Manufacturing in the USA

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 18.6 million manufacturing jobs in January 1981 when the Conservative Messiah first took office. During the last full year of the George W. Bush administration, that number had declined to 13.4 million manufacturing jobs. Now, the current administration is blamed, by those with the attention span of a gnat, for an economic morass that was clearly decades in the making. It’s as if they believe those jobs could be re-created in a flash.
In 2011, when those who would subject President Obama’s every thought, word, and deed to the most negative possible interpretation, are obsessed with blaming everything on him, it’s time for such hate mongers to put down the crack pipe and start contributing to a real economy. The fact is, many of their so-called job creators would have us believe popping a few pimples over the past couple of hours somehow constitutes a productive day.
A cuts only approach to economic prosperity would likely produce a lean and mean country that has absolutely nothing to offer in the global market. Without an educated workforce and a forward looking manufacturing base, we are left only with politicians, wholly owned and operated by the same financial services suits that, more than anyone else, placed our entire economy on a plane of unreality thus leading to a fully justified crisis of confidence.
The United States needs to purge itself of those integrity challenged leaders that have betrayed the national security doctrine of maintaining the industrial base. We need a reality centered approach to rebuilding both the manufacturing capability and the industrious tenacity that once made this country great.

— Robert H. Kalk