Positive Qualities – Lofty & Huggable

Dear Folks,
Meaning is something that takes you from a thing to a value. To answer the question, “What is the meaning of life?” you have first to answers the question, “What is the value of life?” — Dr. Chris Halvorson, (1960 – ) Physicist
Lofty is in need of friends. He likes other qualities to join in to keep him humble. When he is getting too high to reach the ground, he asks a child for a Hug. When he touches the sublime, he feels he should meet someone and share the light. He is aware that he must speak the truth in such a way that it can be heard.
Definitions: (1) elevated in character, quality, or condition; sublime; exalted; (2) noble in sentiment or diction; eminent; dignified
Derivation: Old Norse, “air,” “heaven”
Synonyms: high, proud, stately
Balancing Quality: humble
Too Far: conceited
Symbol: winged sandals
Definition: inviting a close embrace; cuddly
How to Live This Quality Today: Hug someone.
Hugging is healthy: It helps the body’s immune system. It cures depression. It reduces stress. It induces sleep. It’s invigorating. It’s rejuvenating. It has no unpleasant side effects. Hugging is nothing less than a miracle drug. — Author Unknown
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Positive Qualities – Exciting & Timely

Dear Folks,
Man should journey thru life treating his fellow creatures as he would like to be treated.Jainism, Sutrakritanga 1.11.33
Others will decide if you are Exciting to be around. One of their criteria is if you excite their minds and emotions with your personality and soul.
Being Timely is so much more than being on time. The best humorists have exquisite timing. An painter has a sense of how long to leave the brush on the canvas. Any artist knows when their piece is finished. Setting a goal includes knowing how long it will take, and adjusting to the circumstances and obstacles.

Definitions: (1) producing or stimulating exhilaration; arousing keen interest; thrilling; (2) stirring an emotional or spiritual response; (3) calling to action
Synonyms: exhilarating, fiery, invigorating
Definitions: (1) happening, done, or said at a suitable moment, especially in order to achieve a desired effect; opportune; (2) arriving at the appointed time; well‑timed; (3) appropriate or adapted to the times or the occasion; (4) a lifesaver
Balancing Quality: prepared
Saying: Take the time to do it right, or you’ll find the time to do it over.

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of. — Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) American Statesman

For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under heaven. — The Bible, Ecclesiastes 3:1
God . . . does not recognize earth‑time. To the universe, four days is no different than four billion light years. — Robert James Waller (1939 – ) The Bridges of Madison County
Nobody sees a flower – really – it is so small it takes time – and to see takes time, like to have a friend takes time. — Georgia O’Keeffe (1887-1986) American Artist
My hour has not yet come. — Jesus of Nazareth (7 bc-30 ad) Jewish Theologian
Note: Do not be forced into something you are not ready for. Be wise in your judgment of the best time to act.
• I have enough time to enjoy everything I do.
• I have enough time to do everything I need to do.
Reflection: There is an ideal pace at which you should proceed. You don’t want to be going too fast or too slow. Your pace is restricted by your lack of courage, emotional blocks, comfort patterns, and belief systems. Even so, you can only proceed from where you are. Your pace is not the same as that of another. Respect the pace of others.
You can accelerate your pace, but it needs to be done globally and evenly, moving forward emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. If you ignore some aspect, you will find yourself out of balance and will have to go back to it anyway.
Consideration: Take the time to do it right. Prepare as best you can so you will be able to do your project to the best of your ability.
When there is a deadline on a job and outside pressures create stress, recognize the balance between efficiency and effectiveness. If you possess a high level of attention to detail, you may have to curb it. Instead of taking the measurement to the fourth decimal, take it to the first decimal. Ask yourself if it is good enough. Good enough doesn’t mean shabby, it means high‑quality work under the circumstances. Assess the nature of the job: making cabinets, more accuracy; building a shipping pallets, less accuracy. Know where the boundaries are, but with the awareness of doing it right.
• If you are able to see exactly how to fit the luggage into the car trunk, you have a good space sense. Translate your space talent into a time talent by fitting your schedule into the day.
• One of the main reasons to do your best while you’re here, in time and space, is because you can’t go back. You can’t reverse time and do what you wanted to do previously.
• Since you have all eternity you can:
◦ give yourself a break.
◦ take the time to find your right livelihood.
◦ find an infinite number of ways to motivate yourself to do your best.
• Am I always late or put things off?
• What does it take to have good timing?
Note: Pay attention to organization, prioritization, focus, and vision. A good way to motivate yourself to be on time is to have concern for the people who are waiting for you. Graciously break off from the current appointment to get to the next one on time. Turn on your consideration switch.
Symbols: 1) a clock; 2) a river; 3) a spindle; 4) the wheel
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Positive Qualities – Sedate & Foursquare

