
Definitions: (1) clearly articulated and intelligible; (2) logically connected; (3) in natural agreement; harmonious

Synonyms: consistent, related, united

• Meditation makes the entire nervous system go into a field of coherence. — Deepak Chopra (1946-) Indian-American author
When you build a thing, you cannot merely build that thing in isolation, but must repair the world around it, and within it, so that the larger world at that one place becomes more coherent, and more whole; and the thing which you make takes its place in the web of nature, as you make it. — Christopher Wolfgang John Alexander (1936–2022) Austrian-born British-American architect


Divine Definitions: (1) Available for service; (2) Rendering assistance; mediating; (3) Making the way clearer; guiding; (4) Aiding in the growth of an individual; fostering; (5) Supportive toward the Divinely Objective; sustaining; cooperative; (6) Improving all conditions; ministering; (7) Provident; (8) Elevating the mind to beneficial ideas and ideals

Comment: We can moderate our attitudes and behavior by asking for help, as in prayer. God will help in every way possible but He will not interfere in our personal choice process. The type of help received may be surprising, but in retrospect it will always be completely confirmed as wise and lovingly helpful. Prayer opens up the mind to sublime thinking often resulting in practical insight.

Question: Why is nature so ingeniously, one might even say suspiciously, friendly to life? What do the laws of physics care about life and consciousness that they should conspire to make a hospitable universe? It’s almost as if a Grand Designer had it all figured out. — Paul Charles William Davies (1946-) English physicist

Human Definitions: (1) willing to, or actually rendering aid or assistance; giving useful service; ministering (2) aiding in the growth of each individual; fostering; (3) supportive toward an objective; sustaining; cooperative; (4) elevating the mind toward beneficial ideas and ideals

Compatible Quality: friendly

Saying: If someone comes to you asking for help, do not say in refusal, “Trust in God. God will help you.” Rather, act as if there is no God, and no one to help except you. — Hasidic

• One has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help. — Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) 16th President of the United States
• Like the blind man standing on the corner waiting for somebody to lead him across; all of us, at some point in our lives, need some help. — Joseph “Smokin’ Joe” william Frazier (1944-2011) American boxer

Parable: There was a preacher who believed in God’s help. Now his church was in danger from the rising waters of a flood. When it was time for evacuation, he made sure all of his parishioners got to safety, and went back into the church. The police came in a squad car demanding it is time to go, but he refused, saying, “I will put my faith in God. He will save me.” Later he was on the second story of the church with the water rising fast. Another rescue squad came in a boat to pick him up, but he refused them also, saying, “Thank you kindly, but I am not leaving. God will save me.” Finally, with the raging waters all around him, he had to get out on the roof and hold onto the steeple. A National Guard helicopter arrived to save him, but again he turned them down, saying, “God will help me.” Well, the preacher was drowned. When he got to heaven, he asked God why he didn’t help him in his time of need. God said, “What do you mean? I sent you a car, a boat, and a helicopter!”

Tip: Simply be willing to be helpful and you will have the opportunity. Albeit some folks need to constrain their willingness so as not to be pushy about helping where it is unwanted or unwarranted.


Divine Definitions: (1) God is the source of authenticity; genuine; (2) In accord with reality; (3) The ideal of fundamental veracity; (4) Imparting true meaning; forthright; (5) Reliably certain; accurate; (6) Dependably exact; precise; (7) Sincere; upright; (8) Reflecting the essential character of the teacher; (9) Definitively logical; honest

Saying: The truth shall set you free.
     Note: Facts are uniform and static. Truth is flexible and living. Seek the truth and you will be rewarded with continual progress.

Human Definitions: (1) the quality of being in accordance with or conforming to actual experience, facts, and reality; (2) the ideal of fundamental objective reality apart from and transcending perceived experience; (3) subjective existence portrayed to oneself or to others with honesty, integrity, and veracity; (4) expressing sincerity in action, character, and utterance; forthright; (5) in agreement with a common standard or a collective idea; (6) reliably certain; accurate; (7) dependably exact; precise
     Note: Higher nature in Sanskrit is called satchitananda: sat = truth, chit = conscious, and ananda = bliss.

