Positive Qualities: Responsible & Content

Courage, Character, and Loyalty — Little League Baseball’s Motto, 1939

When we take care of the basics, we can be Content we have at least done the minimum. And most or the time this is enough. But to be truly content, it behooves us to do a bit more, go the extra mile, give an extra dram of sweat. Growth will always take place but some qualities cannot be learned without a little (or a lot) more Responsible effort.



Balancing Qualities: humble, grateful, sunny


I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. — Saint Paul of Tarsus (c. 5 bc-67 ad) Christian Missionary

Contentment, unlike happiness, is not dependent upon our circumstances. It is an inner perspective from which we are aware of the difficulties or problems of our lives without being emotionally controlled by them. — Matthew Flickstein, Journey to the Center

Eight Skilled Gentlemen

Consider the Source