Game Changing Battery

Tesla will finally be passing along details on its long-awaited batteries designed for home use, plus a “utility-scale” battery. They will likely be manufactured in its new Gigafactory in Nevada.

A Tesla spokesperson has confirmed the announcement:

“We have decided to share a bit about what we will announce on the 30th,” Jeff Evanson, Tesla’s VP of investor relations wrote in a message. “We will introduce the Tesla home battery and a very large utility scale battery. We will explain the advantages of our solutions and why past battery options were not compelling.”

According to Elon Musk the “Major new Tesla product line — not a car — will be unveiled at our Hawthorne Design Studio on Thurs 8pm, April 30.”

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Closing the Nutrient Gap

While the dollar skew in science is seemingly all pervasive, the recent declarations concerning the efficacy, or lack thereof, in vitamin and mineral supplements would appear to betray the corporate line. On the one hand, big-agri would like you to believe that nutrient rich foods can be produced from nutrient depleted soils. On the other hand, big-pharma wants you buying supplements. This, of course, makes it difficult for the politically motivated at the FDA and USDA to remain on step, and for our elected representatives to please their actual owners.

Nutrient gaps were rare on the family farm. Raw milk, for example, was never a problem for those consumers who were just a few steps and a few minutes from the cow. That cow was grass fed on a pasture that was not only expansive, it featured an appropriate bovine population density. The cow poop that hit the soil was totally digested in a matter of days on ground that benefitted from a high microbial biomass. Compare that to the pat that only disintegrates because it is dried by the sun, pounded by the rain, fissured by the freeze, and scattered by the wind.

The microbes that once populated the gut were close cousins to those living in the soil. There were no supplements designed to promote “regularity” because traditional farm dwellers didn’t need them. Likewise, the genetically modified organisms (GMOs), that are designed to resist pests and ripen on the truck, won’t be necessary once the chemical industry has completed its program of sterilizing the soil while also short circuiting the physiological drop or accelerating the pick.

The GMO problem is rooted in agenda science which is, in itself, a betrayal of true science. The personal values of one who engineers a food crop for big money, without regard to paltry nutritional worth, clearly don’t align with the high purpose of the scientific discipline. Then again, there is very little science being done without funding.

The integrity of science depends ultimately upon consumer sovereignty. If buyers refuse to buy from packagers or grocery stores that don’t provide GMO labeling, it doesn’t matter who owns the politicians. If we express a preference for foods produced on biodynamic farms, the mammon service will be forced to cannibalize its own corporatocracy. If we push back from the antibiotics, the hormones, the pink slime, and the high fructose corn syrup of the damn pusher man, we can again become arbiters of our own destiny.

Solar is not alternative energy and nutrition is not alternative medicine. Without the sun there would be no fossil fuels or petroleum based fertilizers. Without good nutrition, there would be no health. The alternative paradigm is at the heart of the deception and it all maps back to Genesis.

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Consumer Sovereignty and the Apocalypse-proof Dream

Dreaming tiny dreams has become a favorite pastime in the past five or 10 years.  The “tiny house movement” is gaining greater traction as ever more people choose to downsize for economic or ecological reasons. A small house, usually being defined as one offering less than 400 sq ft of space, offers a stimulating challenge about living smart as people escape from debtor’s prison in droves.

In the USA, groups of enthusiasts offer inspiration and practical information on avoiding the government game of mother-may-I. They carefully navigate zoning laws, planning restrictions, and the burden of permitting. In the UK, it’s less of a movement and more of a frenzied pack of victims, refugees of the crazily distorted, government-aggravated madness infusing the property market. Those who can afford to buy something – anything, even if it’s a bit of infill – do so in order to get a toe on the ladder. Then there are  those who can’t even see the ladder through the fog of wagery and debt.

As long as we can still dream of freedom, one can easily while away the hours on, and hundreds of other similar websites. Facebook groups, youtube videos, and a good old fashioned Listserv can provide practical information on active and passive solar, micro-hydro, gasifiers, LED lighting and all the other components that make up the buffet of new lifestyles.

