Consumer Sovereignty and the Apocalypse-proof Dream

Dreaming tiny dreams has become a favorite pastime in the past five or 10 years.  The “tiny house movement” is gaining greater traction as ever more people choose to downsize for economic or ecological reasons. A small house, usually being defined as one offering less than 400 sq ft of space, offers a stimulating challenge about living smart as people escape from debtor’s prison in droves.

In the USA, groups of enthusiasts offer inspiration and practical information on avoiding the government game of mother-may-I. They carefully navigate zoning laws, planning restrictions, and the burden of permitting. In the UK, it’s less of a movement and more of a frenzied pack of victims, refugees of the crazily distorted, government-aggravated madness infusing the property market. Those who can afford to buy something – anything, even if it’s a bit of infill – do so in order to get a toe on the ladder. Then there are  those who can’t even see the ladder through the fog of wagery and debt.

As long as we can still dream of freedom, one can easily while away the hours on, and hundreds of other similar websites. Facebook groups, youtube videos, and a good old fashioned Listserv can provide practical information on active and passive solar, micro-hydro, gasifiers, LED lighting and all the other components that make up the buffet of new lifestyles.

As governments devolve to the point where they are of, by, and for the bankers, we must now re-assert a most basic human right — the right to live. Consumer sovereignty is a game changer. Instead of cutting the cord to live off the grid, we can now sell the surplus power generated, on a homestead scale, to the electric utility. Instead of having entire nations that are effectively working for the financial services industry, we can build on a modularized, pay-as-you-go basis. We have options!

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 Consider the First Source!


“The foxes have holes, and the birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head,” and so it is today for many of his followers. Despite all the warnings about the snares laid by moneylenders, despite the fact that gage mort is literally translated as a pledge to give up one’s life, millions have lost their homes through mortgage exploits, and their quality of life through the service of debt.

Find Out How to Get Your Life Back!

Biomass Fuels Breakthrough

Ethanol is but one of the products the bacterium can be taught to produce. Others include butanol and isobutanol (transportation fuels comparable to ethanol), as well as other fuels and chemicals-using biomass as an alternative to petroleum.

Janet Westpheling, a professor in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences department of genetics, and her team of researchers — all members of U.S. Department of Energy-funded BioEnergy Science Center in which the University of Georgia is a key partner — succeeded in genetically engineering the organism C. bescii to deconstruct un-pretreated plant biomass.

Pretreatment of the biomass feedstock — nonfood crops such as switchgrass and miscanthus — is the step of breaking down plant cell walls before fermentation into ethanol. This pretreatment step has long been the economic bottleneck hindering fuel production from lignocellulosic biomass feedstocks.

The UGA research group engineered a synthetic pathway into the organism, introducing genes from other anaerobic bacterium that produce ethanol, and constructed a pathway in the organism to produce ethanol directly.

“Now, without any pretreatment, we can simply take switchgrass, grind it up, add a low-cost, minimal salts medium and get ethanol out the other end,” Westpheling said. “This is the first step toward an industrial process that is economically feasible.”

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Biomass Conversion to Jet Fuel

Lignocellulose, a raw material in biomass, can be converted to biofuels and is often considered a long-term alternative to the diminishing supply of fossil fuels. The conversion process involves biomass pretreatment, hydrolysis of constituent carbohydrates and catalytic conversion of platform chemicals. Proposed strategies to convert lignocellulose to aviation fuels have underused components, preventing their commercialization.
Biomass Conversion
A collaboration between several research groups has taken a hydrolysis-based approach to produce aviation fuel from red maple biomass. The proposed method focuses on synthesizing levulinic acid and furfural from lignocellulosic 5- and 6-carbon sugars and catalytically upgrading these to jet fuel range alkanes. This combined techno-economic analysis considers several possible processing options at points throughout the procedure and combines the most viable to create a comprehensive conversion process, which can produce jet fuel priced at $4.75 (£2.88) per gallon.
Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Completely New Means of Generating Electricity

