Definition: (1) trained and knowledgeable in some field; very skilled; (2) able to preform more than one thing at a time; multitasking
Synonyms: able, adept, adroit, clever, dexterous, proficient, versed, pundit: (Sanskrit, “learned, skilled”)
Quote: Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience. — Denis E. Waitley (1933-) American motivational speaker
Comment: The more experience you have in a certain task or field, the more your capacity has grown. It is said that 10,000 hours of doing anything will make you a master.
Advice: Initially modeling your actions after someone you admire gives you the courage to go out on a limb. Your imagination conjures up a successful outcome. Choices are made and preparations taken. Then, once you are committed, you take action.