Dear Folks:
1) Be Proactive (responsible, independent, imaginative, self-aware)
2) Begin with the end in mind (conceptualization, visualization, creation)
3) Put first things first (effective time management, start with matters of importance)
4) Think Win/Win (mutual benefit, successful, integrity, maturity)
5) Seek first to understand, then to be understood (good listener, communication)
6) Synergize (communication, cooperation, trust)
7) Sharpen the saw (re-energize, relax, be of service)
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Richards Covey (1932-2012) American Educator
Sedate fits into life (and #7 above) in that we have to rest and rejuvenate. Add reflection to before, during, and after an activity. One need not be motionless to be sedate.
Foursquare is an overall attitude of open honest clarity with a willingness to always expand your point of view.
Definitions: (1) keeping a quiet and steady attitude or pace; calm; undisturbed; tranquil; (2) possessing a composed and decorous seriousness; sober; dignified; (3) serene; contemplative
Definitions: (1) frank; forthright; direct; (2) firm; solid; unhesitating; holding a bold conviction
Balancing Quality: lighthearted
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Positive Qualities – Spontaneous & Neighborly

Dear Folks,
Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. — Author Unknown
The first thought that came to mind when I read Spontaneous and Neighborly was to be open to the opportunities life and luck present to us. Look for the chance to give a smile, lend a hand, or be tolerant of an insult – just be friendly.
Definitions: (1) acting playfully or creatively upon a sudden impulse; (2) not premeditated; not contrived or manipulated; natural; (3) done or resulting from one’s own desire
Too Far: capricious
Saying: Carpe diem (Latin): “Seize the day.”
Comments: Each quality has a default level. But you can change that level by being open to it when it comes up in your life. Consciously supporting it enhances it.
Automatic versus Spontaneous
Your automatic reactions are put into play immediately without thought. They could be very complex responses or as simple as flight or fight. Your habitual reactions have been created genetically over many generations. You can and have modified them somewhat by your conscious actions.
A spontaneous response could, at the least, be the same as an automatic response. But it also could be much more flexible. As you add a wider range of possible options, you extend your responsiveness.
Definition: showing kindness or helpfulness; friendly; sociable
Synonym: amicable
People Who Exemplify This Quality: Fred Rogers (1928-2003) American Educator and Minister
God did not come to me through a mystical experience, but through a human being, a neighbor, an agent of his love. — Rev. Elizabeth Kilbourn (1926-2006) Canadian Educator
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Positive Qualities – Even-tempered & Fraternal

Dear Folks,
The purpose of life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whomever is around to be loved.The Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007) Author
I find it hard to think before I say something. It is a lifelong quest of mine to think before I speak. The ideal of being Even-tempered requires a continual decision to remember the people I am dealing with are my brothers and sister in the most Fraternal sense. Progress is only made with some effort.
Definition: placid; calm; not quickly angered, excited, or disturbed
Tip: Count to ten when you feel anger beginning to rise. It’s an old trick but it works if you have good intentions.
Definitions: (1) relating to or involving brothers; (2) refers <in a generic sense> to the familial connection between all people, male and female; friendly; (3) characterizes one who gives special attention or favor to individuals because they are family or are as close as family.
Symbol: the garland {Fellowship}
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Positive Qualities – Agile & Handsome

Dear Folks,
Every man is the son of his own works. — Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547–1616) Writer
It is good to have an agile body or a handsome face, but we know these will fade with age. What will continue to grow is an Agile mind and a Handsome soul.
Definitions: (1) well‑coordinated in movement; nimble; (2) active; lively; brisk; (3) mentally acute or aware; an ability to think quickly; resourceful
Synonyms: alert, spry
Symbols: 1) the stag; 2) the rabbit
Fictional Figure: Tarzan, a man raised in the jungle, became as agile as his ape family. — Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) Tarzan of the Apes

Definitions: (1) well‑proportioned in appearance; good‑looking; attractive; dapper; (2) graceful in manner; possessing propriety and respectful ease; adroit; (3) moderately elegant; neat; correct; (4) liberal; generous; gracious

A good haircut is nice; after that you need to speak a few reasonable sentences. — Michael Hanna, 100 Thought Adjusters

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Positive Qualities – Dreaming & Knowledgeable

Dear Folks,
Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality. . — Tenzing Gyatso [The Dalai Lama] (1935 – )
Does Dreaming inform Knowledge or does knowledge give substance to your dreams?
Definitions: (1) a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from common reality; reverie; (2) something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality; (3) a strongly desired goal or purpose; (4) something fully satisfying a wish <as an ideal>
If you can dream it, you can do it. — Walt Disney (1901-1966) American Animator
It may be those who do most, dream most. — Stephen Leacock (1869-1944) English-born Canadian Teacher
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he had imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. — Henry David Thoreau (1817-1872) On Walden Pond

