Sociopathic Jurisprudence

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Incentivizing innovation involves risk. Entrepreneurs typically set up corporations or limited liability companies to insure they are not personally liable for debts should the venture fail. In 2019, the failure rate for startups was about 90%. At that time research indicated that 21.5% of startups fail within the first year, 50% fail before they are five years old, and a whopping 70% fail by their 10th year.

If the company is unable to pay its creditors, unpaid creditors can seek payment by a variety of means. Under certain circumstances, a court can ignore the form of a company and hold executives, directors, shareholders and members personally liable for fraudulent conduct. When courts lift or pierce what is referred to as the corporate veil, individuals within the company can be held criminally liable for its debt.

It should be noted that the corporate veil is seldom lifted in the absence of fraud. And such fraud is almost always limited to questions about money. In June of 2020, the Wall Street Journal reported how PG&E Corporation became one of the few U.S. corporations to be convicted of homicide-related charges. In the Superior Court of California’s Butte County, where the 2018 Camp Fire razed the town of Paradise. The utility plead guilty to 84 counts of manslaughter.

The deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California history claimed more than 18,800 structures, including 13,696 single-family homes and 528 businesses. Judge Michael Deems did not lift the corporate veil to incarcerate executives or officers of the company for what was widely held to be criminal negligence. The hearing, which was streamed across the Internet, was meant to serve as public chastisement of a company derided for its greed and stockholder-first corporate culture.

A grand jury report berated PG&E accusing it of a “callous disregard” for public safety, failure to heed warnings about its aging power lines and refusal to learn from previous mistakes. The 92-page report also said, and I quote: “Through a corporate culture of elevating profits over safety by taking shortcuts in the safe delivery of an extremely dangerous product – high-voltage electricity – PG&E certainly led otherwise good people down an ultimately destructive path,”

Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey said at a news conference that he hoped the guilty pleas would send a message to other companies in the United States. Unfortunately, the message it sends reinforces the United States Supreme Court’s sociopathic notion of corporate personhood, one in which the actual persons making life and death decisions with depraved indifference, are shielded from the kind of criminal penalties non-privileged citizens often face. While Ramsey described the culture of negligence that included badly overlooking maintenance and training, he said that during the investigation “it became clear that profit was a driving force.”

This was nothing new. In 2010, a high-pressure PG&E natural gas transmission pipeline segment in San Bruno ruptured. The explosion, in a residential neighborhood called Crestmoor, claimed eight lives while an entire block was destroyed. Authorities blamed the explosion on the company’s failure to properly maintain its gas lines. California regulators determined that in the years before that fire, PG&E had taken in revenue of hundreds of millions more dollars than what was authorized by the state while it had significantly underspent on maintenance and infrastructure needs.

According to Subsidy Tracker, PG&E Corporation also received state and local subsidies of $1,513,416 since 2012. It has received federal grants and allocated tax credits of $216,946,462 since fiscal year 2000. Notably, PG&E spent $5.3 million on state and local political campaigns in 2017 and 2018.

The recent Perdue Pharma opioid case demonstrates that individual corporate policy makers are routinely shielded from the consequence for their reckless indifference to the plight of those adversely affected. The Constitution of the United States, in its Preamble, requires our legislators, executives and judges to “provide for the common defense.” By any reasonable interpretation, this should include protections from the criminally insane, the deaths and injuries that are the result and due to the fault of the person wielding the knife, shooting the gun, driving the car, or implementing the policy.

Shielding an individual bad actor behind the corporate veil is routine in American jurisprudence. Certain Justices, masquerading as originalists and textualists, are fond of saying that the authorities of the government are limited to the powers enumerated in Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. Such pretenders give themselves a pass on the obligations conferred by the Overarching Principles, the Mission Statement, and the Cardinal Precepts as articulated and delineated in the constitution’s Preamble. The contempt they have habitually shown for the most fundamental rights of We the People, is hard to ignore.

There is an engraving over the doors to the Supreme Court building. It reads: Equal Justice Under Law. When the justices began their flirtation with a corporate personhood, they conferred superior rights upon corporate executives. Most of the distortions within our constitutionally grounded democratic republic are directly traceable to the Court’s consistent failure to hold the man behind the curtain accountable.

Evacuating Afghanistan

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In Doha, Qatar on February the 29th in 2020, the United States entered into an agreement with the Taliban. The four part “comprehensive peace agreement included the following two provisions concerning the security of the United States and its allies:

  1. [It] Guarantees and enforcement mechanisms that will prevent the use of the soil of Afghanistan by any group or individual against the security of the United States and its allies.
    1. [It] Guarantees, enforcement mechanisms, and announcement of a timeline for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Afghanistan.

    Just above the signing declaration at the conclusion of the agreement is one final operative paragraph that states:

    The United States will seek economic cooperation for reconstruction with the new post-settlement Afghan Islamic government as determined by the intra-Afghan dialogue and negotiations, and will not intervene in its internal affairs.