Synonyms: genuine, logical, upright

Compatible Quality: tact

• Truth is mighty and will prevail.
• Truth conquers all things.

He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy
He who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in Eternity’s sun rise. — William Blake (1757-1827) English poet

• In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. — George Orwell [born Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) English author
• Nonviolence and truth are inseparable and presuppose one another. There is no God higher than truth. — Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian lawyer & peacemaker
• Unless there is truth, and unless people tell the truth, there is always danger in everything outside of the individual. — Terence Hanbury White (1906-1964) The Once and Future King {1958}
• The truth cannot contradict The Truth. — Pope Leo XIII [born Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci] (1810-1903) the 256th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
     Note: In 1996 Pope John Paul II [born Karol Józef Wojtyła] (1920-2005) the 264th Pope, restated the quote to make the point that the truth of science cannot contradict the Truth of faith.

Reflection: Thinking breeds facts but feeling leads to truth.

Consideration: Individuals respond to truth in their guts by the use of their knowing centers. Even if the outside information or person is partially truthful, there is still an unerring response to that portion which is objectively truthful. This internal truth guide works just as well on all levels of fact, meaning, and value.
     Consider a good liar. He or she projects the positive qualities of sincerity and clarity with a convincing communicative style. But the listener needs to be perceptive in judgment so as to correctly segregate the true from the false. We can attune this ability by honoring and respecting the truth.
     This internal truth sense works not only externally but also internally. Listen to your “self-talk” with your intuitive truth center. This is useful when you are exploring a new subject.
     It is nice to share with a friend. If you say something inappropriate, they react honestly, and if you are sensitive and paying attention, you will both know something needs to be adjusted.

Comment: Truth always has an advantage over evil in that truth can be continually lived in experience. You can become it. Error, evil, sin, and iniquity cannot become a permanent part of you. They are unreal. They eventually lead to a dead end. Sooner or later they will prove their lack of value. If you choose to be unreal, you are choosing not to be.
     Yet error has the purpose of showing us the edge. We can stay away from it when we encounter it again – if we are smart. Error nudges us back toward goodness and reality.

Colors: blue, green

Symbols: 1) the torch; 2) a hand mirror; 3) the number nine; 4) gems or treasures {Spiritual Truths and Knowledge}

Fictional Figure: Una, a lovely damsel, is the personification of truth. — Edmund Spenser (1552-1599) Faërie Queene {1590}

Mythological Figure: Ma, in Egyptian mythology, is the goddess of truth and justice.


Divine definitions: (1) The breath of life; alive; (2) Super-consciousness; high-minded; (3) The animating principle; inspiration; (4) The source of ideals and values; qualitative reality; (5) The invisible higher vibrational reality; supernatural; (6) The supreme moral and ethical standard; (7) The spiritualizing influence; (8) The Father of the soul; (9) The Holy Spirit; the Universe Mother Spirit; (10) The third Person of The Trinity; the Infinite Spirit

Comment: Nothing material can transcend itself. We are physical and our bodies live and die. Our personal will is capable of choosing superfinite values and incorporating them into our being. Our soul lives on because it is made of the forever-living spiritual substance of the universe: spirit.

