Positive Qualities – Immaculate & Saved

Dear Folks,
As you supremely desire, so shall you be. — Zoroastrianism
My comment under Immaculate made me think of the purity of a new infant. We come into this world with the gifts we need to move through life: a body and a planet to stand on, a mind with the cosmic discrimination, and a fundamental set of qualities. It is up to us to choose our path.
Although the past tense is being used on this week’s second word, Saved, all of its forms and definitions should be considered. For instance, is it not a form of salvation to be productive and nurturing so your family is protected from the discomforts of an unhealthy environment?
Definitions: (1) perfectly correct; pure; innocent; (2) spotless; unstained; without flaw, blemish, fault, or error
Comment: Although it would be impossible for an adult to honestly consider themselves to be immaculate, it is none-the-less a worthy ambition.
Definitions: (1) rescued from danger or from possible harm or loss; (2) kept safe, intact, or unhurt; safeguarded; secured; (3) kept from being lost; (4) in religion, said of a person whose has seen the way to the truth thus being redeemed from spiritual death
Synonyms: preserved, protected, spared
Symbol: the dolphin {Salvation}

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