    Now if, despite all the ambiguity, the guarantees concerning the security of the United States and its allies somehow covered the withdrawal operations, why did they not commence immediately upon the execution of the agreement, in February of 2020? At that time, if indeed the withdrawal was covered, special squads could have moved throughout the countryside with minimal risk. They could have moved vulnerable individuals allied with the “freedom forces” to evacuation points where the aircraft could have also operated with minimal risk. 

    Stephen Miller, then a top adviser to President Donald Trump, was incredulous during a fall Cabinet meeting in 2018. According to one person in the room Miller asked: “What do you guys want? A bunch of Iraqs and ‘Stans across the country?” According to CNN, several sources claimed the Trump administration was purposefully slow-walking the entry of all refugees – including allies who aided American soldiers in Afghanistan.

    The Special Immigrant Visa program was created in 2008 It issues visas that are sometimes referred to as SIVs. The program was later expanded to offer visas to any Afghan who was able to demonstrate “at least one year of faithful and valuable service” to or on behalf of the U.S. government. Military interpreters – whose lives were in danger because of their work for U.S. forces in Afghanistan have sometimes had to wait years to obtain a visa through the SIV program.

    According to data from the U.S. State Department, from the beginning of Fiscal Year 2008 through June of 2021, more than 76,000 Afghans, including visa recipients and their families, have been allowed into the country under the SIV program. The U.S. Congress amends the legislation every year, to make sure enough visas are available. It wasn’t until July of 2021, that lawmakers authorized an additional 8,000 visa slots and more than $1 billion to fund the Afghanistan evacuation.

    The quarterly reports that are published on the State Department website show that between March and June of 2020, only 3 SIVs were approved. Between July and September of 2020, an additional 283 were approved.. And, from October to December of 2020, only 237 additional visas were approved. In all three of the quarterly reports, the number of people interviewed for the visas in Kabul was listed as zero. The reports do show that two Afghans were scheduled to be interviewed during the July to September period and nine were scheduled to be interviewed from October through December. According to the reports these interviews were to be conducted outside of Afghanistan.

    According to the International Rescue Committee, “Only 16,000 Afghan SIVs have been issued since 2014 despite the availability of 26,500 total authorized visas during that time.” They said “There are more than 18,000 applications in the current pipeline, impacting a potential total of 53,000 individuals including family members.” The Congressional Research Service reported that 2,134 Afghan interpreters and family members were admitted in 2017. Then, in 2018, the number dropped to 524. In 2019 we saw that number cut by more than half to 248. And in 2020 it dropped to 98. Although some point to the Pandemic as one cause for the decline, the downward trend was well underway prior to the time CoVid even became a factor.

    At this juncture we must consider the extent to which the outgoing administration was engaging in deliberate obfuscation during the 2020-2021 transition. The State Department’s slowdown, with respect to visa processing, didn’t became clearly evident until Biden took office and Antony Blinken was sworn-in as the new Secretary of State.

    The desperation and bottle-necked evacuation we witnessed at the airport in Kabul, indicates a failure on the part of prevaricating politicians that refused to act on a timely basis in accordance with their prior agreements. No amount of blame shifting is going to resonate with those citizens that are cognizant of the agreement together with the timeline.

    It should also be noted that the willingness of the Afghan Army to lay down their weapons was clearly foreseeable in light of the failure to adopt a coherent strategy going into the country twenty years ago. Ask yourself, why would any army stand and fight when their leadership had already fled. 

    Their Values are Abhorrent

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    In the United States, during 1933, there was a conspiracy to violently overthrow the government of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and install a dictator. In the so-called Business Plot, the oligarchy had attempted to recruit a popular Marine General, Smedley Butler, to orchestrate a march of five-hundred thousand men with the goal of capturing, kidnapping, and killing Roosevelt. Butler testified under oath in 1934, before the United States House of Representatives Special Committee on Un-American Activities, also known as the McCormack–Dickstein Committee. He said that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist veterans’ organization with Butler as its leader.

    There is little agreement among historians as to whether the coup was actually close to execution. However, most do agree that a “wild scheme” was very much in the works. Butler had supported FDR in the 1932 US presidential election, he started denouncing capitalism and bankers in 1934. He said that, for 33 years, he had been a “high-class muscle man” for Wall Street, the bankers and big business. He labeled himself as a “racketeer for capitalism.” The bankers labeled Roosevelt as a socialist out to destroy private enterprise, by sapping the gold backing of wealth in order to subsidize the poor.

    Butler supported Roosevelt in the election and became a strong critic of capitalism. Even so, the plotters felt his popularity and his good reputation would attract wide support. Butler said that, according to the plan, he would have held near-absolute power in the newly created position as “Secretary of General Affairs. “Those implicated in the plot by Butler all denied any involvement and no one was ever prosecuted.

    At the close of the committee hearings in January of 1935, John L. Spivak published two articles in the communist magazine New Masses. The articles included portions of testimony to the committee that had been redacted as hearsay. Spivak held that the plot was part of a plan by J.P. Morgan and other financiers who were coordinating with fascist groups to overthrow Roosevelt.