As governments devolve to the point where they are of, by, and for the bankers, we must now re-assert a most basic human right — the right to live. Consumer sovereignty is a game changer. Instead of cutting the cord to live off the grid, we can now sell the surplus power generated, on a homestead scale, to the electric utility. Instead of having entire nations that are effectively working for the financial services industry, we can build on a modularized, pay-as-you-go basis. We have options!

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


“The foxes have holes, and the birds of heaven have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head,” and so it is today for many of his followers. Despite all the warnings about the snares laid by moneylenders, despite the fact that gage mort is literally translated as a pledge to give up one’s life, millions have lost their homes through mortgage exploits, and their quality of life through the service of debt.

Find Out How to Get Your Life Back!

A Cheaper Way to Make Solar Cells

“The way solar is progressing it will just be a matter of time before it becomes competitive with fossil fuels and eventually replace them.”

So says Dr Jon Major who led a team at Liverpool University that has found a way of replacing one toxic element, used in the process of manufacturing solar cells, with a material found in bath salts.

Around 7% of the solar cells manufactured today are made from a material called cadmium telluride. The cadmium telluride cells are thinner than silicon and they are popular because they are also lighter and cheaper.

They have more than one drawback. Tellurium is rare. And a toxic chemical, cadmium chloride, is needed to manufacture the the cells. Cadmium chloride is also expensive. In addition, a significant proportion of the manufacturing cost of cadmium telluride cells is to protect the workforce from toxins and to dispose of contaminated waste products safely, according to the research team.

Dr Major discovered that a cheaper, non-toxic alternative, magnesium chloride, could be used instead of the toxic compound and work just as well. Magnesium chloride is completely safe. It is used to make tofu and is found in bath salts. It also extracted from sea water and so is a small fraction of the price of cadmium chloride.

Dr. Major believes that solar energy could eventually meet the world’s energy needs.

“There is enough sunlight that falls on the Earth every hour to generate enough electricity for the planet for a year,” he said.

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Solar & Wind Power in Germany

At the end of 2012, Germany had approximately 400 MW of solar power capacity per million people. The United States produces about 25 MW of solar power per million people.
Germany set a new world record in July of 2013, producing 5.1 terawatt-hours from direct solar. Germany’s world wind power record of 5 TWh was set in January earlier this year.

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


When we align our objectives with the Divine will, when we strive for the attainment of a worthy goal, when we begin our work with a well defined plan, and when we have ability to work together with others effectively, we have already achieved the trajectory for success. For we know that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Learn how to enjoy boundless opportunity and unlimited progress!

Solar FREAKIN’ Roadways

This is probably the biggest acquisquishin’ candidate we’ve ever seen. Just think about the number of J.P Morgan wannabe’s that would like to see this initiative die a premature and speedy death. The inquest report would likely mention the usual suspects such as public utilities, the energy monopolies, even the pollution remediation industry. Talk about making them irrelevant!

Solar Roadways are built from energy producing solar panels that fit together like puzzle pieces. They would also glow for a variety of purposes including lane markings warning signs.  They’re ridiculously expensive, unless of course you compare them to the cost of building and maintaining the tar and chip pavement we use today. Suppose we consider upgrading the transportation infrastructure at each maintenance interval? As each cost justification is built, based upon site specific criteria, we could roll out new highways and byways that precisely fit local requirements.

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


When we align our objectives with the Divine will, when we strive for the attainment of a worthy goal, when we begin our work with a well defined plan, and when we have ability to work together with others effectively, we have already achieved the trajectory for success. For we know that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Learn how to enjoy boundless opportunity and unlimited progress!

Two U.S. Counties Make Planting GMOs Illegal

“Citizens not only reject unregulated and hazardous GMOs, but are willing to defy the indentured politicians who pass laws that take away county rights to ban GMOs and obliterate a 100-year tradition of home rule and balance of powers between counties and the state.” So said Ronnie Cummins, national director of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) and the Organic Consumers Fund.

