The Sacred Cycle
An audiovisionary portrayal of the cycle of reality by Troy R. Bishop.
An audiovisionary portrayal of the cycle of reality by Troy R. Bishop.
What is the Urantia Book? Why have you never heard of it before? Find out from real students of this life changing book, and hear how its teachings are changing the world we know.
The math is a bit trickier. But, hey, at least there are no moving parts to wear out in isomorphism. Whether you’re printing human organs or wall sections for building construction, chances are you’ve spent some time thinking about a gantry system. All things considered, a Rostock based 3d printer inspires through a performance that can only be described as graceful.
It stems from the open-source design philosophy and has a dedicated following of innovators together with a huge collection of ready designs courtesy of Thingiverse. If you’re ready to explore the world of desktop manufacturing, take a closer look as you consider the source.
When we align our objectives with the Divine will, when we strive for the attainment of a worthy goal, when we begin our work with a well defined plan, and when we have ability to work together with others effectively, we have already achieved the trajectory for success. For we know that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Learn how to enjoy boundless opportunity and unlimited progress!
If you’ve never explored the Thingiverse, perhaps the best place to start is with the wheel. This is very highly customizable wheel in the way of an OpenSCAD file with 46 parameters that provides a limitless set of combinations and wheel designs. In addition to the spoke options you see here, ou can select tread designs, hub designs, tires, etc.
It can be wide, narrow, big, little, fat hub, skinny hub, no hub, through-hole, servo arm mounted, chamfered, multi-tire, modeled tread, optical encoder-slotted, and more. It even accommodates stretched o-ring tires. It just can’t be square, because our sources tell us that won’t roll well. The code is extensively documented, and traces out helpful information about the geometry of the wheel/tire, as well as encoder slot metrics.
OpenSCAD is a free software application for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It is not an interactive modeler, but rather a 3D-compiler. OpenSCAD reads from a script and then renders a 3D model. OpenSCAD is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. It does constructive solid geometry (CSG). OpenSCAD can also extrude forms from AutoCAD DXF files.
When we align our objectives with the Divine will, when we strive for the attainment of a worthy goal, when we begin our work with a well defined plan, and when we have ability to work together with others effectively, we have already achieved the trajectory for success. For we know that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Learn how to enjoy boundless opportunity and unlimited progress!
Nuand has employed Lime Microsystems’ programmable RF silicon for its bladeRF, which – the two companies say – takes open-source RF hardware into the mainstream
Lime’s field programmable RF chip, the LMS6002D, has been adopted for Nuand’s bladeRF, a Kickstarter-funded open source software defined radio.
Following Myriad RF and Fairwaves, this is the third open source RF board to have been launched in 2013. Highlighting the importance of such technology, the project received over 500 backers on the social funding platform, KickStarter and raised almost twice the requested funding.
bladeRF is the first open source RF project to bring USB3.0 onto the board and combines the Lime chip with an Altera Cyclone IV FPGA. This combination allows it to create exceptionally complex networks on any mobile communications standard or frequency.
The $420 board has been designed for both the hobbyist and the professional developer and is USB2.0 compatible, allowing it to connect directly to the Raspberry Pi and the Beagleboard.
Consider the Source
SunnyBot is about the size of a large desk lamp and is equipped with an on-board mirror that continuously adjusts to reflect the sun’s rays on a chosen area. It is integrated with a dual-axis microcomputer that’s powered by a row of solar cells and comes with an optional feedback system. The device redirects 7,000 lumens (equal to a single 500 watt halogen lamp) with a range at just over 656 feet.
Forget your smartphone, shelve the tablet, and clear your desktop for something useful. Those great looking sunglasses may be your key to Cognitive Demand. It’s not enough for Google, Microsoft, and others to be in your face. They want to be on your face!
Microsoft plans to deliver “augmented reality” – where data and illustrations overlay the actual world around you. Google Glass presently features a tiny screen you see by looking up and to the left. Is this just an ear dongle for the eye, or is it something more? The apps makers will provide the answers.
Consider the Source
Coffman High School teacher, Jim Roscoe, with the help of students, built a 3D printer last spring and is now turning out plastic items that can be used in a number of scenarios. The machine melts plastic from a spool to make 3D items.
“All the information for this is open source,” Roscoe said. “The parts for the machine were made on a machine just like this. Now we can make another one.” The electronics and machines for the printer had to be purchased, but Roscoe said about $600 went into the machine that usually sells starting at $1,500.
The printer took about a month to put together plus some time to calibrate. The machine has been used to make parts for the Dublin FIRST Tech Challenge robotics team that Roscoe coaches. It also has other applications around the school. “We’re going to partner with the school store to make things,” Roscoe said, showing off small Coffman Rocks plastic figurines. “I have a product design class that will work on that.”
“We’re thinking up many uses.” Roscoe said, “We print something every day. This will have applications in math, science and physics. There are shapes you can make with it that you really can’t make in another way. You can make very complicated shapes.”
Consider the Source
Build a pulse-sensing headband that flashes a heart-shaped LED display to the beating of your heart!
Consider the Source