Positive Qualities – Compelling & Robust

Dear Folks,
Be willing to face life squarely.
Realize that every problem impacts growth to the degree that it is attempted to be solved.Steps Toward Inner Peace, Peace Pilgrim
Many things are Compelling: monetary or emotional security, Robust health, natural beauty, elegant truth, personal goodness. These appeal to us because they have intrinsic value. Appreciate and enjoy them in yourself, others, and Ma Nature. If you look even higher and harder you will find them revealed in and by your Spirit self.
Definitions: (1) demanding attention; drawing notice because of interest or beauty; having a riveting or an irresistible effect; (2) very powerful; forceful <a compelling personality>
Definition: having or exhibiting sound health or great strength; vigorous; hearty; strongly built; sturdy; muscular
Derivation: Latin, “oak strength”
Synonyms: hale, lusty
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Positive Qualities – Special & Straightforward

Dear Folks,
John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success (1910 – 2010) American Basketball Coach
• 6th Level : Industrious; Friendship; Loyalty; Cooperation; Enthusiasm
• 5th Level : Self-control; Alertness; Initiative; Intentness
• 4th Level : Conditioning; Skill; Team Spirit
• 3rd Level : Poise; Confidence
• 2nd Level : Faith; Competitive Greatness; Patience
• 1st Level : Success
It is not obvious to an immature person how they are Special in a good and unique way. Instead they think of their difference as being a drawback. Once we begin to celebrate our special personalities we get the point that our distinctive physical features are only skin deep; that our emotional proclivities can be modified; and that our intellectual boundaries can be breached. But most of all we begin to learn how to grow our soul. The most Straightforward and successful method is through the acquisition of values.
Definitions: (1) possessing extraordinary or uncommon characteristics; exceptional; unique; (2) particularly valued <a special friend>; (3) appropriate; proper
See also: Important
Synonyms: distinctive, distinguished, individualistic
Definition: possessing undeviating rectitude; upright; honest; open; frank; candid
You can run faster if you don’t run into walls. — Jerry Downs (1949 – ) American Sage
Symbol: a straight line
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Positive Qualities – Jolly & Svelte

Dear Folks,
The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve but a reality to experience.Dune, Frank Patrick Herbert (1920-1986) Author
Many qualities are multidimensional; that is, able to be expressed on the physical, mental, and/or spiritual levels. But no matter on which level they appear, they also move comfortably within the other two. Your body may no longer be Svelte but your mind and soul can be. Your mood may not be Jolly at this moment, but your heart can still feel the joy of life.
Definitions: (1) full of life and mirth; jovial; lively; (2) expressing, inspiring, or exciting frivolity and gaiety; (3) cheerfully festive; (4) delightful; charming
Synonyms: gay, joyous, merry, sportive, sprightly
Definition: slender and graceful; lithe; possessing clean lines; sleek
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Positive Qualities – High-spirited & Matter-of-fact

Dear Folks,
We focus on those things that support our reality. — Morgan Leigh
There are many aspects of a balanced personality. If one is naturally (or temporarily) High-spirited, a grounding element would be advisable. Being Matter-of-fact would do nicely.
Definition: full of natural fire; vivacious; boldly courageous; noble; mettlesome

Definitions: (1) true to the unembellished facts; literal; straightforward; (2) real
Balancing Qualities: honest, tactful
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Positive Qualities – Mirthful & Nimble

Dear Folks,
He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how. — Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) Philosopher
Do not get caught in the normal meanings of the qualities. With a Nimble mind you can move from one idea to another easily. This is one of the Mirthful joys of life.
Definition: jovial; festive; full of merriment
Synonyms: Mirth implies general lightness of heart and love of gaiety; glee stresses exultation shown in laughter, cries of joy or delight; hilarity suggests loud or irrepressible laughter or high‑spirited boisterousness; jollity suggests exuberance or exultant playfulness.
Definitions: (1) light and quick in motion; moving with ease and celerity; lively; swift; (2) clever conception, comprehension, or resourcefulness; (3) sensitive; responsive <a nimble listener>
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Positive Qualities – Provocative & Scrupulous

Dear Folks,

The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it. — Ralph Waldo Emerson  (1803-1882) Essayist

Some people Provoke a response with their looks, others with their talent, and yet others with the power of their personalities. We all touch others with our presence in some small or large way. It behooves us to be Scrupulous and understand our possible and positive impact.
Definition: tending to awaken or incite appetite or passion; stimulating
Synonyms: arouse, induce, move, stir up
Balancing Qualities: appropriate, discretion
Note: This is a quality with some negative connotations, but we are using it here in its best possible sense. Yet one does have to watch for the sensitivities of others when provoking interest. Keep your motives pure, your intent honorable, and your words tactful.
Definitions: (1) acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper; having moral integrity; conscientiously honest; (2) punctiliously exact; careful with details; precise, accurate, and correct
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Positive Qualities – Admirable & Dexterous

Dear Folks,
What most you admire, that shall you become.One, Richard David Bach (1936-) Author
Think not only of how you can live the qualities but also who you Admire who has lived them or who is living them. Think also of other ways to consider the qualities. We automatically think of someone who is good with their hands as Dexterous. But how about a person who can manage all of the complexity of a household? Or the mathematician who can hold several ideas in mind at once?
Definition: deserving the highest esteem; a person who inspires approval or respect
Synonyms: choice, excellent, pleasing, wonderful, worthy
Derivation: Latin, “to wonder”
Definitions: (1) ready and expert in the use of the body or hands; skillful and active in manual activity; adroit; (2) mental cleverness; quick at inventing
Synonyms: apt, artful, clever
Symbol: a juggler
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Positive Qualities – Terrific & Empathetic

Dear Folks,
Each week the top quote is one from those in-the-know expressing this idea: The concept of focusing on your desire in order to attain it is an ancient and primal element of human understanding. People have always realized learning comes from experience. Whatever you pay attention to, you not only acquire expertise in but also absorb the nature of. You are becoming what you emulate.
What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action. — Meister Eckhart (1260?-1327?) Mystic
The combination of qualities we possess – physical, mental, and spiritual – jammed together in a cohesive ball, are the sum of our soul. If this ball is large, it is recognizable and thus considered to be Terrific. We cannot expand our soul without consideration of others. Empathy is crucial.
Definition: awesome; excellent; extraordinary; great; magnificent; unusually good; wonderful
Definitions: (1) characterized by insightful understanding; the ability to know how another is feeling; possessing a mutual knowingness arising from sameness of experience; (2) vicariously being aware of, or being sensitive to the feelings, thoughts, or experiences of another without personally participating with the other at the time these feelings, thoughts, or experiences took place; (3) being able to grasp what is happening without the situation being fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner; (4) an emotion of sympathetic pity or compassion

Being able to feel the pain of others is a strength. It gives us incentive to avoid causing pain.— Morgan Llywelyn (1937 – ) BARD, The Odyssey of the Irish

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. — Jesus of Nazareth (7 bc-30 ad) The Bible, Matthew 7:12

Regard your neighbor’s gain as your own gain and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss. Relate yourself to every man as if you were in his place. Recompense injury with kindness. — Lao-Tse (6th Century bc) T’ai Shang Kan Ying P’ien (The Treatise of the Exalted One on Response and Retribution) Taoism
Note: The last two quotes represent the Golden Rule. We cannot adhere to this principal of reciprocity if we do not empathize with our fellows.
The Five Stages of Grief
1. Denial and isolation
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
Note: You may not be able to bypass the stages of grief, but you can move through them efficiently if you do not allow yourself to wallow in defeat or sorrow. After living through the difficulty you will be a more mature person, thus better able to empathize with others in similar pain.
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Positive Qualities – Electrifying & Zany

Dear Folks,
Transformation is being the answer. Be now … even if “you” think you can’t!Transformers, Jacquelyn Small, Author
This could be a wild combination. Both of these qualities are on the energetic side. Too much of anything needs to be balanced with some of it’s counterpart. A person with a naturally Electrifying personality will want to be grounded with practicality, sincerity, and a good sense of humor; therefore Zany may be a good complement as a directing force.
Definitions: (1) sudden and intense excitement; (2) arousing to intense activity; (3) startling or surprising <especially by doing something very inspiring or intensely interesting>; thrilling
Thunder is good. Thunder is impressive. But it is lightning that does the work.
— mark twain [born Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910) American Humorist
Symbol: a lightning bolt.
Note: Lightning flashes can travel upward at 87,000 miles per second and generate 30,000° C (nine times the temperature of the surface of the sun).
Definition: whimsically comical; clownishly crazy; wildly absurd
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Positive Qualities – Plainspoken & Pacifistic

Dear Folks,
What we dwell upon we help bring into manifestation.Steps Toward Inner Peace, Peace  Pilgrim (1908-1981) Pacifist
A Plainspoken person always has to listen with the ears of the other person or people. It is possible for you to be Pacifistic even though the majority of humankind still believes aggression is not only an option but one of the first to be taken.
Definitions: (1) talking with clear, frank openness; candid; (2) communicating with simple, unreserved sincerity
Definitions: (1) characterizes one who opposes war and the military solution; one who proposes all disputes be settled by arbitration; (2) nonviolent; peaceable
Balancing Qualities: humor, luck, strength
Compatible Qualities: compromising, courage, moral conviction, objective, patience
Familial Quality: Satyagraha (Sanskrit): literally “insistence on truth” or “truth force” [pressure for social and political reform through friendly passive resistance]
People Who Exemplify This Quality:
Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) Political and Ideological Leader of India
The Quakers: The Religious Society of Friends
Inspiration: Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) at the age of fifty experienced a religious conversion to the Gospel of Peace and lived his last thirty years preaching the ethic of nonviolence.
Comment: To make political pacifism work there must be unity, loyalty, daring, and mutual respect.
Advice: Remember there is personal pacifism and political pacifism. Do not castigate yourself if you are not Gandhi with his combination of personal and political aplomb. Your personal belief, that might does not make right, is laudable. Do what you can in your daily life to live peaceably.
Bibliography: The true story of effective nonviolent resistance to Nazism. The townspeople sheltered, and saved the lives of, many hundreds of Jews even though the penalty was deportation or death.
— Philip P. Hallie (1922-1994) Lest Innocent Blood Be Shed: The Story of The Village of Le Chambon and How Goodness Happened There

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