Jackson County Oregon is a hotspot for supplying seed to the rest of the world. But with Syngenta growing GMO sugar beet crops in small plots peppered all over the narrow valley, contamination was inevitable according to Elise Higley, Jackson County family farmer and director of

The GMO ban enacted by Josephine County Oregon is expected to face a legal challenge by way of S.B. 863, a controversial law passed by the Oregon legislature last October. The state law strips counties of the right to pass GMO bans. The Jackson County ban enjoys more protection, since that initiative was introduced before the state law went into effect.

It is important for farmers to grow crops, let them go to seed, and then save that seed to grow the next year. This allows farmers to grow varieties that work well for a particular region. But using purchased seed to sell or plant next year’s crops is illegal with patented GMO seeds, and a farmer could be sued out of existence even if GMO seed accidentally winds up in a neighboring farmer’s field, contaminating the crop.

The decisive county GMO ban victories come just months before the entire state of Oregon will vote on Ballot Initiative #44, which, if passed in November, would require mandatory labeling of GMO foods and foods containing GMO ingredients. “These victories make it clear to agribusiness giants like Monsanto and Dow that the day has come when they can no longer buy and lie their way to victory,” Cummins says. “By using the tools of democracy, such as ballot initiatives, citizens can overcome corporate and government corruption through honest campaigns, built on a foundation of truth, science and fair play.”

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

The Distended Belly of Government

Low fat religion spawned legions of processed foods, products with ramped up levels of sugar, and equally dubious sweet substitutes, to compensate for the inevitable loss of taste when fat is removed. The anti-saturated fat dogma gave manufacturers the perfect excuse to wean us off real foods that had sustained us for centuries, now portrayed as natural born killers, on to more lucrative, nutrient-light processed products, stiff with additives and cheap fillers.

Government diet gurus and health charities have long been engaged on a salt reduction crusade, but what has been missing from this noble effort is the awareness that excessive salt is a problem of processed food. High salt is essential to that larger-than-life processed food taste. Without salt, and a sub-set of assorted chemical flavour enhancers, processed foods would be exposed for what they are: products that have lost their natural savour and nutritional integrity. Salt-free cornflakes, for instance, would be well nigh inedible. No one would want to buy them because they would see that they are a heap of nutritional uselessness.

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Food Fraud – 101

On the issue of pink slime, it’s not as if the food industry saw the light, they just felt the heat! The main supplier of ammoniated pink slime, Beef Products, Inc., has been spiraling down. But now there’s a good chance you are eating some of the other unappetizing ingredients that simply don’t belong in our food. Trusting the food industry to help you make healthy choices can be a big mistake. Here are some more of the ways by which food suppliers continue to lose credibility.

Azodicarbonamide in Bread

This “dough conditioner” is the same chemical used to make yoga mats, shoe soles, and other rubbery objects. Azodicarbonamide is banned in Europe and Australia and its use carries a prison sentence in Singapore. When azodicarbonamide is baked in bread, it produces the carcinogen urethane. While Subway announced it is “in the process of removing azodicarbonamide as part of our bread improvement efforts,” the dough conditioner is also used in food at McDonald’s, Burger King, Starbucks, Arby’s, Wendy’s, Jack in the Box and Chick-fil-A. It is also in grocery store and restaurant breads, CNN says.

Plastic Microbeads in Fish

Plastic microbeads are used in toothpaste, liquid hand soaps, skin exfoliators, other personal care products, and industrial cleaners. Last year the microbeads were found in water samples in three of the Great Lakes. The beads work their way up the marine food chain where they “absorb and retain chemical contaminants,” says the Chicago Tribune.

Brominated Vegetable Oil in Beverages

The oil, from corn or soy, is bonded with the element bromine which is used in couches and carpets as a flame retardant. Bromide is an endocrine disruptor and part of the halide family which includes fluorine, chlorine and iodine. It competes for the same receptors in the body as iodine and can cause iodine deficiency among other things.

High Fructose Corn Syrup and Artificial Sweeteners in ,  ,  ,   Pretty Much Everything

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is cheaper for soft drink and bread makers to use and store than “real sugar” It has been linked to liver damage, diabetes, heart problems, obesity and even mercury consumption. Yet, aspartame, saccharin and acesulfame potassium, three leading artificial sweeteners, have all been linked to cancer.

