Positive Qualities – Affectionate & Steady
Causes and effects are a result of thought. — Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M. Pirsig (1928-) Philosopher
There are lots of different and appropriate ways to be Affectionate with almost everyone. A respectful attitude while truely listening to another is a good start. A smile almost always works. Genuine complements are usually appreciated. Over the long haul being Steady and sincere gives others the idea that you are someone who can be trusted.
Definition: firm, constant, or resolute in mind, purpose, pursuit, or principle; controlled and stable
Compatible Quality: dependable
Definitions: (1) having great love or friendliness; fondness; (2) proceeding from or indicating love; benevolent; (3) tender feeling; warm regard
Synonyms: ardent, devoted, earnest, kind
Symbols: 1) a hug; 2) a kiss