Human Definitions: (1) having or showing mettle, courage, vigor, animation, or energy; (2) the spiritualizing influence; the immaterial intelligent or sentient part of a person; (3) the supreme moral and ethical standard; the motivating, activating, or essential principle influencing a person’s actions <the spirit of helpfulness>; (4) a positive inclination, impulse, or tendency (5) the source of ideals and values; the extraordinary feelings and qualities characterizing one’s inner attitude; qualitative reality; (6) the disposition of firmness or assertiveness
    See also: High-Spirited, Public-Spirited, Spiritual

Too Far: tempestuous

Quote: A spirited mind never stops within itself; it is always aspiring and going beyond its strength. —  Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533–1592) French philosopher

Human Definitions: (1) pertaining to the spirit or soul as distinguished from the body; (2) from or concerned with the higher part of the mind; (3) consisting of pure essence; incorporeal; (4) showing much refinement of thought and feeling; (5) having to do with religion or the church; sacred, devotional, or ecclesiastical; not lay or temporal; the moral aspect; (6) supernatural; supra-personal

• To grow in unconditional love and in beauty, is spirituality. — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (1956-) Indian guru
• We are not human beings on a spiritual journey; we are spiritual beings on a human journey. [He goes on to quote: “Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love.” — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) French Jesuit priest]  — Steven Covey (1932-2012) inspirational speaker

Reflection: On the highest spiritual level all potentials are actuals.

Colors: blue, indigo

Symbols: 1) fire; 2) birds; 3) wings; 4) the lamp; 5) the eagle


Definitions: (1) tending to face facts; concerned with or based on what is actual or practical rather than visionary; (2) existential

• The real deal.
• The real McCoy.

• Just because something is a metaphor doesn’t mean it can’t be real. — Terry Pratchett (1948-2015) Reaper Man {1991}
• Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away. — Philip Kindred Dick (1928-1982) I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon {1980}

Reflection: There is an objective reality. The more we identify with objective reality, the more real we are. Objective reality is described in terms of positive qualities. If we include all of the positive qualities, then we are describing the current human understanding of objective reality: that which is! The more “is” you are, the more whole and real you are.

Consideration: The theory of relativity says physical things are all moving in relation to each other. If any one thing is to be measured, a fixed point is needed. Once that one point is fixed, all other points can be measured in relation to it.
     This is also true of things mental and spiritual. When someone’s theories can be measured and calculated (and at least temporarily) proven, then that person’s ideas become a relative beacon. The fixed point, then, is the established theory. As other observers study the ideas of this fixed point, its accuracy and objectivity are brought into relative focus. This is done by speculation, experimentation, interpretation, experience, and logical agreement, or (logical or otherwise) belief.
     We feel a satisfaction in establishing our “fixed” position. There is even greater satisfaction in confirming the accuracy of our position. If our experience verifies our belief, then we stay with the belief, which in turn dictates our experience. If the belief is confirmed by the agreement of our fellows, we again feel confident in staying with it. But sometimes others agree with a belief or theory which is both positive (complete) and negative (incomplete). This is how the negative is co-mingled.
     As we incorporate more of the values of the universe, we establish our relative position in the universe. We establish ourselves as actual facts existing in the universe. We establish ourselves as actual facts existing in the universe. We have objective substance.
     Other beings are able to navigate, if you will, based on the confirming juxtaposition of positive role models. That is why heroes and mentors are admired, respected, and emulated. We also know who not to be, by moving away from those malevolent beings who exemplify negative qualities.

Visualization: Each person experiences a personal reality. Each person has a composite of self, experiences, and beliefs he or she calls reality. Each individual knows this reality is different from other people’s experience of reality, yet we also know these realities overlap. So, if you imagine each individual reality as a bubble, and if you encompass all of these personal bubbles within a larger bubble, you could see a relative, collective subjective bubble of reality. This somewhat larger bubble is still too small to match “true” objective reality, but if we carry the analogy out far enough, we can envision a final bubble: Ultimate Reality.
     As we identify with objective reality, we become better, we learn and grow. We can use our experience, faith, and insight to align with it. Subjective reality is always unfolding as it is experienced. Alignment with objective reality is the ticket to expanding personal reality.

