Positive Qualities – Aboveboard & Inspiring

Survival of self, of species, and of environment, these are what drive humans. You can observe how the order of importance changes in a lifetime. What are the things of immediate concern at a given age? Weather? The state of digestion? Does she (or he) really care? All of those various hungers that flesh can sense and hope to satisfy. What else could possible matter?Heretics of Dune, Frank Patrick Herbert (1920-1986) Author
Attitude and intention are so important. Establish a positive attitude then reaffirm and update often. When it is time to be Aboveboard, even if you have a perfect opportunity to cheat and get away with it, the motivation for honesty will already be in place.
An artist may set out to Inspire the higher thought of the universe, but much inspiration is done in the name of humble heroics.

Definition: straightforward, honest; without deception; not concealed, in open sight
Derivation: from the difficulty of cheating at cards when the hands are above the table
Definitions: (1) capable of moving a person to a particularly stimulating feeling or idea; (2) having an animating effect upon; impelling; (3) inducing or influencing another to some creative or effective effort; (4) to be filled with spirit
Derivation: Latin, “to breathe in”
Inspiration may be a form of superconsciousness, or perhaps of subconsciousness – I wouldn’t know. But I am sure that it is the antithesis of self‑consciousness. — Aaron Copland (1900-1990) Classical Composer
Comment: If you focus on the positive, even in your criticisms of a person or a situation (with tact), you are helping to transform both the situation and the person.
There are many ways to be treated poorly. And it is easy to feel badly when it happens to you. But if you lash out in anger and frustration, you will only be successful in creating more anger and resistance. In hoping to control an ugly situation, you may be able to box it up. But the person or people who have created the negative have not been changed.
Containment may be necessary as a first resort. Society and the individual do have the right to protect themselves. But force is not the final solution. The final solution is for people to possess the qualities within themselves that will make it impossible to do the negative things they have done before. When inspired with the positive, people tend to act in accordance with their higher qualities.
Color: blue
Symbol: the torch
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Positive Qualities – Solemn & Glad

Dear Folks,
When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
Don’t let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
—    Author Unknown
Many qualities seem to be at opposite ends of the spectrum. Nonetheless, all positive qualities are balanced within the overarching umbrella of Love. Krisnamurti wisely advised us to be joyfully discontent. This weeks qualities can be pursued singly or as a pair. Can you find a way to be Solemnly Glad or Gladsomely Solemn?
Definitions: (1) affected with pleasure or joy; happy; cheerful; (2) wearing a gay appearance; showy; bright; (3) pleasing; exhilarating; (4) very willing <I’m glad to help.>
Synonyms: delighted, gratified
Symbol: smooth like the gleam of polished gold (German)
Fictional Figure: Pollyanna, also known as the Glad Girl, who finds good in everything and is brightly optimistic. — Eleanor H. Porter (1868-1920) American Novelist
Definitions: (1) serious <especially with religious reverence>; sacred; devout; pious; marked by veneration to God; (2) willing to be deeply earnest, very sincere <a solemn oath>
Synonyms: awe‑inspiring, profound
Compatible Qualities: liturgical, prayerful, worshipful
Familial Qualities: humor, selflessness
Too Far: dour
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Positive Qualities – Spunky & Quality

You must be the change you wish to see in the world. — Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Leader

The Quality, especially acquired quality, in our lives gives reason and meaning to our existence. It flows through our reality no mater if we are full of Spunk or feeling reflective. It is not easy to remember to experience our experience as it transpires, but it is possible. Keeping it in mind as often as possible gives it strength and depth.

Definition: courageous; lively; mettlesome; plucky; spirited
Definitions: (1) that which makes something such as it is; nature; (2) a single (or set of) distinguishing elements <especially essential characteristics>; (3) an inherent feature or peculiar attribute; property; (4) aiming for excellence rather than quantity; (5) a moral or personality trait, ideal, or value
1. The theory that people are a combination of positive qualities; that a person’s existence is defined by the possession of positive qualities.
2. The adherence to the principle that by choosing to embody a quality, one can enhance that quality in their being; soul building
Synonyms: caliber, character, unique feature, grace, peculiarity, principle, standard, stature
Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. — John Ruskin (1819-1900) English Poet and Artist
• All positive qualities are the fruits of the spirit.
• Quality is measured and known by the mind, but is felt in the soul.
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Positive Qualities – Comfortable & Protective

Dear Folks,
The Golden Rule (The Ethic of Reciprocity)
• Hurt not others with that which pains yourself. — Buddhism, Udanavarga
• You should love your neighbor as yourself. — Baha’i, Baha’u’llah
The foundation of a great society is the family. This is because so many positive qualities are naturally embodied therein. The greatest one, of course, is love, but security and Comfort, caring and Protectiveness, education and direction, and mutual respect are all weaved together in a good family.
Definitions: (1) feeling pleasurable satisfaction; (2) at ease in ones own body or mind; content
Synonyms: agreeable, consoled, convenient, cozy, pleasant, snug
Consequential Quality: creative
Too Far: sluggish
Definition: shielding or sheltering from danger or injury <especially a loved one>; defending or guarding; preserving in safety
Symbols: 1) the wolf; 2) the shield; 3) the buckle {Self‑defense}; 4) an arrow (American Indian)
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Positive Qualities – Risible & Soulful

It’s what you do that makes your soul.Animal Dreams, Barbara Kingsolver (1955-) Author
Adding a Risible quality to your repertoire greatly increases the depth and breadth of your soul creation. Your unique Soulful nature is a key ingredient in your attraction to others.
Definitions: (1) able or inclined to laugh; (2) causing laughter; sunny; amusing
Saying: Laughter is the music of grace.

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. — Jean Houston (1937 – ) American Spiritual Teacher

If you’re going to be able to look back on something and laugh about it, you might as well laugh about it now. — Marie Osmond (1959 – ) American Singer

A smile costs nothing but its value is priceless. It enriches the one who gives it, yet does not impoverish them. It happens in a flash but the memories may last for days. No one is so rich that they can get along without it. A smile generates happiness in the home and goodwill in the business. . . . If you meet an acquaintance or a friend who is too busy to give you a smile leave one of yours. No one needs a smile so much as the person who has none to give. — Anonymous

Definitions: (1) full of or expressive of emotion or deep feeling <All were moved by the artist’s soulful rendition.>; (2) possessing positive qualities; the embodiment of a quality <Brevity is the soul of wit.>; (3) having spiritual or emotional warmth, power, or understanding

If the head and the body are to be well, you must begin by curing the soul. — Plato (c. 4th Century bc) Greek Philosopher

What shall it profit you if you gain the whole world and lose your own soul? — Jesus of Nazareth (7 bc-30 ad) The Bible, Matthew 16:26

If the soul could have known God without the world, the world would never have been created. — Meister Eckhart [born Eckhart von Hochheim] (c.1260-1328) German Theologian

The soul is the self‑reflective, truth‑discerning, and spirit‑perceiving part of man which forever elevates the human being above the level of the animal world. — Jesus of Nazareth (7 bc-30 ad) The Urantia Book (133:6.5)

If you would have the message of the gods to direct your life, look for that which repeats. . . . It comes again and again until you have made it part of your soul and your enduring spirit. — Marion Zimmer Bradley (1930-1999) The Mists of Avalon

