Indiana Farmer Raises Cows Naturally, Without Using Methods of Mainstream Production
“Mad cow is telling us something,” Mike Eliason said. “I think mad cow is a wake-up call to say there’s a better way,” to raise and eat cattle.
The cattle in Mike Eliason’s organic herd are raised on a chemical-free grass acreage. On his farm near Centerville, Eliason has been working on producing all-natural beef for 15 years. He guarantees mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform enceph-alopathy (BSE), has no place in his herd now or in the future.
Eliason originally wanted to get away from plowing his fields every year. The grasses on his farm are perennial, so now he never plows and the grasses are ready for cattle to eat each spring, summer and fall. “I let the cows do my harvesting,” he said. Now he continues to let his farm evolve into a facility that produces all-natural beef raised on all-natural grass, as opposed to the grains that mainstream cattle are fed.
AEVIA Reveals the Source