    The struggle between We the People and they the few has always been centered on the highest and best interests of the masses as opposed to the unmitigated selfishness of those with an exaggerated sense of self-importance. The inheritors, skimmers, and hoarders of wealth have long held a cynical view of the electorate while the politicians prostituting positions of honor and trust have had to pay no significant penalty with a constituency they regard as having the attention span of a fruit fly.

    The economic royalists of our day have not only bought the politician, the opposition, and the watchdog; they have accumulated such vast wealth as to insure their outsized influence will effectively govern well in to the future. The only thing that will convert the vicious cycle into a virtuous cycle is a wide spread awakening on the scale of what took place during the 17th and 18th century Age of Enlightenment.

    The illogical extremes, of those that cater to every whim of the most parasitic financiers, can be exposed for precisely what it is. However, our media is caught up in a faddish “advocacy journalism” that is not journalism any more than agenda science is somehow science. Even our churches have become bifurcated along Jesusonian versus Luciferian lines. And, a reckless indifference to the truth, has only served to eclipse “the way, the truth, and the life.”

    Our politicians often put a wet finger to any political wind to determine which way it is blowing, to know where they must run so they can appear to be leading. To these prevaricators, actual statesmanship is an arcane, banished idea. Meanwhile, their addled constituencies amplify political talking points with no particular depth of understanding and no real interest in developing one. For every hour of each and every day they prove the axiom that a scholar’s parrot may talk Greek.

    James Freeman Clarke got it exactly right one hundred and fifty years ago when he said: “A politician thinks of the next election. A statesman, of the next generation.” A politician that is more concerned about a primary challenge than the health of our nation is not just putting party over country. That common type of cowardly vacillator is governed exclusively by self-interest, and they have no plausible deniability on that.

    The threat of a violent overthrow was very real during the Business Plot of 1933. It was real on January 6th in 2021. And it will be real during the election cycle of 2022. There are people who are addicted to Luciferian sophistry and they have been mainlining deception. They represent a system of values that sentient beings find abhorrent. And, because of this fact, the only way they can win elections is by cheating.

    To pretend you care about our constitutionally grounded democratic republic while tolerating voter suppression, voter intimidation, election subversion, and dark money politics, is to perpetrate a fraud on your friends, your family, your countrymen, and your God. There are, however, people of good will among us. And, their religion is not a fashion statement.

    Where are the Blue Helmets?

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    It was the 90s, a new decade. The cold war had ended and the highly contentious relationship, between the United States and the Soviet Union, was no longer being played out in a high profile way, on the United Nations Security Council. Even China was behaving well, as it was dabbling in the global market economy. It appeared, for a time, that the world had become a more friendly place for people reclaiming their right to be the arbiters of their own destiny while expressing themselves through their fledgeling democracies.

    Mikhail Gorbachev had relaxed restrictions on private property and introduced initial market reforms. The privatization of Russia’s state-owned assets had begun as Boris Yeltsin, the first President of post-Soviet Russia set a goal to sell state controlled assets to the Russian public. To facilitate wide participation, vouchers were issued so all Russian citizens, including minors could buy shares.

    Vladimir Putin had commanded the FSB, a successor to the KGB, as Director. He was later appointed as Prime Minister and uniquely positioned, early on, to manipulate markets and benefit personally from the rise of the oligarchs that had by then captured most of the equities intended for Russian citizens. Putin attached himself to the Russian oligarchy in such a way as to receive a piece of their action that, according to some, amounted to as much as fifty percent.

    The oligarchs and Putin had not only redirected the new equities, they also stole the emergent democracy out from under that country’s citizenry. Putin became president in 2012. It would appear that he could hold that position for as long as he wants it. In 2018, China also removed the term limit on their presidency giving Xi Jinping that power for life. These factors, coupled with the diminishing authenticity of democracy within the United States, makes the five member United Nation’s Security Council about equally divided between the forces of Autocracy versus Democracy.

    The United Nations was never a federation of democracies nor was it ever intended to be. It was formed and informed by experience gained; from a failure of the League of Nations to the hard fought victories of World War Two. The primary consideration for the Allies then, was to insure there would be no backsliding into the conditions that fomented that devastating war. And so, they gave themselves veto power over any UN initiative.

    It is that veto power that stands in the way of humanity’s greatness, of self government, of world peace. The people of Russia, of China, and of other so-called rogue nations are not the enemies of representative government. It is, rather, their egomaniacal leaders, together with others who possess an exaggerated sense of self-importance. 

    Why is it that the most animalistic savages continue to terrorize the people of Afghanistan? Why do developed nations have immigration problems? Why are there no safe-havens in Central America where people from strife-torn countries can gather to strategize on how best to regain control of their respective homelands? The United Nations, as presently constituted, is largely impotent.

    On April 5th in 2000, The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations published a report titled United Nations Peacekeeping Missions and Their Proliferation. In that report it was revealed that “since 1995 U.S. participation globally in U.N. peacekeeping missions has generally numbered 500 to 1,000 troops, less than 5% of the total, and today’s total includes primarily U.S. civilians (not soldiers) at that.”

