Success Story – Jacqui’s Preemie Pride

Red_White_Striped_Baby_Santa_Hat_Booties__46376.1383519124.220.220Jacqui’s Preemie Pride is a Labor of Love. The journey with a preemie is a hard one, but babies are sooo resilient. Born two months early in 1985, Jacqui stayed in the NICU at Georgetown University Hospital for five weeks. Then, she spent another ten days in a level two NICU unit at Shady Grove Hospital, She is now a healthy, happy twenty eight year old.

Jacqui looked so small, so fragile, and sort of like a dressed up science experiment. Always a fighter, at one point she had to be paralyzed for 2 days because she continued to pull her life support equipment out. Her parents were scared to death, but also so proud that she was determined to live, thus “Preemie Pride”.

The Preemie Pride clothing line is designed for preemies and small newborns. Made with 100% soft cotton knit, open shoulders and front so your baby can lay on top of the clothing and then the clothes wrap around them and close with velcro, without disrupting i.v. and picc lines.

Parents can now dress their baby, but medical personnel can remove clothing in seconds if necessary. The soft cotton against the skin helps your infant get accustomed to touch. The clothing is designed so nothing is pulled over your baby’s head or face. There are no struggles with little arms and legs. This makes for very easy, simple dressing possible in bright, happy colors and prints.

Jacqui’s Preemie Pride is a small business, trying to make a difference in the lives of premature and hospitalized infants and their families. The clothing is made in the U.S.A. by local ladies in Smithsburg, Maryland.

Click here to visit Jacqui’s Preemie Pride