
One thing is certain. When it comes to protecting our children, there are no easy answers. Sure, we could do a better job of flagging those that are correctly or incorrectly perceived as a danger to themselves and others. Although the powers that be would likely do so with the kind of coercive labeling that may outcast them for life. We could arm our teachers and administrators. That is until such time as one of them, holding a gun, is shot by a uniformed and adrenaline charged police force bursting into a chaotic active shooter situation. Then, of course, there’s always the solution of making it more difficult to obtain guns, as if someone blocked from buying one won’t be able to 3D print one.

We could home school our kids. But just how do we do that without depriving them of healthy socialization challenges? And, on that point, just what is a “healthy” socialization challenge? Our schools clearly have other problems. There are the mean kids whose chief delight is bullying the most awkward, socially challenged, or vulnerable of their peers. There are teachers that are fond of saying “There is no such thing as a stupid question.” Then, a small percentage of these very same teachers give condescending answers in ways that embarrass or shame a student before their classmates.

There are parents, so marginalized through a lack of education, a loss of legal standing, or some other impediment to participation, that they fail their kids in ways not thoroughly understood. There is a counterfeit wisdom that pervades the judiciaries, the legislatures, and the executive mansions. It is one that angers our youth while also offending the finely tuned hypocrisy detector that is an integral part of the critical thinking skillset essential to the process of education. We have taught our children well. And we can be assured that, when they call BS, it is because the Emperor has no clothes and that the prostituting politician is a BS artist first and foremost.

By contrast, statesmanship demands that the problem solver is precisely focused on mitigating the causes and not just the effects. Joseph Malin’s 1895 poem, The Ambulance Down in the Valley, underscores the kind of shortsightedness that costs lives. There’s no shortage of politicians advocating for the inclusion of anyone, who suffers from any form of mental disharmony, in a database that is designed to operate at the core of, what is in essence, a sophisticated shunning system. These same politicians have not come to grips with the fact that their efforts to gut every promising health care initiative, one that might even chance to include comprehensive mental health services, weakens the fence at the top of the cliff.

During the dark ages human knowledge and most of its derivatives were largely under the control of other retardant forces, at that time operating in the name of an institutionalized church. During the enlightenment, a great humanity began to view the fresh flow of information as trifurcated. Facts, meanings, and values as they are effectively streamed through the complementary intellectual disciplines of science, philosophy, and religion are surprisingly synergistic. It became readily apparent, the technique of isolating one’s self from the totality of objective reality is a dead end.

The Humanist Societies of England, as well as Humanist Manifestos One and Two, defined their value proposition as “Religious Humanism.” The secularization hypothesis denies this provable fact and thereby places its own value proposition on a plane of unreality. It resides at the heart of chaos. The faulty belief, that as societies progress through modernization and rationalization, faith loses its authority in all aspects of social life and governance, relies on revisionist history and a definition of religion that betrays the reality of its etymology as well as the great majority of contemporary use cases.

The term religion stems from the Latin religiō, meaning conscientiousness. Regina Westcott-Wieman, in her 1935 book Normative Psychology of Religion, wrote “The characteristics of religious behavior find their differentia in the basic definition of religion: Religion is devotion to what one holds to be supremely worthful not only for himself but for all human living. As has been pointed out, the two elements which persist and stand out strongly are devotion and supreme value. Where religion is genuine, we shall find these two elements in the functioning relationship between the devotee and his operative situation.”

As the term is used today one can be religious about auditing their bank statement, washing their car, and clipping their toenails. To the secularist and the materialist, religion refers almost exclusively to a stained glass faith. Although, it is only the religion of final value that asks the question “Is there a God? And, if so, what is my relationship with this God?” Whether or not one embraces a religion of final value, religion is the domain of values and the substance of goodness. The religionist advocates something.

The intellectual disciplines feature a triune relationship that is indissolubly linked. This intellectual triad has been knocked off balance, in the minds of some, through the attempted transformation of our society away from close identification and affiliation with religious values. True religion is always personal and always positive. Materialistic counselors that fail to recognize this fact are self-limiting to the point where they can offer very little of value or be, for that matter, truly effective.

The remedies we often depend upon are not only half baked, they are half baked without leavening. They fail to differentiate between gravity laden physical realities and the uplifting value of spiritual realities.   The brain is an electrochemical mechanism. The mind is en-circuited on a higher level. It is a spiritual endowment that precisely interfaces with a healthy material brain. Whether one’s concept of spirituality refers to the collective consciousness of a great humanity, or it places its faith in an approachable God, the Latin term spīritus, refers to an activating and breath imparting force.

When spiritual growth is stunted, maladjustment occurs. Emotional cascades are often the result of rumination which focuses attention upon the symptoms of one’s distress. This may be accompanied by a fixation on the possible causes and consequences, as opposed to the search for a solution. Often one becomes self-loathing or directs their hatred towards others. At this juncture certain cognitive distortions may also come into play such as dwelling on the negatives and disqualifying anything positive. A de-facto preference for faulty perception could result with what psychometrician Renée Grinnell described as leading to systematized delusions constructed to protect the coherence of a single central delusion.

