Definitions: (1) pleasant to the mind or senses; (2) willing or ready to concur or consent; (3) being in harmony; consonant
Synonyms: acceptable, grateful, placable
Quote: The concept of serendipity often crops up in research. Serendipity is the faculty or phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things that were not being sought. — Akira Suzuki (1930-) Japanese Nobel prize chemist
Comment: You can always find something to disagree with. It is just as easy to find something to agree with. We have all met a few who are happiest in the midst of an argument. It can be a real challenge to douse their fires of discontent with the cool, patient waters of positive gentleness. On the other hand, maybe we should just get into it with them and make their day – with, of course, kindness and civility.