Definitions: (1) tending to face facts; concerned with or based on what is actual or practical rather than visionary; (2) existential
• The real deal.
• The real McCoy.
• Just because something is a metaphor doesn’t mean it can’t be real. — Terry Pratchett (1948-2015) Reaper Man
• Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away. — Philip Kindred Dick, (19281982) I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon {1980}
Reflection: There is an objective reality. The more we identify with objective reality, the more real we are. Objective reality is described in terms of positive qualities. If we include all of the positive qualities, then we are describing the current human understanding of objective reality: that which is! The more “is” you are, the more whole you are, , and the less concern you need have for your survival
The theory of relativity says physical things are all moving in relation to each other. If any one thing is to be measured, a fixed point is needed. Once that one point is fixed, all other points can be measured in relation to it.
This is also true of things mental and spiritual. When someone’s theories can be measured and calculated and (at least temporarily) proven, then that person’s ideas become a relative beacon. The fixed point, then, is the established theory. As other observers study the ideas of this fixed point, its accuracy and objectivity are brought into relative focus. This is done by speculation, experimentation, interpretation, experience, and logical agreement. Or, logical or otherwise, belief.
We feel a satisfaction in establishing our “fixed” position. There is even greater satisfaction in confirming the accuracy of our position. If our experience verifies our belief, then we stay with the belief, which in turn dictates our experience. If the belief is confirmed by the agreement of our fellows, we again feel confident in staying with it. But sometimes others agree with a belief or theory which is both positive (complete) and negative (incomplete). This is how the negative is co-mingled.
As we incorporate more of the stuff of the universe, we establish our relative position in the universe. We establish ourselves as actual facts existing in the universe. We have objective substance.
Other beings are able to navigate, if you will, based on the confirming juxtaposition of positive role models. That is why heroes and mentors are admired, respected, and emulated. We also know who not to be, by moving away from those malevolent beings who exemplify negative qualities.
Visualization: Each person experiences a personal reality. Each person has a composite of self, experiences, and beliefs he or she calls reality. Each individual knows this reality is different from other people’s experience of reality. Yet we also know these realities overlap. If you imagine each individual reality as a bubble, and if you encompass all of these personal bubbles within a larger bubble, you could see a relative, collective-subjective bubble of reality. This somewhat larger bubble is still too small to match “true” objective reality, but if we carry the analogy out far enough, we can envision a final bubble: Ultimate Reality.
As we identify with objective reality, we become better, we learn and grow. We can use our experience, faith, and insight to align with it. Subjective reality is always expanding as it is experienced. Alignment with objective reality is the ticket to expanding personal reality.
• The larger your perspective, the greater your capacity to view things in their true relations and relative importance – reality.
• If you choose reality, you, by that choice, become reality. You are assuring your continuance in reality. You are making yourself inseparable from it.
• We can change the negative and maintain the positive.
• Myth, metaphor, ritual, and rubrics often point toward reality, but should not be solidified as reality. As each of the veils falls aside, is removed by choice, or is ripped away by the experiences of life, reality still exists and the individual learns to relate to a newer, larger reality. The more you remove and de-mystify the separators between you and reality, the more directly is your experience realized in its true nature.
• The so-called sacred books are some of the most subtle separators we put between ourselves and reality.
Suggestion: Occasionally take a step back to take a look at your system and methods – your modus operandi – not just what you do, but the belief system your thoughts and actions are built upon.
Symbol: the tree {Absolute Reality} [inexhaustible life, life without death]