A 2011 study by the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine found that people who drank one diet soda every day had a 61 percent higher chance of having a heart attack or stroke. Questions also persist about artificial sweeteners’ links to Alzheimer’s disease, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.

Transglutaminase Also Known as “Meat Glue”

Meat glue is transglutaminase, an adhesive powder originally obtained from animal blood, but lately more likely to come from fermented bacteria which is cheaper. Meat glue lets chefs cobble together disparate and low-quality scraps of meat, put it in the refrigerator overnight and produce “filet mignon.”

Up to 35 percent of food products contain meat glue, including tofu, milk, yogurt and even cereal according to industry accounts. Animal versions of meat glue in which the coagulation animal protein thrombin is combined with fibrin have affected blood clotting time in humans because bovine thrombin can cross-react with human factors.


Food providers that have engaged in food fraud, or have been slipping such poisonous ingredients into your food, are not worthy of your trust or patronage, ever!

Consider the Source

 Consider the First Source!


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word choreographed an assembly of amino acids into an exquisite array of specific proteins. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” In so doing God demonstrated a penchant for genomic writing, preceeded by an amazing series of prebiotic events, in a highly orchestrated presentation of evolutionary overcontrol.

More about God’s Handiwork!

Net-Neutrality = Press Freedom

Net-Neutrality is the principle that data packets on the Internet should be moved impartially, without regard to content, destination or source.

Throughout the history of the United States “Freedom of the Press” has been touted as a fundamental right when, in fact, such freedom has truly existed only for the one who owns the press. Anyone who’s watched the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington will clearly understand the democracy implications of a dollar skewed Internet.

In light of certain events of the last decade, it is clear that the Internet changed the dynamic and made the First Amendment guarantee real for the first time in U.S. history.

In January, three federal judges, in Verizon versus FCC, struck down the net-neutrality rules put in place by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) in 2010. The rules had been designed to prevent the nation’s largest broadband service providers from charging content companies for access to Internet “fast lanes”. The ruling allows Internet service providers (ISPs) to sell faster download speeds to the highest bidder — even if access to other websites slows to a crawl.

Web activists around the world assert that access to the Internet is now a fundamental human right. Thus it is important to ensure that the Internet remains a free and open platform that promotes innovation, competition and consumer interests.

It is clear from the opinion written by Judge David Tatel, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, that some consideration was given to the issue of consumer choice. But the analysis is, for the most part, focused on average connection speeds and not content.

The nightmare scenario occurs when the corporatocracy, accountable only to its investors, is itself vested with the power to act as the “gatekeeper,” when it becomes the arbiter of culture and speech.

Judge Tatel clearly placed the notion of “consumer choice” on a plane of unreality, for unless the consumer is informed, there is no meaningful exercise of choice. For example, the consumer of national news would have no way of knowing if Verizon was giving the Fox News website a faster pop because its front page featured an article favorable to Verizon on the issue of Net-Neutrality.

We have all witnessed the effects of integrity challenged journalism. We have regularly consumed a “journalistic” product that contains a highly selective filtration, amplification, and contextualization of the facts. It is already next to impossible to locate an honest broker of information. This is the proximate cause for the integrity deficit in government. If you were to place the average elected “representative” on the stage of the Scanning Transmission Electron Holography Microscope, you would be unable to detect any form of statesmanship.

I am sure that, in the wake of this latest attack on the First Amendment, there will be abundant posturing on Capitol Hill. But, it is important to develop a high contrast image in this particular case. There are friends of the First Amendment, and it has its enemies. The FCC should have classified the common carriers of Internet traffic as Common Carriers. And, it is widely suspected that any effort towards re-classification will face insurmountable roadblocks.

The electorate can simply acquiesce, as it has done so many times in the past, or it can exercise its considerable powers of Consumer Sovereignty. It needs to make the determination that this is the First Amendment issue of our time, and that any politicians blocking the re-classification effort should be pried from their form fitting seats for cause. That cause would be a fundamental betrayal of The Constitution they swore an oath to uphold.

© Robert H. Kalk