The Windowsill, Hydroponic, Inflation-Buster Garden
How to save $40 or more a year on the family food growing fresh, succulent salads right on your favorite windowsill!
The “new, improved” hydroponic tank designed and built from odds and ends and a few purchased items. James Dekorne states that this—byfar—has been the most successful of his homebuilt windowsill hydroponic systems. “These four mini-gardens have a combined surface area of 5.1 square feet … which is roughly four square feet smaller than the top of an average-sized card table. And the window we placed them in faces a full seventy-five degrees east of due south . . . which is certainly not the best orientation for growing anything, but was the only orientation we had to work with so we used it.
Despite the small size of our four-sectioned salad plot and despite their less-than-ideal exposure to the sun, during the one-month period between February 19 and March 19, we picked a total of 6.15 pounds of greens from our 5.1-square-foot hydroponic garden. That’s almost 1.2 pounds of edible tissue per square foot of growing space.