Definitions: (1) in a functioning status; animated; (2) in a state of motion; in force or operation; ongoing attention <“keep hope alive”>; (3) marked by a cheerful demeanor; sprightly; (4) acting clearly and vigorously; vibrant; vivid; (5) acute sensitivity to something <alive to the thrill of accomplishment>
Idiom: Live and let live. Love all. Serve all. — Jainism (Origin: 322–298 BC)
• Life is being on the wire; everything else is just waiting. — Karl Wallenda (1905-1978) German high-wire walker
• We’re so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget that the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what it’s all about. — Joseph John Campbell (1904-1987) American mythologist
Symbols: 1) air [the breath of life]; 2) bread; 3) daffodil flowers; 4) fire [must consume something to stay alive]; 5) the fountain; 6) the vine
Mythological Figure: Merodach. In Babylonian mythology, Merodach is the god of life and the benefactor of humans. And later, in Semitic mythology, the sun god and lord of all gods.