Preamble – League of Arab States
Stemming from the Arab Nation’s faith in the dignity of man; from when God favoured it by making the Arab nation the cradle of monotheistic religions and the birthplace of civilisation; which has reaffirmed [man’s] right to a life of dignity based on freedom, justice and peace.
Having achieved the everlasting principles established by the Islamic Shari’a and the other divine religions enshrined in brotherhood and equality amongst human beings.
Cherishing the humanitarian values and principles which [the Arab Nation] has established throughout its long history, having had a major role in spreading centres of knowledge between East and West, and made it the destination of people from all over the world and of those seeking knowledge, culture and wisdom.
For the Arab World, from one end to the other, has continued to call for preserving its belief, having faith in its unity, struggling for its freedom, defending the right of nations to self determination and to preserve their wealth, and believing in the Rule of Law, and that mankind’s enjoyment of freedom, justice and equal opportunity is the hallmark of the profound essence of any society.
Rejecting racism and Zionism, both of which constitute a violation of human rights and a threat to world peace.
Recognising the close link between human rights and world peace.
Reaffirming the principles of the United Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the provisions of the two United Nations International Convenants, on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam.
Affirming all the above, [these governments] agree to the following: