Positive Qualities – Distinctive & Proud

Dear Folks,
As you create, you naturally evoke that which is highest in you.The Path of Least Resistance, Robert Fritz, Entrepreneur, Author
Give yourself as much credit as you would any other person for your Distinctive achievements and you positive nature. It is appropriate to be Proud of your children for growing up straight and true; for giving credit where credit is due – even for yourself.
Definitions: (1) possessing a quality, mark, or feature of admirable difference; that which makes or keeps an individual unique; (2) specially recognized or honored; eminent; superior; famous
Synonyms: discernment, notable, ranking
Definitions: (1) feeling pleasure or satisfaction over an honorable or creditable accomplishment of another; exultant; (2) having or showing self‑respect or self‑esteem for a personal success; (3) stately, majestic, or magnificent; (4) full of vigor and spirit; elated
Too Far: pride, the sin of
Color: green
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Positive Qualities – Romantic & Law-abiding

Dear Folks,
When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. — Author Unknown
I was going to write a long Romantic poem about being Law-abiding but I thought I would simply suggest you get outside this spring and be thankful the laws of Ma Nature are so well balanced.
Definitions: (1) responsive to an imaginative or emotional appeal of what is heroic, adventurous, mysterious, or idealized; (2) loving and affectionate; (3) conducive to or suitable for a loving relationship
Derivation: Originally, a “romance” was a long narrative in verse or prose, written in one of the Romance dialects about the adventures of knights and other chivalric heroes.
Definition: obeying the law; respecting to the law
Only outer peace can be had through law. The way to inner peace is through love. — Peace Pilgrim [born Mildred Lisette Norman] (1908-1981) Steps Toward Inner Peace

Mere obedience to the law does not measure the greatness of a nation. . . . The true test is the extent to which the individuals composing the nation can be trusted to obey self‑imposed law. — Lord John Fletcher Moulton (1844-1921) English Barrister and Judge

Comment: Laws, rules, and regulations have been made to state the obvious, like the protection of the innocent, and also because some will take unfair advantage when the opportunity is available. When that happens, society makes a law.
On the other hand, straying from the (unfair) law may be necessity, thus civil disobedience.
Questions: What should be allowed? How much freedom should be given? The level the individual can cope with or the level the society can deal with? How can we be sure something like nuclear material or the idea of freedom can be handled safely and responsibly? – only time, trust, and common sense are safeguards.
Note: We can learn from history and hope for positive possibilities.
Symbol: the Archpriestess (tarot)
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Positive Qualities – Debonair & Sporting

Dear Folks,
Every cask smells of the wine it contains. — Spanish Proverb
Some words usually refer to men or women. Look at the qualities in the definitions of Debonair and Sporting to see that they can be lived by anyone.
Definitions: (1) possessing an affable manner; genial; courteous; (2) suave; urbane; worldly; (3) jaunty; cheerful; lively; carefree
Derivation: Old French, “of good disposition”
Definitions: (1) characterizes one who indulges in a happy diversion <usually with others>; playful; merry; one who enjoys recreation; gamesome; (2) playing fairly and according to the rules; courteous; accepts failure gracefully and victory graciously; (3) possessing the ability to accept jestful teasing with a good sense of humor
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Positive Qualities – Seasoned & Succinct

Dear Folks,
The Seven Attributes of a Druid:
• Wisdom
• Compassion
• Liberal
• Abundance
• Nonconformity
• Learning
• Idealist
We live inside time. Some qualities are Seasoned as we mature. We can aid in our own growth by consciously focusing on those ideals we aspire to. It need not be complicated; make a Succinct decision on who you want to become.
Definitions: (1) made competent by experience; matured; (2) improved quality; fit; (3) accustomed; acclimatized; (4) imparting with relish, zest, or interest; (5) made less harsh or severe; tempered; softened <He seasoned his remarks with discretion.>
Definition: particular and concise <especially in speech>
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Positive Qualities – Authentic & Beneficent

Dear Folks,
Treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself, and you will find that this is the shortest way to benevolence.Confucianism, Mencius VII.A.4
We are each Authentic in a unique way. This insures that any Beneficent actions we give or revive are also unique. This is a primary technique for us to be co-creative, and in harmony with the Big Plan.


Definitions: (1) worthy of acceptance or belief <an authentic idea>; genuine; real; (2) approved by authority; trustworthy; reliable; (3) true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character; unique
Synonyms: credible, faithful, official, original
Definitions: (1) characterizes one who produces good <especially performing acts of kindness and charity>; (2) describes thoughts, words, or deeds resulting in actual advantage <especially for others>
Derivation: Latin, bene “good” or “well,” facere “to do”
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Positive Qualities – Sheltering & Self-contained

Dear Folks,
As a man thinks within himself, so he is.The Bible, Proverbs 23:7, Solomon
There are some qualities society expects you to have (although, only at a minimum level) and there are qualities you strive to garner for yourself. What would you put on your personal list of essential Self-contained qualities? Would Sheltering be one of them?
Definition: (1) protecting or defending <especially a loved one> from danger, violence, injury, annoyance, or attack; (2) securing or rendering safe; harboring
Derivation: Middle English, “bodyguard”
Symbols: 1) a roof; 2) a house
Definitions: (1) having within oneself all necessary qualities; self‑possessed; (2) functioning independently; self‑sufficient; (3) formal and reserved in manner
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Positive Qualities – Dynamic & Tidy

Dear Folks,
We acquire virtue just like we acquire crafts, you learn to build by building. — Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) Philosopher
At first blush, Dynamic and Tidy seem to be disparate qualities. But, after reading the definitions, maybe one could ‘exhibit organized power in motion” while cleaning out the refrigerator, or producing a ‘fair solution to a problem of growth.’
Definitions: (1) exhibiting power in motion; involving or causing energy; (2) active; vigorous; forceful; (3) relating to or tending toward change or growth
Color: pure red
Symbol: the ocean

Definitions: (1) in good order; neat; (2) organized; systematic; methodical; (3) precise and appropriate <especially in manner and dress for a particular occasion>; (4) an acceptable and fair solution to a problem
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Positive Qualities – Regal & Prayerful

Dear Folks,
Realize you can open your arms to change, without letting go of your values.
Pray — there is immeasurable power in it.
Never interrupt when you are being flattered.
— Selections from: Instructions for Life, Anonymous
We do not often think of ourselves as Regal, but as your read the definitions, imagine it as a positive goal.
I have been grateful to all of you receiving these messages for the last 20 years, and, I suppose, my complimentary close of “Peace” has been a prayer-wish for you. From today and moving forward, I will think of you with a Prayerful attitude.
Definitions: (1) exhibiting notable excellence or even magnificence; splendid; (2) relating to or suitable for royalty

Definitions: (1) worshipful communion to or with God; (2) spiritual or meditative contemplation; (3) devout; (4) earnest and sincere
Compatible Quality: intuition
Parental Quality: faith
Consequential Quality: insight
Saying: Laborare est orare (Latin): “To work is to pray.”
You can’t pray a lie. — Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
God answers man’s prayer by giving him an increased revelation of truth, an enhanced appreciation of beauty, and an augmented concept of goodness. Prayer is a subjective gesture, but it contacts with mighty objective realities on the spiritual levels of human experience; it is a meaningful reach by the human for superhuman values. It is the most potent spiritual-growth stimulus.
Words are irrelevant to prayer; they are merely the intellectual channel in which the river of spiritual supplication may chance to flow. The word value of a prayer is purely autosuggestive in private devotions and sociosuggestive in group devotions. God answers the soul’s attitude, not the words. — The Urantia Book (91:8.11-12)
• Make up your own prayers or modify these. Remember prayers are not the words. Your sincere heart is doing the praying. Your open mind is receiving the light. Your prayer is personal.
• Dear God, you are The Upholder. Thank you for the gift of life. Just as the bird sits on her nest, so do you patiently and knowingly nurture our growth.
Daily Prayer
I am thankful for this new day. My mind and heart are open to all experiences because they teach me what I need to know. Those persons, places, and things I can benefit and can benefit me are drawn to me and I to them. I am a blessing to all whom I meet today. I am valuable and deserve to be happy.
I forgive all who need to be forgiven; and everyone who needs to forgive me does so now. I can deal with whatever may happen to me today. There is nothing to fear, the Knower within me guides me perfectly in all decisions.
I am healthy and whole and respect my body. My positive, affirmative thoughts shield me from all negativity and doubt. I let go of worn out things and worn out conditions. I replace them with fresh, vibrant, and abundant ideas. I am alive, alert, and aware. I walk in the paths of fairness, right action, and gratitude – all of the time, whether I think about it or not.
I align myself consciously and deliberately with the Supreme. I am a child of the universe, and am filled with the faith God is in charge of my life. It is my will to align with The Will.
Good morning One! Thank you for this day! Thank you for me! Thank you for my friends. Thank you for the world. May all my thoughts, words, and actions of today be in service to the highest good. — Australian Aboriginal, Mutant Message

Divine intelligence, what positive, constructive, creative thought, word, attitude, or action is my next step to improve my present work? What is the next step into … abundance, satisfaction and freedom …? — Catherine Ponder (1927 – ) The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

Our Mother, who art beneath us, you support us, nurture us, bring us the gift of life. Hear the prayers of your children and forgive us our trespasses. Intervene on our behalf for those other lives, great and small, which suffer when we err. Oh, Mother, we pray. Help us to face danger and be wise. — David Brin (1950 – ) Earth
We seek, through prayer and meditation, to improve our conscious contact with God (as we understand the concept). Praying only for knowledge of God’s will for us and the power to carry it out. — Number eleven of the Alcoholics Anonymous twelve‑step program
• Praying is an efficient way to clarify our understanding of our intended needs and concepts.
• In order for a prayer to be effective, we must first possess and have honestly aspired to the qualities of industriousness, stamina, surrender, decisiveness, dedication, wisdom, and faith.
Comment: The sincere motive of your prayer is the payload; your faith is the propellant sending it swiftly and surely to an eager Divine Source. Since God is always open to give, and has an unlimited supply of goodness, truth, mercy, or any positive quality, you will get what you need.
Prayer changes, expands, and clarifies your attitude and insight.
Types of Prayers:
• Adoration, Praise
• Forgiveness, Contrition
• Submission, Acceptance
• Thankful, Grateful, Appreciative
• Wishful, Needful, Helpful, Petitionary
• Affirming, Knowing
• Aligning, Faithful
• Contemplative
• Denial
Note: Denial should be meshed with an affirming prayer, such as, “I will not accept this negative situation. I know Divine Order will prevail, and I accept God’s structure. The evil here does not touch me, but I will learn from it.”
Experience: When I used to hitchhike, I would not fret and worry about the next ride or when I would get it. I would instead build up a prayer to give to the next person kind enough to bring me down the road. I would do this by being conscious of all that was happening to me and around me. I would add special inner prayer wishes for the good of the person who finally opened there door, and thus their heart, to me. As each driver approached I would mentally let them know a wealth of good energy would be theirs if they chose to pick me up.
I did not often get rides from female drivers, but one time, while I was using this technique, I did. She was amazed that she had stopped. I told her why and we had a very nice conversation about the important things in life.
Symbols: 1) the eagle; 2) the bow and arrow
Legendary Object: A Japanese legend holds that the crane lives for a thousand years, and your prayer or wish will come true if you fold a thousand paper cranes.
Mythological Figure: Sandalphon, in Jewish mythology, one of three angels who receive prayers from the faithful and weave them into crowns
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Positive Qualities – Pastoral & Goodness

Dear Folks,
The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe; to match your nature with Nature. — Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) Mythologist
Acquiring positive qualities is in the pursuit, the attempt one makes. We can look back and see if we have made progress, and then turn forward and carry on with the endeavor. I was reminded of this when I read ‘well-meaning’ in the definition for Goodness.
If one can achieve the state of mind expressed in the quote above, they will be well on their way to having a Pastoral life. Do not assume you would then have a boring life. You can add as much spice as you like.
Definition: characteristic of pleasant rural life; peaceful, simple, and natural; innocent
Proverb: A butterfly never hurries – even when pursued. — Chinese
Symbols: 1) the farmer; 2) the shepherd
Fictional Figure: Beulah, the idyllic land of sunshine and delight. — John Bunyan (1628-1688) Pilgrim’s Progress,
Mythological Figures: 1) Cybele, the Phrygian goddess of nature; 2) Demeter, the Greek god of agriculture and fruitfulness; 3) Ceres, the Roman god of agriculture and fruits of the harvest
Definitions: (1) excellence of character, morale, or virtue; (2) generous and kindly feelings; benevolence; (3) the best part
Derivation: Sanskrit, “what one clings to”; Old English, “God”
Saying: If darkness is, then darkness is good. — Mbuti

It is noble to be good and it’s nobler to teach others to be good, and less trouble. — Mark Twain [born Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910) American Humorist

Goodness begets goodness; but to the one who is truly good, evil also begets goodness. — Lao‑tse (6th Century bc) Chinese Philosopher, Founder of Taoism

There is but one good; that is God. Everything else is good when it looks to Him and bad when it turns away from Him. — C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) Irish-born British Novelist

It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness. — Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) Russian Writer

Note: Because beauty is so compelling goodness is felt in it. Magnificent beauty can draw you into the realm of goodness.
Comment: If you are good to someone, they get the direct benefit of your act of kindness. But does your simple personal goodness also benefit more broadly? When you are practicing goodness to even one other, they will be more likely to live goodness as well. Therefore, your personal benevolent act spreads out. No matter how private your goodness, you are adding to the greater good.
Consideration: The results of being good are usually evident.
Advice: When in doubt, focus on the good, focus on what you know to be correct and true. Ask your heart whether or not you are doing the right thing. Ask your friends, but your friends may be more cautious, more conservative than your ideals, so even though they are well‑meaning you are going to have to take their responses with a grain of salt. It may mean they are not willing to take the steps you are willing to take. Both intuition and goodness are intrinsic. Use them together.
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Positive Qualities – Resolute & Persuasive

Dear Folks,
Always bear in mind that your resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. — Abraham Lincoln (1806-1865) 16th U.S. President
What would be of such value we should make it our Resolute purpose? If it is too low, we will get tired of it or out live it. It must be something with a long life, something eternal. Then we will be able to identify with it forever. As it becomes clearer, we will – to that extent – be able to share it with others. True Persuasiveness is a connection of two (or more) subjective realities with The Objective Reality.
Definitions: (1) causing someone to do something <especially by urging or influencing>; to prevail upon; (2) inducing someone to believe something <especially through proof or logic>; convincing
Synonyms: entice, exhort, win over
Symbol: the Empress (tarot)
Definition: having a fixed, firm purpose; showing tenacity, determined; steady; persevering; steadfast
Synonyms: bold, constant, decided, unflinching, unshaken, unwavering
Saying: Ne cede malis (Latin): “Yield not to misfortunes.”


If the going is tough and the pressure is on; if reserves of strength have been drained and the summit is still not in sight; then the quality to seek in a person is neither great strength nor quickness of hand, but rather a resolute mind firmly set on its purpose that refuses to let its body slacken or rest. — Sir Edmund Hillary (1919-2008) New Zealand Mountaineer
Charter of the United Nations:
We, the peoples of the United Nations
Determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women, and of nations large and small, and
To establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
To promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, and for these ends
To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors, and
To unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
To ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
To employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all people,
have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims.
Affirmation: I resolve everything in love.
Advice: Even if the task is big, don’t let it stop you from beginning, at least a part of it. Rosa Parks did a very simple thing by refusing to give up her seat on the bus. The task of ending discrimination and freeing the hearts and minds of the oppressed and oppressor was daunting. Courage and simple honesty are what it takes to begin.
If the larger task intimidates you, focus on it long enough to prioritize the smaller pieces. Then take the job at the top of the list and get to it.
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