• Remember your belongings are just stuff; material possessions belong to Mother Earth. You are really made of your spiritual qualities, your soul.
• The tools used to build your soul are:
1. Event – may be external or internal
2. Evaluation/reaction – based on your mind frame and soul characteristics to date
3. Choice
4. Action
5. Experience
6. Assimilation
7. Growth
Observation: Human beings, in a structural sense, are made up of five components: body, mind, spirit, personality, and soul. Enlightenment is a balanced integration of positive qualities into each of these aspects.
Advice: If a person is considered the embodiment of a quality or attribute, i.e., “the soul of generosity,” emulate him or her.
Symbols: 1) birds; 2) a well; 3) the foot; 4) a garden; 5) the tunic; 6) the gazelle; 7) the number six; 8) the hawk (Egyptian); 9) a butterfly [attraction to light]
Mythological Figure: Psyche is the Personification of the Soul. Psyche was so lovely that the jealous Venus asked Cupid to destroy her; but Cupid fell in love with her instead. — Lucius Apuleius (c. 125 -180) Latin Writer
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Positive Qualities – Splendid & Durable

Dear Folks,
As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.Animal Dreams, Barbara Kingsolver (1955-) Author
Decide what is Splendid and of supreme value. Then hold on to it with Durable stubbornness. These values will then become the solid foundation in your ever changing life experiences.
Definitions: (1) inspiringly valiant; illustrious of heroic imagination; famous; celebrated; distinguished; (2) exceptionally good; very fine; excellent; (3) sumptuously grand < a splendid idea>; imposing
Synonyms: brilliant, glorious, magnificent
Color: violet
Definitions: (1) lasting in spite of hard wear; enduring; (2) capable of continual or frequent use; stable
Synonym: permanent
Comment: One of the reasons people live to a ripe old age is their ability to take things in stride. Let difficulty roll off of your thick skin. Accept the scrapes, do what you can about them, and then let them go.
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The Future of Learning

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Positive Qualities – Soothing & Snugly

Dear Folks,
A loving atmosphere in your home is so important. Do all you can to create a tranquil, harmonious home.
Be gentle with the earth.
— Author Unknown (Internet Wisdom, 1998)
I hope you have a sweet loved one you can Sooth (& be soothed by) and Snuggle.
The physical and emotional connection between couples is fundamental to the mental and spiritual connections.
Definitions: (1) restored to a quiet, calm, or normal state; (2) mitigate, soften, or relieve <as pain or grief>; (3) gratifying; pleasing <soothing clarinet>
Synonyms: allaying, appeasing, assuaging, composed, pacifying
Colors: blue, violet
Definition: comfortably close and safe <especially of a loved one>; characterizes one who cuddles with affection; cozy
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Positive Qualities – Expeditious & Aware

Dear Folks,
He who attains his ideal, by that very fact transcends it. — Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) Philosopher
Mental preparation precedes action. In order to be Expeditious, either in an instant or in a planned project, one must give some thought to the nature of the steps to take, store them in the mind, and then when it is time, bring them back to conscious Awareness. Even a spontaneous action is based on our mental, emotional, and spiritual foundations.
Definition: done with prompt efficiency; speedy; quick
Derivation: Latin, “ready for action”
Balancing Quality: inventive
How to Live This Quality Today: Set yourself a job. Figure out how long it would normally take, and then do it in less time, while still doing it professionally.
Definitions: (1) having knowledge or realization; conscious; cognizant; (2) informed; alert; (3) keenly perceptive
Synonyms: acquainted, apprised, sensible
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Positive Qualities – Shipshape & Stretching

Dear Folks,
Life has a value only when it has something valuable as its object. — Georg W. H. Hegel (1770-1831) Philosopher
A healthy mind cannot be Shipshape without continually Stretching it’s limits. A stagnant mind is a dying mind. Hopefully your rut is not so deep as to need a ladder to climb out of, but make the effort of discovering, learning, and growing in an interesting and new direction.
Definition: in good order; tidy; trim
Definitions: (1) expanding; reaching <stretching the limits of imagination>; (2) opening the mind beyond its previous boundaries <resulting in new extents>; (3) elongating something that has the ability to return to its original shape; (4) going beyond an original ability <usually with effort>; (5) extending over a distance <stretching your thoughts even to the heavens>
Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimension.
— Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894) American Physician and Author
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