventurous>

Balancing Qualities: Adventuresome, Changeable, Lively

Too Far: stagnant

Quote: Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads. — Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) American author

Reflection: We hold on to our old selves while allowing our new selves to grow around the old. We are like coral, where the old is the structure upon which the new growth of life is active. The old self is a record of what we have chosen. The only you that is alive and vibrant is the new you. The past is the structure upon which we rely for stability. We know ourselves by who we have been, and yet we are not our past structure any more than we are our body.

Symbols: 1) the cube; 2) the number four