• The larger your perspective, the greater your capacity to view things in their true relations and relative importance – reality.
• If you choose reality, you, by that choice, become reality. You are assuring your continuance in reality. You are making yourself inseparable from it.
• We are in the condition we are in. It is important to understand why, but not to dwell on it. We must also simply accept reality as what is, but always with the confidence we can change the negative aspects, and retain the positive.
• Myth, metaphor, ritual, and rubrics often point toward reality, but should not be solidified as reality. As each of the veils falls aside, is removed by choice or is ripped away by the experiences of life, reality still exists and the individual learns to relate to a newer, larger reality. The more you remove and de-mystify the separators between you and reality, the more directly is your experience realized in its true nature.
• The so-called sacred books are some of the most subtle separators we put between ourselves and reality.

Suggestion: Occasionally take a step back to take a look at your system and methods – your modus operandi – not just what you do, but the belief system your thoughts and actions are built upon.

Symbol: the tree {Absolute Reality} [inexhaustible life, life without death]


Divine Definitions: (1) In existence; (2) Existential; (3) The objective fact; (4) Indisputably actual

Comment: Are there any confirming means of identifying the evidence of God’s reality? All such proofs are from personal experience. The first is the experience of the intellectual capacity for knowing God. The discovery, and self-verification of this intellectual idea, can be further substantiated by the personal and spiritual experience of loving and being loved in return by & with other humans, humanity as a whole, and even nature. The observation that love, truth, beauty, goodness (and all other qualities of value) are knowable in personal experience confirms one’s confidence in reality beyond the physical. This insight is indicative of spiritual facts.
     Once the possibility of knowing God is verified, the second stage of proof becomes evident. This is the personal urge to find God. To the exact extent a person seeks God, the Father pours in as much revelation of Himself as can be received. And thus, capacity is enlarged for even more grace.
     By this point, initial skeptical curiosity has been transformed through intellectual discovery and personal verification into reasonable faith. One is then tempted to experiment with the third stage of confirmation – the desire to be like God. Finding this possible is truly convincing.

Human Definitions: (1) tending to face facts; concerned with or based on what is actual or practical rather than visionary; (2) existential

• The real deal.
• The real McCoy.

• Just because something is a metaphor doesn’t mean it can’t be real. — Terry Pratchett (1948-2015) Reaper Man {1991}
• Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away. — Philip Kindred Dick (1928–1982) I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon {1980}

Reflection: There is an objective reality. The more we identify with objective reality, the more real we are. Objective reality is described in terms of positive qualities. If we include all of the positive qualities, then we are describing the current human understanding of objective reality: that which is! The more “is” you are, the more whole and real you are.

Consideration: The theory of relativity says physical things are all moving in relation to each other. If any one thing is to be measured, a fixed point is needed. Once that one point is fixed, all other points can be measured in relation to it.
     This is also true of things mental and spiritual. When someone’s theories can be measured and calculated (and at least temporarily) proven, then that person’s ideas become a relative beacon. The fixed point, then, is the established theory. As other observers study the ideas of this fixed point, its accuracy and objectivity are brought into relative focus. This is done by speculation, experimentation, interpretation, experience, and logical agreement, or (logical or otherwise) belief.
     We feel a satisfaction in establishing our “fixed” position. There is even greater satisfaction in confirming the accuracy of our position. If our experience verifies our belief, then we stay with the belief, which in turn dictates our experience. If the belief is confirmed by the agreement of our fellows, we again feel confident in staying with it. But sometimes others agree with a belief or theory which is both positive (complete) and negative (incomplete). This is how the negative is co-mingled.
     As we incorporate more of the values of the universe, we establish our relative position in the universe. We establish ourselves as actual facts existing in the universe. We establish ourselves as actual facts existing in the universe. We have objective substance.
     Other beings are able to navigate, if you will, based on the confirming juxtaposition of positive role models. That is why heroes and mentors are admired, respected, and emulated. We also know who not to be, by moving away from those malevolent beings who exemplify negative qualities.

