Positive Qualities: Clean & Good Self-Image
Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. — Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Deep Thinker
The word good in a Good Self-image can represent quite a few descriptors, including the words in the definition of Clean. We all have an idea of self which often does not match the ideas others have of us. And most probably neither is our actual nature, character, or soul.
Synonyms: purified, sinless, spotless, untarnished
Saying: Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
The American Journal of Nursing, Barbara C. Schutt R.N., Editor.
Components of a Good Self-Image
• An ability to understand and be understood
• Satisfaction of personal expectations
• Reasonable control of environment
• Satisfaction of personal wants
• Satisfaction of personal goals
• Reasonable control of self
• A sense of productivity
• A sense of usefulness
• A sense of belonging
Threats to a Good Self-Image
• A sense of isolation, alienation, or loneliness
• A sense of insecurity (a threat to identity)
• A sense of helplessness
• Fear