Positive Qualities – Frank & Foxy
Undoubtedly, we become what we envisage. — Claude M. Bristol (1891-1951) Author
It is not often easy to be Frank. It must be accompanied by tact, diplomacy, a keen understanding and respect of the other person’s point of view, sincerity, and even humor. Children are naturally innocent and without guile. As we grow, we should make an effort to master the subtleties of communication. Foxy, in order to remain positive, also needs these softening edges.
Definition: free in expressing what one thinks or feels; candid; free from reserve, disguise, or guile; open; ingenuous; clearly evident; plain
Derivation: Middle Latin, “free,” “at liberty”
Synonyms: honest, sincere
Balancing Qualities: articulate, compassionate
Too Far: brusque, piercing, tactless
Definitions: (1) slyly clever or cunning; crafty; sharp; (2) physically attractive <especially in an alluring way>
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