Visualization: Each person experiences a personal reality. Each person has a composite of self, experiences, and beliefs he or she calls reality. Each individual knows this reality is different from other people’s experience of reality, yet we also know these realities overlap. So, if you imagine each individual reality as a bubble, and if you encompass all of these personal bubbles within a larger bubble, you could see a relative, collective subjective bubble of reality. This somewhat larger bubble is still too small to match “true” objective reality, but if we carry the analogy out far enough, we can envision a final bubble: Ultimate Reality.
     As we identify with objective reality, we become better, we learn and grow. We can use our experience, faith, and insight to align with it. Subjective reality is always unfolding as it is experienced. Alignment with objective reality is the ticket to expanding personal reality.

• The larger your perspective, the greater your capacity to view things in their true relations and relative importance – reality.
• If you choose reality, you, by that choice, become reality. You are assuring your continuance in reality. You are making yourself inseparable from it.
• We are in the condition we are in. It is important to understand why, but not to dwell on it. We must also simply accept reality as what is, but always with the confidence we can change the negative aspects, and retain the positive.
• Myth, metaphor, ritual, and rubrics often point toward reality, but should not be solidified as reality. As each of the veils falls aside, is removed by choice or is ripped away by the experiences of life, reality still exists and the individual learns to relate to a newer, larger reality. The more you remove and de-mystify the separators between you and reality, the more directly is your experience realized in its true nature.
• The so-called sacred books are some of the most subtle separators we put between ourselves and reality.

Suggestion: Occasionally take a step back to take a look at your system and methods – your modus operandi – not just what you do, but the belief system your thoughts and actions are built upon.

Symbol: the tree {Absolute Reality} [inexhaustible life, life without death]


Divine Definitions: (1) Divine solicitude and direction; (2) The guiding force; fostering; (3) Having and showing foresight; understanding; (4) The preparer of nurturance; (5) The provider of fundamental needs <a planet to stand on, a body to inhabit, a spirit to guide us, a mind to understand with, choices to learn from, and a personality to unite it all>; (6) Conscientious and prudent management; (7) Considerate regard of the individual within the total circumstances; (8) The one who gets things moving; expediter; (9) The devoted guardian; the diligent caretaker; the assiduous defender; (10) The protector, preserver, and promoter of value; (11) Willing to walk hand in hand; participative; (12) The bridge maker

Comment: Intervention is a character sometimes attributed to Divine Providence. From our point of view, it may seem like the hand of God is changing the natural course of events but when seen from a larger perspective it is the efficient motion of the Total Plan unfolding as it should. God will not interfere with our free will, yet we are held in His tender watch-care.

Human Definitions: (1) anticipating wants or needs and making provision to supply them; having and showing foresight; understanding; (2) economical; frugal; thrifty; prudent; (3) conscientious management; nurturing; participative; (4) protector, preserver, and promoter; (5) a manifestation of divine care and direction

Derivation: Latin, “to foresee”

Synonyms: expediting, fostering, guiding, tutelary <serving as a protector, guardian, or patron>

I believe in the birds, and their implicit trust in the loving Providence that feeds them. … And whatever else I believe is enshrined in those abiding feelings that lie too deep for words. — Waldemar Argow, Jr. (1916–1996) American minister
• Nature, being a wise and provident lady, governs her parts very wisely, methodically, and orderly. Also, she is very industrious and hates to be idle, which makes her employ her time as a good housewife doth. — Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673) English philosopher poet

Symbol: Jupiter’s three thunderbolts {Chance, Destiny, and Providence}


Definitions: (1) complete in all respects; without defect or omission; faultless; (2) thorough excellence in skill or quality; expert; proficient; (3) completely correct or accurate; exact; precise; (4) without reserve or qualification; pure; impeccable; (5) totally effective; meticulous; (6) a fine physical specimen; sound; flawless; (7) appreciative of the character or nature of someone or some ‘thing’; the most admirable quality

Derivation: The word “perfect” as the Bible uses it of men, does not refer to sinless perfection. Old Testament characters described as “blameless” or “wholly devoted” were obviously not sinless. Although a number of Hebrew and Greek words are translated as “perfect,” the thought is usually either “completeness in all details” (Hebrew: tamam; and Greek: katartizo) or “to reach a goal or achieve a purpose” (Greek: teleioo). Scripture recognizes that Christians do not attain sinless perfection in this life.

