Positive Qualities – Quiet & Compliant
Dear Folks,
The Buddhist eight‑fold Path:
• Right belief or view
• Right intention
• Right speech
• Right action
• Right livelihood
• Right endeavoring or effort
• Right mindfulness
• Right concentration or collectedness
If realized, one will be detached from illusion.
— Calm and Insight, Bhikkhu Phra Khantipalo, Buddhist Monk
One can initiate a quality simply by living it. If you consciously choose it while living it, you are giving it more impetus, more energy. Many qualities are passive by nature. We have two of them here this week: Quiet and Compliant. The most productive way to acquire qualities – even those which have you holding something back – is to choose them.
Definitions: (1) still; calm; at rest; (2) gentle; mild; placid; smooth; (3) not noisy; hushed; (4) free from disturbance or tumult; tranquil; peaceful; (5) not ostentatious or pretentious; (6) not forward; unobtrusive
Synonyms: contented, meek, pacific, satisfied, unruffled
Quote: Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb. — Pythagoras of Samos (c. 570–495 bc) Greek Mathematician
• If something must be said, say it tactfully and kindly.
• Share and solidify your ideas and ideals with trusted friends.
• Control your tongue. Keep negative thoughts to yourself. Better yet, refuse negativity the ground to become rooted.
Definitions: (1) ready or disposed to submit to a desire, demand, or proposal; (2) possessing a disposition to yield to others; flexible
Synonyms: acquiescent, consensual, obedient, submissive
Comment: Sometimes compliance is the most appropriate quality, as the boughs of a tree in the wind.
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