Definitions: (1) furnished with an incentive or a goal; (2) having the power to cause motion; incite, impel
Synonyms: Motive implies an emotion or desire operating on the will and causing it to act; impulse suggests a driving power arising from personal temperament or constitution; incentive applies to an external influence (as an expected reward) that will rouse one to action; inducement suggests a motive prompted by the deliberate enticements or allurements of another; spur applies to a motive that stimulates the faculties or increases energy or ardor.
Balancing Quality: Service-minded
• By their fruits you shall know them. — Jesus of Nazareth (7 BC-30 AD) The Bible, Matthew 7:20
• All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsion, habit, reason, passion, and desire. — Aristotle (384-322 bc) Greek philosopher
• In gaining an entrance into the kingdom of heaven, it is the motive that counts. My Father looks into the hearts of men and judges by their inner longings and sincere intentions. (140:3.19) — Jesus of Nazareth (7 BC-30 AD) The Urantia Book {1955}
Affirmation: I feel healthy. I feel happy. I feel terrific. I am riding a consistent, persistent wave of good fortune. — William Clement Stone (1902-2002) American philanthropist
Observations: Motivation will take the form of desire or concern.
The Seven Motivating Conditions
1. Love – altruism, encouragement
2. Hope – reward, desire
3. Curiosity – interest
4. Obligation – duty, fixing past mistakes
5. Necessity – protection, survival
6. Fear – guilt, embarrassment, doubt, concern
7. Hate – revenge
The Ladder of Motivation
1. Love
2. Delight
3. Wisdom
4. Need
5. Want
6. Comfort
7. Pleasure
8. Discomfort
9. Restriction of freedom
10. Fear
11. Pain
12. Death
• Keep your motives high, pointed toward your finest ideas and ideals.
• Momentum and inertia: Once you get moving, you have a better chance to continue.
• Variety is the spice of life. Change what you are doing often enough to keep things interesting.
• Repeat your decision often to impress the mind with the sincerity of your decision.
• The more efficient you are at a task the more that task can be fit into a shorter attention/time span. But the more interesting it is the longer you will be able to continue it.
• The “Just do it” or “Do it now” philosophy implies that you have focused your desires down to one option.
• Motivation is sometimes affected by promises. But then, the one doing the promising must be trustworthy enough to come through on the promise – especially if it is a lifelong commitment.
• When your motivation is survival, you simply do it. If you can synthesize or juxtapose that level of need with a goal, you will proceed as eagerly as if it were an absolute necessity.
• Sometimes you are convinced by a clever argument or a logical alignment of facts. If this information jives with your inner wisdom, you are more likely to act on it.
• How am I motivated?
• How do I provide motivation?
• How long is my attention span?
On Motivation and Procrastination — Jimmy Calano (1957-) and Jeff Salzman (1955-) founders of CareerTrak seminars, A Course in Winning audio tapes {1989}
1. Get started.
2. Plot it out.
3. Break it up.
4. Do the first step immediately to build momentum.
5. Make sure you can do it.
6. Get what you need.
◦ Tools
◦ Expertise
◦ Time
◦ Intestinal fortitude
7. Remind yourself how good you are. List your accomplishments.
8. Begin each day with the most important and difficult task.
9. Visualize completion.
◦ Relax
◦ Enjoy your achievements
◦ Go over details
10. Do it for ten minutes.
11. Commit publicly – invite others to monitor your progress.
12. Reward yourself for accomplishment of a specific goal.
13. Become an automaton.
◦ Just do it
◦ Put one foot in front of the other
Actions Toward Positive Self-Motivation — Denis Waitley (1933-) American Motivational Speaker, A Course in Winning audio tapes {1989}
1. Replace the words “can’t” and “try” with “can” and “will.”
2. Focus all of your attention and energy on the achievement of the current objective.
3. Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success.
4. Be solution-oriented when presented with a problem.
5. Seek and talk to someone this week who is doing what you want to do – and doing it well. Get the facts from them. Learn about other winners in the field. Go to conferences, courses, and seminars. Read books.
6. See yourself enjoying the rewards of your success.
7. Repeat again and again, “I want to—I can. I want to—I can” about your goals.