Balancing Qualities: Common sense, Down-to-earth

Compatible Qualities: compromising, realistic

• Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. — The Bible, Matthew 5:48
• The most important question to ask at any one moment is, “How is this perfect?” — Joe Burull (1947-2021) American Photographer
• When we realize a total of something as we are experiencing it, we are for that moment, perfect. — Jacquelyn Small (~1950’s-)Transformers, the Therapists of the Future {1982}
• From the Universal Father who inhabits eternity there has gone forth the supreme mandate, “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect.” — The Urantia Book (1:0.3) {1955}

Three Stages of Perfection
1. Positional perfection, already possessed by every believer of Christ (Hebrews: 10:14)
2. Relative perfection, i.e., spiritual maturity, especially in the will of God, love, holiness, patience, and “everything good.” Maturity is achieved progressively, “perfecting holiness” and “Are you now being made perfect?” Perfection is accomplished through the gifts of ministry bestowed.
3. Ultimate perfection, perfection in soul, spirit, and body — Cyrus I. Scofield (1843-1921) American Biblical Scholar, The Scofield Reference {1909}

Tip: Perfect is doing the next thing that is possible for you to do, and doing it with positive intention.

Comment: One does not become instantly perfect, but one is as perfect in the moment as one allows oneself to be. There are both absolute and relative perfection. Since we are finite beings, we should accept the fact that we are in the realm of relative perfection. If we compare absolute perfection to finite perfection there is a dramatic gap. But there need not be any negative connotation applied to relative perfection simply because the gap exists. Perfection is still perfection even in its most immature or childlike manifestation.

Question: Can I be perfect if I cannot deal with my own perfection?

Symbols: 1) the circle; 2) the number ten


Definitions: (1) showing keenness of insight, sympathetic understanding or intuition; discerning; (2) a quick capacity for comprehending; observant; sharp-sighted

Too Far: nosy

• To be is either to be perceived or to perceive. — Bishop George Berkeley (1685-1753) Anglo-Irish philosopher
• If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear as it is: infinite. — William Blake (1757-1827) English poet
• Eskimos see sixteen different forms of ice which are as different to them as trees and shrubs are different to us. Hindus, on the other hand, use the same term for both ice and snow. Creek and Natchez Indians do not distinguish yellow from green. Similarly, Choctaw, Tunica, the Keresian Pueblo Indians and many other people make no terminological distinction between blue and green. The Hopis have no word for time. — Robert Pirsig (1928-2017) Lila {1991}

Observation: In our attempt to simplify complex activities or processes, we tend to isolate individual aspects of the system. This is like turning off a movie projector and studying the film one frame at a time. One will get a detailed look at the individual frames, but will never be able to perceive the dynamic spirit or emotional content of the process. Perceiving the micro and the macro separately and then putting them together gives one a larger perspective.


Definitions: (1) characterizes one who promotes development by providing nourishment, support, and encouragement during the stages of growth; (2) raising; training; educating; (3) furthering the development of a person, project, idea, or ideal; fostering

• Our souls cannot be forced to grow, but like flowers, our spiritual selves can be nurtured until they blossom and flourish. — James Van Praagh (1956-) American author & spiritual medium
• When you help someone else, not only do they benefit, but you reaffirm to yourself that you have something of value to give them, and you help to strengthen and nurture a bond with an individual that you’re helping. — Vivek Hallegere Murthy (1977-) American physician

Color: green

Symbols: 1) Mommy; 2) Mother Earth