Positive Qualities – Aspiring & Sensible

Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Read between the lines.
— Author Unknown

Our ability to sense, or even see, the future means we can “look before we leap.” Experience, but also wisdom and Aspiration, come into play with our goal setting. The future we envision for ourselves will be modified by our assumptions of what is possible. But what is Sensible? Alexander the Great saw the solidification of the Roman empire. Jesus, the clarification who God the Father is. We are capable of more than we think, especially spiritually if we do not let our own filters (see comment below) interfere.



Definitions: (1) to long, aim, or seek ambitiously <especially for something great or of high value>; (2) ascending; soaring


Definitions: (1) possessing good judgment or common sense; containing reasonable intelligence; wise; (2) capable of being perceived by the senses; capable of exciting physical sensation; (3) having appreciation or understanding; cognizant; emotionally or intellectually conscious; aware

A match may start a fire, but once the fire is burning, putting out the match won’t stop it. The problem is no longer the match. It’s the fire. — Michael Crichton (1942-2008) The Terminal Man

In order for us to allow a new thought to penetrate our minds it must to make sense. In other words, it has to pass through our filter systems.

Everyone has six basic filters.
1. Learning – solidified by study and reaffirmation
    a) Childhood instruction
    b) Tradition, Custom
    c) Group affiliation, e.g. school, church, patriotism, team, hero worship
Consider the Source