A unified personality is dominated by love and that promotes a fermentation of those things that serve to nourish the soul. A loving person tends to cultivate an appreciation for the enduring value of individual advancement in one’s self as well as one’s friends. The qualities of a spiritual person include loving service, enthusiastic appreciation, enduring peace, forgiving tolerance, sincere fairness, unfailing goodness, courageous loyalty, merciful ministry, unselfish devotion, undying hope, confiding trust, and enlightened honesty.

Just why do you suppose such a predictable array of positive qualities presents whenever spiritual growth occurs? Could it be that such a maturing individual is exhibiting an affinity for the same golden rule that is embraced by each of the world’s major religions? How would you like to be treated? True wisdom is not dependent upon a stagnant collection of negative injunctions. It is rather, continually refreshed through experiential growth complemented by a series of positive admonitions.

Health, mental health, is always dependent upon continual growth. Such growth may occur independent of intellectual understanding, philosophic acumen, social level, cultural status, or other acquirements. But it must be conversant with reality. Accordingly, growing individuals inevitably seek to align themselves with their highest and best understanding of reality. Such trueing only takes place in light of actual conditions. For only then can an individual become the arbiter of their own destiny and become effective in improving those conditions.

When politicians are focused upon funding their next campaign, they turn their attention to special interests while catering to their every indulgence. A self-serving, money grubbing politician exemplifies all that is wrong within a seriously diseased system of governance. As with any cancer, such interstitial malignancies must be excised if altruistic service, in the form of true statesmanship, is ever to take hold.

As we examine causes and effects, it becomes abundantly clear that there is no positive change in the absence of that spiritual idealism that serves to advance an individual or group from one level of attainment to the next. At the heart of true statesmanship is a fervent desire to serve a greater good. The true leader must be service motivated. The statesman is occupied exclusively with the highest and best interests of a broad constituency. By this means, he or she becomes a remedy for a variety of concerns, an emissary of social uplift, and a leavening that serves to inspire the next generation of leaders.

— by Robert H. Kalk
© 2018 Used by Permission

How do geologists date rocks? Radiometric dating!

Radioactive elements were incorporated into the Earth when the Solar System formed. All rocks and minerals contain tiny amounts of these radioactive elements.

Radioactive elements are unstable; they breakdown spontaneously into more stable atoms over time, a process known as radioactive decay. Radioactive decay occurs at a constant rate, specific to each radioactive isotope. (Different forms of a single element that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. Some radioactive isotopes are unstable and shed nuclear particles over time until they become stable. For instance, unstable isotopes of uranium break down to become lead.).

Since the 1950s, geologists have used radioactive elements as natural “clocks” for determining numerical ages of certain types of rocks.

Radiometric clocks are “set” when each rock forms. “Forms” means the moment an igneous rock solidifies from magma, a sedimentary rock layer is deposited, or a rock heated by metamorphism (a changing that occurs due to heat, pressure, or the introduction of chemically active fluids) cools off. It’s this resetting process that gives us the ability to date rocks that formed at different times in earth’s history.

A commonly used radiometric (relating to the measurement of geologic time) dating technique relies on the breakdown of potassium-40 to argon-40. In igneous rocks, the potassium-argon “clock” is set the moment the rock first crystallizes from magma. Precise measurements of the amount of 40K relative to 40Ar in an igneous rock can tell us the amount of time that has passed since the rock crystallized. If an igneous (rock that has solidified from lava or magma) or other rock is metamorphism (changed), its radiometric clock is reset, and potassium-argon measurements can be used to tell the number of years that has passed since metamorphism.

Carbon-14 is a method used for young (less than 50,000 year old) sedimentary rocks. This method relies on the uptake of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope of carbon, carbon-14 by all living things. When living things die, they stop taking in carbon-14, and the radioactive clock is “set”! Any dead material incorporated with sedimentary deposits is a possible candidate for carbon-14 dating.

Radiometric dating has been used to determine the ages of the Earth, Moon, meteorites, ages of fossils, including early man, timing of glaciations, ages of mineral deposits, recurrence rates of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, the history of reversals of Earth’s magnetic field, and many of other geological events and processes.

The Earth is a constantly changing planet. Its crust is continually being created, modified, and destroyed. As a result, rocks that record its earliest history have not been found and probably no longer exist. Nevertheless, there is substantial evidence that the Earth and the other bodies of the Solar System are 4.5-4.6 billion years old, and that the Milky Way Galaxy and the Universe are older still. The principal evidence for the antiquity of Earth and its cosmic surroundings is:

The oldest rocks on Earth, found in western Greenland, have been dated by four independent radiometric dating methods at 3.7-3.8 billion years. Rocks 3.4-3.6 billion years in age have been found in southern Africa, western Australia, and the Great Lakes region of North America. These oldest rocks are metamorphic rocks but they originated as lava flows and sedimentary rocks. The debris from which the sedimentary rocks formed must have come from even older crustal rocks. The oldest dated minerals (4.0-4.2 billion years) are tiny zircon crystals found in sedimentary rocks in western Australia.