Dream is the personalized myth, myth the depersonalized dream; both myth and dream are symbolic in the same general way of the dynamics of the psyche. But in the dream the forms are quirked by the peculiar troubles of the dreamer whereas in myth the problems and solutions shown are directly valid for all mankind. — Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) The Hero with a Thousand Faces


Once, Chong Chou dreamt that he was a butterfly. A butterfly flittering and fluttering around, happy with himself, doing as he pleased. He did not know he was Chong Chou. But then he woke up, and there he was, solid and unmistakably Chong Chou. But he did not know if he was a butterfly dreaming that he was Chong Chou, or Chong Chou who was dreaming that he was a butterfly. Between Chong Chou and the butterfly, there must be some distinction. This is called the transformation of things. — Lao-tse (6th Century bc) Chinese Mystic Philosopher

Dream versus Fact
Include in your dream the decision to do your best with what you’ve got. You’ve still got to look into your future with clarity, hope, faith, and courage but realize these same qualities are keys for doing your best right now. As you are doing your best in the current situation, you are developing those qualities for the realization of your dream future. Without developing the appropriate qualities specific to your ambition, you will not be able to smoothly step into your dream.
There is a natural intuition letting you know if you are capable of actualizing something. Unfortunately, there is a problem. This mechanism gets confused with the constricting reactions of fear. How do you separate your natural, positive knowing from the fear keeping you from moving? First, assess your outer world. As you do, remember and accept you are responsible for now because of your decisions and choices from the past. Know what your current external realities are. Then visualize your ideal future. Draw the curve connecting the now with the future. Compare it to the curve of where your present decisions are taking you. After that assess your inner world, especially your qualities of confidence, self‑esteem, and faith. What qualities are you developing in your current reality? What qualities are needed to let you live your dream?
• Don’t miss out on your life. Destiny is always greater than you are at the present time. If you live up to it in your own mind, you will feel complete and satisfied, but only temporarily. There is always more.
• Following your dream doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to make a million dollars. It does mean you are going to strive for what you consider to be your highest ideas and ideals. You may not be successful in the eyes of society if you follow your dream, but if you do what you have decided, you will experience happiness because you have pursued your most enjoyable qualities.
Admonition: It is important to be inspired by your heroes. Yet always remember their dreams were different from yours. Do not berate yourself for not measuring up.
• When I look back on my life, will I have accomplished my fondest dreams?
• What will I most be remembered for when I die?
• What will I remembered when I wake up on the other side?
Symbol: a stormy sea
Fictional Figure: The Sleeping Beauty — Charles Perrault (1628-1703)
Definitions: (1) mentally understood as fact or truth; well‑informed; (2) keen to perceive; intelligent; (3) possessing appreciative insight; apprehending with clarity and certainty; (4) having a memory of or an experience with; solid recognition; (5) aware of or familiar with; having information about; (6) practiced
Synonyms: comprehension, erudite, learned, skillful
Balancing Quality: interested
Familial Qualities: Incisive: penetrating knowledge; insightful: knowledge about the inner nature of things; instinctive: knowledge from a previous generation; intuitive: knowledge without the conscious use of reasoning; perspicuous: an ability to recognize the inner other
Knowledge is power.
Action begets knowledge. Information begets understanding.
Nosce te ipsum (Latin); Gnothi seauton (Greek): “Know thyself.” — Socrates (c. 469-399 bc) Classical Greek Philosopher
The greatest thing in the world is to know how to be oneself. — Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) French Essayist

I was gratified to be able to answer promptly. I said, “I do not know.” — Mark Twain [born Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910) American Humorist

[Merlin:] It is never wise to turn aside from knowing, however the knowing comes. — Mary Stewart (1916 – ) The Hollow Hills

Know thyself and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe. — Socrates (c. 429-399 bc) Classical Greek Philosopher