    Even when it does mount peacekeeping missions, it is so internally conflicted as to render those missions ineffective. Why else would UN Peacekeepers be on standby in Rwanda while the Hutu slaughtered 800,000 Tutsis? In May of 2019, The American Foreign Service Association published an article titled Why Peacekeeping Fails. That article included the statement: “. . . U.N. peacekeeping has become a way for rich countries to send the soldiers of poor countries to deal with conflicts the rich countries do not care all that much about.”

    It is clear, that the International governing body that our world looks up to, is a politically stymied debating society first and foremost. That having been said, there have been positive developments within the World Court. But, even in that venue, the Security Council members have given themselves the kind of absolute immunity that stems from the supposed infallibility of popes and kings. 

    The world needs a true federation of democracies with all that implies including most favored nation status for the most authentic of the democracies. For that to occur, the UN must be re-chartered to protect the world from the tyranny of the most self-serving minority. What would incentivize the authoritarian members of the Security Council to agree to such an arrangement? Money!

    If the UN fails to evolve into a world federation of democracies, one of the regional federations will undoubtedly succeed. If most favored nation status is then keyed to the authenticity of each constitutionally grounded democratic republic, the business community and the consumers will notice, while the three flows of commerce; capitol, goods, and information will be directed to the most deserving of those entrepreneurial nations.

    The New Blasphemy

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    There is nothing uglier than a lack of appreciation. And American news viewers can see it every day in the faces of Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham, and Jim Jordan. In contrast, the police officers that put their lives on the line to protect these scoundrels would do it again because, unlike their ungrateful protectees, the officers sworn to protect the capitol and its inhabitants are principled. January the 6th in 2021 revealed the extent to which almost a third of our national adult population has been snookered.

    Most of us can see the difference between an elected representative acting in ways true to their oath, and one that would sink our constitutionally grounded democratic republic to hold on to their form-fitting seats. The participants in the racist riot were chanting many of the right words, while also failing to recognize just how far afoul they had strayed from the principles to which they payed lip service. Their emotion driven pastors believe in their own supposed subject matter expertise within each and every discipline.

    Many of these are the same people that railed against moral relativism just a few short years ago. Now they champion it. They thump the King James Bible while justifying their attitudes of white supremacy. They traded their Christian witness for a masquerade long ago. Atheists and secularists point to the pseudo-religious hucksterism together with the way its practitioners parade hypocrisy as a point of pride.

    The Trumpeters shouted “Jesus is Lord” while dishonoring almost everything about his exemplary life and teachings. The Jesusonian observation that “he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword” is altogether ignored by the fearful hoards that place their faith in kinetic weapons. Love your enemies is hardly apparent in the videos of police being beaten with flagpoles on the capitol steps.

    While counterfeit Christians would likely agree, on some cosmetic level, with a Top-40 playlist within the about Jesus genre, they exhibit a reckless indifference to the truth as exemplified by The Way, The Truth, and The Life. And, it appears to those secularists, who would minimize the Jesusonian influence, that people chanting his name have very little regard for the religion of Jesus. A couple of decades ago people within the churches were asking themselves “What would Jesus do.” Now, it seems, such questions are avoided as if they are masks and vaccines.

    Modern day deceivers work by selectively amplifying, filtering, and contextualizing facts. And it’s much easier for those intent on building a religion about Jesus to place emphasis on whatever suits them. The militant Jesus is depicted as an out-of-control maniac, ranting in the temple courtyard, while flipping over the money tables. The true Jesus was exhibiting a fatherly affection and was protecting his children from those who made a habit of exploiting the poor while turning the Father’s temple into a den of thieves.

    The religion of Jesus is not quite so malleable as the religion about Jesus. Jesus is motivated by true love, not a lust for power. As the Creator Son, he placed high value on our right to be the true arbiters of our own destiny. When he said “I stand at the door and knock,” he also made it clear that he would honor our individual decisions with respect to whether or not we open that door to let him come in.

    In contrast, the whited sepulchers of today would usurp the authority of each of us as individuals and our collective will as a great humanity. They have no intention of delivering anything close to fidelity of representation as they prostitute themselves for the inheritors, skimmers, and hoarders of wealth. And they have put their peculiar form of blasphemy center stage as they make a mockery of all things sacred. They have sullied the name of Jesus, as well as The Way, The Truth, and The Light.

    The Goebbelian doctrine holds that the truth is the enemy of the big lie and is, therefore, the enemy of the state. Of course our state is not fully persuaded that it should wholeheartedly embrace the lie. There are still sentient beings walking among us. There are those who still hope for a glimmer of statesmanship as they try to see past the political sophistries.

    The problem for McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, and Jordan is that the truth never suffers from close examination whereas the lie always gets exposed eventually. While their boisterous constituencies are addicted to the self aggrandizement that always accompanies an exaggerated sense of self importance, there are still people of good will working quietly to improve the human condition. There are two kinds of churches, the ones that lean Luciferian and the ones that are decidedly Jesusonian.

    There are also two kinds of democratic republics. There are the ones that are inauthentic and there are the ones that are decidedly authentic. The authentic ones don’t like the kind of politics where “poli” means many and “tics”: means blood sucking parasites. Authentic democracies place a premium on true statesmanship.

