Definitions: (1) capable of being shaped; flexible; (2) having a supple and resilient mind or body; agile; nimble
Synonyms: lithe, pliable, pliant
Quote: The hallmark of creative people is their mental flexibility… Sometimes they are open and probing, at others they’re playful and off-the-wall. At still other times, they’re critical and faultfinding. And finally they’re doggedly persistent in striving to reach their goals. — Roger von Oech (1948-) American speaker, author, & toy-maker
Comment: There are two obvious ways to get physically limber: one is one is Yoga and the other is stretching which is informal yoga.. To get mentally limber, read and discuss new ideas. Flex the brain muscles.
Food: The herb Gotu Kola, or Indian Pennywort (Centella asiatica), is said to assist in the transference of the brain’s synaptic connections. When that word is just on the tip of your tongue, or your thoughts are just not flowing smoothly, Gotu Kola might help.