 We only get in trouble when we think about it. When we don’t think about it, we know who we are. — Joe Burull (1947 – ) American Photographer
Things are known in the knower after the manner of the knower, not after their own manner of existence. — Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) Italian Theologian
When and if we have found and understood the complete irreducible laws of physics, we certainly shall not thereby know the Mind of God. We will not even get much help in understanding the minds of slugs. . . . Instead our position will be like the chess player who has learned the rules of chess, or a would‑be pianist who can now read all the notes. This skeletal knowledge is certainly not enough for skillful play. As we approach such understanding, it is the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end. — Frank Wilczek (1951 – ) American Theoretical Physicist
The existence of the knowns points to the investigation of the unknowns. We know choice, personality, experience, and all manner of positive qualities do exist. We know by personal experience how living positively is better than living negatively. Positive movement will lead to additional positive action, even in the face of evil.
Although the fact of physical death is a massive mystery, it is not unreasonable to assume we can continue our positive quest beyond the grave. If we do not continue, there would be no reason or value to exist. A nonpersonal, mechanistic universe would have no need for love and its positive ramifications.
Consideration: What do you consider to be the essentials? What do you consider to be most important, and therefore, most valuable? They are our personal, basic, fundamental realities. That’s what you will act on. When you are considering an automobile, there are certain things it must have or you will not buy it. When you are picking friends, a job, a spouse, or a religion, you have certain criteria in mind.
• It is important to find a clear certainty in yourself. The mind is intrinsically endowed with the possibility to know and the ability to be knowledgeable. If we do not know that, then all facts and truth are suspect.
• Information is located in books, but knowledge is acquired through an interactive and personal involvement with the information. A thing must be experienced, oftentimes repeatedly, before it becomes part of our inner knowing. Even then some things cannot be retained without continued practice.
Admonition: See yourself through other people’s eyes. If you know what it is that other people appreciate about you, whether it is your natural or acquired qualities, then you can enhance those qualities.
Colors: violet, yellow
Symbols: 1) the Tree of Knowledge; 2) a rolled papyrus scroll
Types of Knowing
1)      Memories:
          a)      highlighted: induced by smells, tastes, sound, sight, or touch
          b)      vivid: set by high value, focused by repetition, stressed by strong  emotion
          c)      partial: faded by time, clouded by feelings, adjusted by desire, replaced by other memories
2)      Experiences: past, present, or future
3)      Dreams: day‑dreams, imagination, wishful thinking, reflections, guesses
4)      Presentations: reading material, movies, plays, television
5)      Convictions: the visualization of a goal completed
6)      Associations: images that look like or remind you of other images, i.e., Rorschach ink blots, clouds
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Positive Qualities – Resourceful & Guiding

Dear Folks,
Whatever you are fascinated with, you want to create more of. — Avinash, Teacher
Your Guiding system is what you believe to be of value. You will use all of your Resourceful focus to pursue it. Distractions abound, but life presents us with a myriad of ideas, people, and situations to gain experience. Keep your choices on the lofty side.
Definition: able to deal skillfully and promptly with new situations or old difficulties; clever in finding assets; ingenious at discovering new uses for the materials at hand; inventive
Derivation: Old French, “to rise again”
Definition: being in a leading position because of intimate knowledge of the way and of all its difficulties; conducting; directing
Compatible Quality: charismatic
Familial Qualities: confidence, leadership
Legendary Figure: Nestor, a wise king in Greece, the chief advisor during the siege of Troy
Mythological Figure: Mentor was a friend and tutor of Odysseus. Athena sometimes took his form as an advisor; a mentor, thus, is a wise and trusted counselor.
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Positive Qualities – Philosophical & Sleek

Dear Folks,
A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it. — Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121–180) Philosopher
I love the qualities which have two or more connotations. One can be Philosophical in the academic sense or in the it-will-all-turn-out-ok sense. Either way, one is engrossed in the love of wisdom. There is a Sleek elegance in the appreciation of, and then the discovery of, the truth.
Definitions: (1) devoted to a study of the processes governing thought and conduct; (2) theoretical contemplation; (3) investigation of the principles and laws regulating the universe that underlie all knowledge and reality; (4) calm in a difficult situation; rational in the face of conflict; sensibly composed; (5) able to add meaning to confusion, put pain into context, or downplay damage which have or will occur in a lifetime
Derivation: Greek, “love of wisdom”
Symbol: the Archpriest (tarot)
Definitions: (1) polished or smooth in manners, speech, or appearance; suave; (2) a well‑groomed or healthy look; dapper; elegant; (3) slender, graceful lines; stylish
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Positive Qualities – Grand & Triumphant

Dear Folks,
Life is about creating yourself. — George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Author
Life is a Grand adventure; one we only appreciate fleetingly as we experience our Triumphs and defeats in this mortal coil. On the other side we will look back with longing and astonishment.

Definitions: (1) conceived or expressed with great dignity; (2) illustrious; powerful; (3) splendid; magnificent; (4) noble; sublime; lofty; (5) important; distinguished
Synonyms: elevated, exalted, majestic, superb
Color: green
Definitions: (1) notably successful; victorious; (2) rejoicing over winning; exultant; elated
Quote:  The most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. — Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) French Historian [Father of the Modern Olympic Games]
Comment: Triumphant is a quality of the past and the future. It is important to appreciate what has been accomplished. Contemplate the fact of having been triumphant in order to project it onto your next goal. Visualize it clearly and experience the victory even before it happens.
Color: red
Symbols: 1) a laurel wreath; 2) the Chariot (Tarot)
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