    A Reichstag Fire

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    When they arrived on the scene, Adolf Hitler wasted no time in making the pronouncement: “This is a God-given signal.” He continued: “If this fire, as I believe, is the work of the Communists, then we must crush out this murderous pest with an iron fist.” The scene was the parliamentary building in Berlin, the Reichstag, that went up in flames from an arson attack. The date was February 27th in 1933.

    It was a flashpoint event that made it possible for Adolf Hitler to play upon public and political fears and thereby consolidate power, setting the stage for the rise of Nazi Germany. The competing narratives and revisionist history only added to the national chaos, while also facilitating power grabs. To some, it was a Communist plot, to others the staging of Antifascism. It is certain that Hitler played upon the FIBS of Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear to consolidate power, thus setting the stage for the rise of Nazi Germany. Today, the “Reichstag Fire” is a powerful political metaphor that serves as a cautionary tale.

    Germany’s liberal democracy was first established at the conclusion of World War I. The 1919 Weimar Constitution called for the president to be elected by direct ballot. The legislators that comprised the Reichstag were also elected by popular vote, while the president would appoint a chancellor to introduce legislation. The president held the power to dismiss his cabinet, the chancellor, and even to dissolve an ineffective Reichstag. In cases of national emergency, the president could invoke Article 48, which gave him dictatorial powers and the right to intervene directly in the governance of Germany’s 19 territorial states.

    The economic and political unrest of the early 1930s meant that no single political party had a majority in the Reichstag, so the nation was held together by fragile coalitions. The political chaos prompted President Paul von Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag over and over again. With each dissolution came new elections. Hitler rose to the head of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, the Nazis. By 1928 the group’s membership exceeded 100,000. The Nazis denounced the Weimar Republic and what they called the “November criminals,” that had signed the Treaty of Versailles. That treaty had forced Germany to accept responsibility for World War I, pay reparations, transfer territory to their neighbors, and limit the size of the military.

    When the Great Depression hit, sending the U.S. and Europe into an economic tailspin, the number of unemployed in Germany rose to about 30 percent of the adult population. As one might imagine, with 6 million unemployed, there was massive social upheaval. This the Nazis exploited. By 1930, they won 18.3 percent of the Reichstag vote and became the second largest party after the Social Democrats. The Communist party gained about ten percent of the vote.

    The Nazis, by attracting voters from other right-leaning factions, then garnered 33 percent of the vote. In January of 1933, Hindenburg reluctantly appointed Hitler as chancellor in the desperate hope that the other conservative parties would join with the Nazis to keep the Communists out of power. The Nazis infiltrated the police. Hitler also used his powers as chancellor to enroll 50,000 Nazi SA men, known as the brown shirts, as auxiliary police.

    On February 28, Hindenburg invoked Article 48. The cabinet drew up the “Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the People and State.” The act abolished freedom of speech, assembly, privacy and the press. It legalized phone tapping and interception of correspondence. And, it suspended the autonomy of federated states. That night around 4,000 people were arrested, imprisoned, and tortured by the SA.

    The SA was founded out of various emotionally charged and intellectually stunted elements that had attached themselves to the fledgling Nazi movement. Its early membership was drawn largely from armed freebooter groups. These were mainly ex-soldiers, that battled leftists in the streets in the early days of the Weimar Republic. Outfitted in brown uniforms after the fashion of Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Blackshirts in Italy, the SA men protected party meetings, marched in Nazi rallies, and physically assaulted political opponents. 

    In the United States today, the former president has repeatedly characterized those protesting the systemic murder of black citizens as “thugs,” “terrorists,” and “anarchists.” He has also praised individuals who participated in the insurrection of January 6th in 2021 as “great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long.” Trump empathized with those who had violently stormed the Capitol, saying, “I know your pain, I know your hurt.” He then said, “We love you.” 

    Former White House chief of staff General John Kelly recently wrote that, during a 2018 visit to Europe to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, then president Donald J. Trump said: “Well, Hitler did a lot of good things.” Many have since compared the Reichstag’s Fire to the White House deceptions that were architected by Trump’s chief strategist, Stephen Miller, a protege of Joseph Goebbels. During his stint as the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Goebbels the defined truth as “The enemy of the state.”

    Vaccines and Iron Poor Blood

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    The death cult, that is working so hard to misinform people about the CoVid Vaccine, has promoted a variety of novel conspiracy theories. Among them is the notion that what gets injected is some sort of interface that interacts with all of the 5G towers. Of course, just about any technology can be perverted into a dreadful weapon. Really, if Vladimir wanted to broil your brain with a directed energy weapon mounted on a cell tower, triangulating on the cell phone you’re holding next to your ear would probably get him close enough.

    One alleged doctor, continuing in the tradition of Dr. Strangelove, testified in 2021 before the Ohio legislature saying this: “I’m sure you’ve seen these pictures all over the Internet, of people who have had these shots and now they’re magnetized. You can put a key on their forehead and it sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick, because now we think there’s a metal piece to that.”