In this device, the humidity-driven flexing of a spore-covered piece of latex rubber (right) drives the movement of a magnet, which produces electricity. A device built on similar principles could function as a humidity-driven electrical generator. Image Credit: Xi Chen/Columbia University
In this device, the humidity-driven flexing of a spore-covered piece of latex rubber (right) drives the movement of a magnet, which produces electricity. A device built on similar principles could function as a humidity-driven electrical generator.
Image Credit: Xi Chen/Columbia University

A new means of generating electricity, one that utilizes bacteria to harness the energy of evaporating water, has been created by researchers from the Wyss Institute of Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University.

The method could potentially be used to capture the energy released by ponds, harbors, and other bodies of water when the Sun warms them (causing evaporation), according to the researchers.

The newly created prototype generators work by harnessing the movement of a sheet of rubber that’s coated on one side with bacterial spores. As the sheet dries out, it bends, and as the humidity rises, it straightens out — the energy of these movements is then captured and used to drive a generator.

A soil bacterium called Bacillus subtilis wrinkles as it dries out like a grape becoming a raisin, forming a tough, dormant spore. Unlike raisins, which cannot re-form into grapes, spores can take on water and almost immediately restore themselves to their original shape.

Simply increasing the humidity from that of a dry, sunny day to a humid, misty one enabled the flexible, spore-coated plank to generate 1000 times as much force as human muscle, and at least 10 times as much as other materials engineers currently use to build actuators.

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


When we align our objectives with the Divine will, when we strive for the attainment of a worthy goal, when we begin our work with a well defined plan, and when we have ability to work together with others effectively, we have already achieved the trajectory for success. For we know that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Learn how to enjoy boundless opportunity and unlimited progress!

A Place of Warmth for a Continuously Productive Garden

walipiniAn affordable and effective alternative to glass greenhouses is the walipini (an Aymara Indian word for a “place of warmth”). Also known as an underground or pit greenhouse, it was first developed over 20 years ago for the cold mountainous regions of South America, this method allows growers to maintain a productive garden year-round, even in the coldest of climates.

A walipini combines the principles of passive solar heating with that of an earth-sheltered building. It utilizes nature’s resources to provide a warm, stable, well-lit environment for year-round vegetable production. Locating the growing area 6’- 8’ underground and capturing and storing daytime solar radiation are the most important principles in building a successful Walipini.

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Seed Banking

The vault will have dual-blast proof doors, motion sensors, two airlocks, and walls reinforced with meter-thick concrete. Inside will be stored more than 3 million varieties of seed. The Norwegian government says the seeds are being stored, ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future.’

Participating in this project, aside from the Norwegians, are:

  • The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Dupont/Pioneer – owner of GMO seed patents.
  • The Syngenta Foundation – Swiss maker of GMO seed and pesticides.
  • The Rockefeller Foundation – created the ‘gene revolution with over $100 million invested in GM science since the 1970’s
  • CGIAR, a global network of Rockefeller Foundation supporters

Some economists have long believed that consumer sovereignty would be realized in a free market economy. Just how free the market can be in light of  influential forces such as software monopolies, agribusiness concerns, energy consortiums, Wall Street banks, and the governments they control is highly debatable.

Just as Monsanto executives dream of a world with 100 percent of all commercial seeds genetically modified and patented, others imagine global bio-warfare on the world population. Just as the fossil fuels industry is working to retard the growth of a bio-fuels industry, their oilees are sewing up the alternative energy patent portfolio.

Net-Neutrality is probably the most important First Amendment issue of our time. Throughout this country’s history, freedom of the press has only existed for those who own the press. The only way to stop powerful simpletons, from waging the war on poverty by starving the impoverished, is to dilute the power of incumbency.

Start saving our own seed. If enough of us do this, it won’t matter how many seeds they store in their vault. Plant organic gardens and share your seed with neighbors. Plant heirloom varieties, and as many of them as you have space for. Or, better yet, become completely non-dependent on the food supply. Turn your lawn into a garden. Start your own aquaponics system, and throw out the senators and congressmen who vote to support GMO in any way.

