Definitions: (1) having insight into another person’s mental or emotional state <even though never having been in that state oneself>; (2) demonstrating affinity between persons or from one person for another; (3) an action or response arising from compassion; (4) showing pity and understanding for another’s trouble or suffering; condolatory; (5) in mental agreement; in cosmic harmony; in financial accord, etc.
See also: Nonjudgmental, Empathetic
• Developing our sympathetic compassion is not only possible but the only reason for us to be here on earth. — George Saunders (1958-) American writer
• Broad paths are open to every endeavor, and a sympathetic recognition is assured to everyone who consecrates his art to the divine services of a conviction of a consciousness. — Franz Liszt (1811–1886) Hungarian composer, pianist, & conductor
Comment: Although you can sympathize with and for another, it is not a good idea to try to sympathize for yourself. It is too easily turned into self-pity. When you are in need of sympathy, is just the time when you must focus on the talents you have, the things you like, the people you admire, the accomplishments you have made, and the good you can do. Also, a time to lean on a good friend.
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