    Maybe this so-called doctor thinks it’s better to have iron poor blood. We oxygenate our tissues by the action of iron within the red blood cells. These carry oxygen to our living cells while also removing the carbon dioxide. Those that insist on thinking like a sea squirts anyway, could probably use an alternative like vanadium to oxygenate and deoxygenate themselves. In any event, most keys are made out of nickel and silver, or brass. Sooo, even if you’re a bit slow due to your iron-deficiency anemia, the chances of someone turning you into a magnetic key rack are pretty low.

    One thing is certain. There are excessively prominent politicians that have made the calculation that their constituency is composed mostly of simpletons. These emotionally charged – intellectually stunted hoards are dangerous to any civilized society. But, when their anger and grievance are stoked, while prevaricating politicians cater to their every indulgence, their out of proportion sense of entitlement metastasizes. 

    There will always be some part of the general population that remains unteachable. They embrace a counterfeit liberty that is unintelligent, unconditioned, and uncontrolled. Most of us began to balance freedom with responsibility as toddlers. Else we confuse fundamental liberty with taking license. Some never outgrow the childish notion that the rules don’t apply to them. In the context of a pandemic, they are the anti-mask / anti-vax factions that are thwarting any effort to contain a deadly virus. They will not inconvenience themselves to protect the children, their parents, or their grandparents.

    Early in the CoVid pandemic, the decision criteria used by public officials to prioritize services spoke volumes. On May 3rd in 2020, Newsweek reported that a California official was ousted after lauding the coronavirus, saying ‘it allows the sick, the old, the injured to die naturally.” According to the Washington Times, this Antioch planning commission member, Ken Tournage II, wrote on his Facebook page that “the World has been introduced to a new phrase “Herd Immunity” which is a good one.” He wrote “In my opinion we need to adopt a Herd Mentality. A herd gathers its ranks, it allows the sick, the old, the injured to meet their natural course in nature.”

    In this unguarded moment, Tournage had revealed the values of those sharing his affinity for selective depopulation. He went on to write “Coronovirus is like a forest fire – Burns old trees, fallen brush, shrub sucklings.” According to Fox News, he went on to add, the “homeless and other people who just defile themselves by either choice or mental issues” should also be allowed to perish. This, he said, “would fix what is a significant burden on our society and resources.”

    Tournage characterized people with weak immune systems as a drain on society saying they too should be left to meet their “natural course in nature.” The San Francisco Chronicle quoted him as suggesting “we as a species need to move forward with our place on Earth, by reopening society and accepting that the coronavirus will run its course, killing the older and weak.” He added that the deaths would “reduce burdens” on Social Security, health care, jobs and housing

    Although Tournage later deleted the post, he refused to resign or back down from his comments. He said “targeting me with repercussion for this is a direct violation of my First Amendment rights. He lamented “It’s not like it used to be, when you could have an opinion, talk about it and then sit down and have a beer together and talk about football.”

    The natural world has always achieved its balance through war, famine, and pestilence. But we are not limited to a nature that is, at times beautiful, and at other times brutal. A great humanity should aspire to something higher. Some have proposed renaming the Delta Variant, calling it the Darwin Variant. Perhaps, if people are to slow to reach for life saving vaccines and too selfish to protect others, they should be allowed to reach for some sort of Darwin award. The problem is, they’re taking some of our best and brightest out with them.

    What Passes for Charity

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    An act of charity is traditionally defined as generosity that would include donations to aid those in physical or financial distress. It is usually characterized by leniency in judging the acts of others, and forbearance when such others fail to act on a timely basis. It might be the benevolent feeling that wells up inside of us, especially toward those in desperate need or in societal disfavor. The Greco-Christian term Agape refers to an unconditional, even selfless love that, while sometimes seen as synonymous with charity, looks beyond any dysfunction to the highest and best interests of all.

    The term welfare is generally understood as referring to the greatest good for a person, group, or organization. Etymologically the word was derived from the middle english phrase composed of the terms wel and fare while expressing the sentiment that others would fare well. It is in this sense that the Preamble to the United States Constitution includes the phrase “promote the general Welfare.”

    Some would argue, and have argued, that the adoption of any social program constitutes “socialism.” By such an overly simplistic definition, if you carry a Social Security card, you are a card carrying socialist. Other people are simply perplexed asking: “Why would anyone want to kill Social Security and Medicare when we see payroll deductions, throughout our entire working lives, for these so-called entitlements?” After a little research, we are reminded that employers are required to make matching contributions of 6.2% for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare. Upon further investigation, we learn that, for employees making $200k or more, employers have to kick in an additional .9% for Medicare.”

    In light of these numbers, the motivations of those wanting to kill Social Security and MediCare are clear. Others, fearing a loss of choice while stressing the value and security of employer provided private insurance, should also acknowledge how quickly high seniority Walgreen’s employees lost theirs. In early 2019, Walgreens employees, many with almost a quarter century of service received a letter. It read, in part, as follows:

    According to our records, you do not meet these requirements because you will be under age 64 and/or have less than 24 years of service as of March 31, 2019. Therefore, you will not be eligible for retiree healthcare benefits described above for yourself or your family members.”