City governments may try to fine you $500 a day for planting your own food, like they did in Orlando, but if enough of us do it, and home owner’s associations begin to understand the larger concern, the power-hungry loonies are less likely to be able to interfere with a sweeping grass-roots efforts to take the power back – namely through growing our own non GMO food.

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Control Biodiversity — Control the Future of Food and Bio-fuels

Because of the insidious way in which it works, it has been sold as a relatively benign replacement for the devastating earlier dioxin-based herbicides. But a barrage of experimental data has now shown glyphosate and the GMO foods incorporating it to pose serious dangers to health.

Compounding the risk is the toxicity of “inert” ingredients used to make glyphosate more potent. Researchers have found, for example, that the surfactant POEA can kill human cells, particularly embryonic, placental and umbilical cord cells. But these risks have been conveniently ignored.

The widespread use of GMO foods and glyphosate herbicides helps explain the anomaly that the US spends over twice as much per capita on healthcare as the average developed country, yet it is rated far down the scale of the world’s healthiest populations. The World Health Organization has ranked the US LAST out of 17 developed nations for overall health.

Sixty to seventy percent of the foods in US supermarkets are now genetically modified. By contrast, in at least 26 other countries—including Switzerland, Australia, Austria, China, India, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, Mexico and Russia—GMOs are totally or partially banned; and significant restrictions on GMOs exist in about sixty other countries.

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Collapsable Photobioreactor

Collapsable Photobioreactor“We scaled up our novel photobioreactor design and conducted independent functionality tests that confirmed the unit’s robustness,” said Proterro CEO Kef Kasdin. “The modular photobioreactors, which are made from off-the-shelf materials, including polyethylene, can withstand category 1 hurricane winds,” she explained, adding, “Because of the materials used and the innovative design, we also have been able to validate low fabrication costs.”

Consider the Source

Gardens in Space

Sustaining Life with micro-algae and flat panel reactors. This is where so-called life-sustaining circulatory systems come into play. Already, on the International Space Station (ISS), researchers have started reconstituting all kinds of things.

But the ISS has it easy: it’s relatively close to Earth. Several times a year it receives fresh provisions of food and water. But if people start traveling farther away from Earth, they’ll have to survive without the luxury of regular, fresh supplies.
And that’s why Jens Bretschneider at the Institute for Space Systems in Stuttgart is looking for new solutions. His team thinks the answer lies in biological systems, like micro-algae: “They make it possible to collect exhaled CO2 and create new oxygen, and at the same time build up biomass stocks.”

Brettschneider is working with a see-through plexiglass tank through which green water runs which bubbles away as exhaled air passes through it. “This tank is a flat panel reactor, with which we can cultivate algae on Earth in an efficient way,” Brettschneider says. “The advantage is that the gas is mixing with the algae constantly. That gives us a large contact area. We agitate the algae so that they move towards the light, and then move away from the light again – and that encourages them to grow faster.”

Consider the Source

Tooling Up for Hydroponics

Building with Bioreactor Facade

An experimental apartment building in Hamburg, Germany is harnessing the power of the sun to generate power, but not in the way you expect. Photovoltaic cells are totally yesterdays news — the BIQ building gathers power using a bioreactor façade packed full of microalgae.

Large clear panels on the front of the building are where the microalgae are growing. These microscopic organisms behave like any other plant. They absorb sunlight, process carbon dioxide, and produce oxygen. The algae flourish in a regular cycle, with the mature plants being harvested on occasion.

The process is highly efficient as it results in no additional carbon output, and algae produce more biomass by area than any other plant. Any light that is not absorbed by the algae can be captured by the façade and used to directly heat water or air when it’s chilly out. Failing either of those immediate needs, the heat can be piped down into borehole heat exchangers (an 80-meter deep hole filled with brine) for later use.

Tooling Up for Hydroponics