Positive Qualities – Fulfilled & Attentive
The goal of life is living in harmony with nature. — Zeno of Citium, (335–263 B.C.) Philosopher
One may feel Fulfilled temporarily if their desire or goal is satisfied. But with an attitude of gratitude; when we are Attentive to the ideal values, we can hold on to our feeling of joyful expectations most of the time – even when things seem to be going badly.
Definitions: (1) characterizes one whose expectations have been realized or satisfied; accomplished; (2) brought to an end; performed
Comment: When one accomplishes one’s desires (a form of self-love) then one feels fulfilled, especially if it is done unselfishly.
Symbol: a single rose
Definitions: (1) a person who hears what is said with careful interest; a good listener; (2) characterized by thoughtful regard or focus; mindful; observant; (3) heedful of the comfort of others; courteous; polite
Synonyms: intent, watchful
Compatible Qualities: curiosity, stick-to-itive
Parental Quality: conscious
Familial Qualities: alert, awake, aware, concentration, focus, motivated
Consequential Quality: fair
Arrectis auribus (Latin):
Where attention goes, energy flows. pay attention’re driving, pay attention to where you’re going.
Exercise: How good is your attention span? How long can you stare at an inanimate object? What does your mind do while you are looking at it? Do you think of its various aspects: size, shape, color, texture, taste, memory of use?
On the other hand, how long can you be interested in an animate scene? Witness how long you can sit in front of an electronic screen. The degree to which you are absorbed in the action has a lot to do with your interest in the subject, the characters, and your curiosity of the outcome. Advertisers prepare, with a great deal of effort, their commercials to take advantage of the attentiveness of the paying public.
Are you motivated to keep your focus on what you need to? Is the object of your attention stimulating? Are you hungry, thirsty, or sleepy? Are you healthy? Are you in a competitive mode? All of these will affect your ability to be attentive.