    Any elected representative, advancing the fiction that employer based health insurance is the answer, is either deliberately misleading their constituency or exhibiting a reckless indifference to the truth. It is fundamentally dishonest to claim that single payer will inevitability result in a reduction in the quality of care. There will undoubtedly be a market response to any single payer proposal, one that is likely to include numerous competing wrap-a-round plans from the private sector, similar to the current Medicare Supplement offerings.

    The Internal Revenue Service treats donations to Nonprofit 501(c) 4 Social Welfare Organizations as charitable tax deductions. Such organizations are often referred to as Super PACs and, while some would deny they are actually Political Action Committees, Crossroads GPS qualifies as a Social Welfare Organization according to the IRS. On its website, Crossroads GPS consistently refers to the Affordable Care Act as ObamaCare precisely because anything associated with former president Obama is likely to be hated by the PAC’s supporters.

    The CrossRoads GPS website asserts the following: “Obamacare has set in motion a government takeover of American health care. Among other things, the federal government will decide: what is and is not covered by insurance; where people must go to get their insurance; the prices insurers can charge for coverage; how doctors and hospitals should be organized for delivering services to patients; and what kind of care is “effective” and therefore should be paid for by insurance.”

    Crossroads fails to show how any insurance industry run healthcare is better. They continue: “Inevitably, the federal government will set up large and unresponsive bureaucracies to make these decisions, which is already happening, and the decisions will be made for budgetary reasons, not based on the needs of patients. How can anyone believe the “budgetary” considerations behind a for-profit financial services business do not serve the shareholders first and foremost? 

    CrossRoads also claimed: “There a better way forward on health care.” They said: “Once Obamacare is fully repealed, Congress can begin work on reforms. . . “ Begin work ??? Begin work ??? The Insurance Industry has thwarted every effort for meaningful reform since President Truman proposed a “universal” national health insurance program. Politicians wholly owned and operated by the health insurance industry defeated the universal health care package proposed in 1993 by assuring the public they would come up with their own plan. Where is it? We are still waiting! Where is it? They’ve had plenty of time to produce something. The fact is the financial services industry caters only to the indulgence of its shareholders. Politicians prostituting their offices for dark money contributions from the insurance industry have zero credibility on healthcare.

    Faux Corporations

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    The first companies were comprised of people working in company with one another, corporations were originally defined as people associating for a common purpose and acting corporately. In our day we must come to grips with certain oxymorons and especially any hop-skippety-jump logic behind certain concepts, like that of a “shell corporation.” Of course the morphing definitions don’t end there. Our business landscape is replete with so-called corporations that are comprised of what investors view as “low level functionaries.” Their senior managers are also controlled by outside string pullers.

    A shell corporation is defined as one without active business operations or significant assets. And our courts have displayed such a lack of intellectual rigor in dealing with such fraudulent corporate entities they have thereby corroded the democracy underpinnings of our constitutional republic. Shell corporations are often used by large well-known public companies, shady business dealers, and private individuals alike. Faux corporations act as tax avoidance vehicles for otherwise legitimate businesses, that are intent on privatizing gains while socializing losses.

    Tax avoidance is seen, by integrity challenged individuals, as a loophole facilitating tax evasion. A variety of other conceptual and legal sophistries are often brought to bear in distorting the public discourse. The “Harry and Louise” advertising campaign was one clear example that ran in opposition to executive and legislative health care reform proposals in 1993 and 1994. It was a fourteen to twenty million dollar year-long television advertising campaign that was funded by the Health Insurance Association of America, the predecessor to a health insurance industry lobby group now known as America’s Health Insurance Plans or AHIP.

    The industry then bludgeoned the public’s collective intellect with messaging that highlighted potential problems with government run healthcare. The dollar skewed media ignored the fact that a financial services industry run healthcare system would prove to be far worse. They created so much confusion that, during a pivotal interview, one CNN anchor mischaracterized the group’s executive director as representing the insured.

    Special purpose entities are often used by large business groups to achieve a specific goal, such as to create anonymity. The Supreme Court, in a series of anti-democracy decisions has bolstered the use of such dark money to insure that the consent of the governed is never a fully informed consent. In accordance with the most dumbed down legal definition, a Political Action Committee or PAC is considered a charity of all things, even though it may exist solely to support politicians that prostitute their offices in tilting the playing table for business interests. This involves intentional obfuscation affecting all three of the primary flows of commerce. These flows traditionally include the goods, the capital, and the information.

    Tax havens make it possible to move profits to shell companies. For example, a United States company buying products from overseas would legally have to pay US taxes on the profits. Strategies to offload the ever increasing tax burden to the working poor include schemes to buy importable products through a non-resident shell company based in a tax haven. The US company is then described as an offshore company. That shell company would purchase the products in its name, mark up the products and sell them to the US company, thereby transferring the profit to the tax haven. Such products may not even physically pass through that tax haven, but are instead “drop-shipped” directly to the US based business.

