Definitions: (1) brief and exact; focused and to the point; comprehensive; (2) giving precisely what is needed
Synonyms: condensed, pithy, succinct, snappy
The light of a candle
Is transferred to another candle
Spring twilight
— Yosa Buson (1716–1784) Japanese Haiku master & painter
Quote: God has stated in clear and concise language how He created the universe and we ought not to doubt His Word. — Walter Lang (1896–1972) American film director
How to Live This Quality Today: Notice if the person you are talking to is very busy. If so, chatter about the weather will be a waste of their time. Courtesy sometimes demands being concise.
Advice: Read the room. You may think what you have to say is so important, so wise, so true that you need to suck up all of the oxygen in the room. But if you give your message concisely it will reach hearts and minds more readily. Nonetheless, they still may reject all or part of it.