    Shell companies have also been used by broadcasting groups to circumvent FCC limits on television station ownership. The Sinclair Broadcasting Group forms local marketing agreements with stations owned by Cunningham Broadcasting and Deerfield Media. Cunningham Broadcasting stock is controlled by trusts in the name of the owner’s children. The Nexstar Media Group controls television stations owned by Mission Broadcasting and Vaughan Media.

    Even though most younger voters get their news at their convenience via on-demand streaming services and podcasts, over the air television stations still exert tremendous influence among older cord cutters. However, since the Supreme Court has so recently and clearly demonstrated its contempt for any informed consent of the governed, the assaults on net-neutrality would ultimately allow the dark monied interests to advance or retard the information flow within any and all channels of essential communication. Right now, about seven hundred billionaires control the information flow to over three hundred and thirty million US citizens. And, while alternative currencies and networks are being built, the most self-serving are constantly scheming for ways to control those as well.

    The definition of black and gray market activities needs to be expanded. It is important to be suspicious of any inauthentic corporation. While the addled Supremes remain aloof, and while the US Department of Justice obsesses over the activities of unregistered foreign lobbyists, it’s important to understand the various ways in which foreign potentates effectively control our elected representatives through unbridled corporate influence. As long as anonymous groups can funnel money to politicians, and as long as those politicians have the power to defang any regulating authority, our democratic republic is also inauthentic.

    The Fetish of Bipartisanship

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    In ancient Greece, secret ballots were used to hide votes from people seeking favors. Certain special votes, such as one to ostracize and thereby expel a citizen from Athens were also cast in private. In ancient Rome, the secret ballot was introduced to all popular assemblies in 139 BC. The constitution in France required that “All elections are to be held by secret ballot” since 1795. The secret ballot was also established generally in the British Ballot Act 1872. The individual states within the USA had completed their move to secret ballots when Kentucky adopted them in 1891. 

    Internationally, the right to hold elections by secret ballot is included in a variety of treaties and international agreements affecting their signatory states. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states, “The will of the people…shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which…shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.” The American Convention on Human Rights grants to every citizen of member states, of the Organization of American States, the right and opportunity “to vote and to be elected in genuine periodic elections, which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and by secret ballot that guarantees the free expression of the will of the voters”.

    The Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension, obligates the member states of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to “ensure that votes are cast by secret ballot or by equivalent free voting procedure, and that they are counted and reported honestly with the official results made public.” The Convention on the Standards of Democratic Elections, Electoral Rights and Freedoms in the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States obligates electoral bodies not to perform “any action violating the principle of voter’s secret will expression.”

    Within any authentic democratic republic, the votes of elected representatives are cast in public while the votes of individual citizens as they elect their representatives are cast in secret. Today, the authenticity of our democracy and the secrecy of ballots cast within the United States are increasingly undermined by partisan operatives due to a combination of executive malfeasance, legislative ineptitude, and judicial buffoonery. On the 13th of July in 2021, an Oklahoma lawmaker requested that the state election board call for a forensic and independent audit of the 2020 General Election results. The Republican candidate for president won the state by a margin of over 33% in the 2020 election. One must wonder about the motivation behind such a request, especially since the legislator’s favored candidate won every county within the state.

    The audit requested by the Republican lawmaker would consist of a registration and votes cast audit, a vote count and tally audit, an election voting systems audit and a reported results audit. Could it be that the fraudit fanaticism, that has so many states in its grip, is not really about proving corruption? Could it be that the efforts to examine ballots and registrations is more about data scraping, compiling lists of voters and profiling them in accordance with their votes? Could it be that the election subversion efforts of malevolent anti-democracy forces are really about winning a voter-deception, voter-suppression, and voter intimidation trifecta?

    Mo Brooks told the people gathering to protest the Trump loss, to “kick ass and take names.” We all witnessed the ass kicking as they stormed the Capital. Now we are confronted with the taking of names. They’re not fooling anybody except for those who are committed to being fools. If the emotionally charged and intellectually stunted hoards that stormed the United States Capitol, can turn their attention to harassing individual voters on the phone or at their door, they will be even more of a threat if they also appear at your home armed with your voting history.

    Feigning reverence for our constitutionally grounded democratic republic and election integrity is a flawed tactic, for the truth eventually comes to light. Prevaricators will tell you that the Preamble to the United States Constitution was to have no operating effect while the founders clearly intended it to operate as a careful delineation of overarching principle. Those occupying positions of honor and trust that have, on oath, sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, are duty bound to do just that.

    There will always be shifty politicians masquerading as statesmen. But the voters have the ultimate responsibility for oversight in a participatory democracy. Democracy rests with the voters! When politicians are committed to corroding the democracy underpinnings of our constitutionally framed republic, it is up to us to expel them. When they are not sincere leaders, not guiding us into that more perfect union, they should be ousted.

    Supreme Court Justices have given a wink and a nod to dark money contributions. They should be ostracized. When politicians receive dark money money contributions to misinform the consent of the governed, they should be forever barred from holding high office. When dark money corporate donors are distorting the public discourse in the name of free speech, there should be a rebuttable presumption that they too are bad actors.