The oldest Moon rocks are from the lunar highlands and were formed when the early lunar crust was partially or entirely molten. These rocks, of which only a few were returned by the Apollo missions, have been dated by two methods at between 4.4-4.5 billion years in age.

The majority of the 70 well-dated meteorites have ages of 4.4 to 4.6 billion years. These meteorites, which are fragments of asteroids and represent some of the most primitive material in the solar system, have been dated by 5 independent radiometric dating methods.

The “best” age for the Earth is based on the time required for the lead isotopes in four very old lead ores (galena) to have evolved from the composition of lead at the time the Solar System formed, as recorded in the Canyon Diablo iron meteorite. This “model lead age” is 4.54 billion years.

“Since the 1950s, geologists have used radioactive elements as natural “clocks” for determining numerical ages of certain types of rocks.”

The evidence for the antiquity of the Earth and Solar System is consistent with evidence for an even greater age for the Universe and Milky Way Galaxy. a) The age of the Universe can be estimated from the velocity and distance of galaxies as the universe expands. The estimates range from 7 to 20 billion years, depending on whether the expansion is constant or is slowing due to gravitational attraction. b) The age of the Galaxy is estimated to be 13.7 billion years from the rate of evolution of stars in globular clusters, which are thought to be the oldest stars in the Galaxy. The age of the elements in the Galaxy, based on the production ratios of osmium isotopes in supernovae and the change in that ratio over time due to radioactive decay, is about 12 billion years. Theoretical considerations indicate that the Galaxy formed within a billion years of the beginning of the Universe. c) Combining the data from a) and b), the “best, i.e., most consistent, age of the universe is estimated to be close to 14 billion years.

The rubidium-strontium method is based on rubidium-87, which decays to stable strontium-87 (87Sr) by emitting a beta particle from its nucleus. The abundance of the radiogenic strontium-87 therefore increases with time at a rate that is proportional to the Rb/Sr ratio of the rock or mineral. The method is particularly well suited to the dating of very old rocks such as the ancient gneisses near Godthab in Greenland, which are almost 3.8 × 109 years old. This method has also been used to date rocks from the Moon and to determine the age of the Earth by analyses of stony meteorites.

The potassium-argon method is based on the assumption that all of the atoms of radiogenic argon-40 that form within a potassium-bearing mineral accumulate within it. This assumption is satisfied only by a few kinds of minerals and rocks, because argon is an inert gas that does not readily form bonds with other atoms. The K-Ar method of dating has been used to establish a chronology of mountain building events in North America beginning about 2.8 × 109 years ago and continuing to the present. In addition, the method has been used to date reversals of the polarity of the Earth’s magnetic field during the past 1.3 × 107 years.

The uranium, thorium-lead method is based on uranium and thorium atoms which are radioactive and decay through a series of radioactive daughters to stable atoms of lead (Pb). Minerals that contain both elements can be dated by three separate methods based on the decay of uranium-238 to lead-206, uranium-235 to lead-207, and thorium-232 to lead-208. The three dates agree with each other only when no atoms of uranium, thorium, lead, and of the intermediate daughters have escaped. Only a few minerals satisfy this condition. The most commonly used mineral is zircon (ZrSiO4), in which atoms of uranium and thorium occur by replacing zirconium.

The common-lead method is based on the common ore mineral galena (PbS) which consists of primordial lead that dates from the time of formation of the Earth and varying amounts of radiogenic lead that formed by decay of uranium and thorium in the Earth. The theoretical models required for the interpretation of common lead have provided insight into the early history of the solar system and into the relationship between meteorites and the Earth.

The fission-track method is based on uranium-238 which can decay both by emitting an alpha particle from its nucleus and by spontaneous fission. The number of spontaneous fission tracks per square centimeter is proportional to the concentration of uranium and to the age of the sample. When the uranium content is known, the age of the sample can be calculated. This method is suitable for dating a variety of minerals and both natural and manufactured glass. Its range extends from less than 100 years to hundreds of millions of years.

The samarium-neodymium method of dating separated minerals or whole-rock specimens is similar to the Rb-Sr method. The Sm-Nd method is even more reliable than the Rb-Sr method of dating rocks and minerals, because samarium and neodymium are less mobile than rubidium and strontium. The isotopic evolution of neodymium in the Earth is described by comparison with stony meteorites.

The rhenium-osmium method is based on the beta decay of naturally occurring rhenium-187 to stable osmium-187. It has been used to date iron meteorites and sulfide ore deposits containing molybdenite.

And lastly, if you know how long it takes for potassium-40 to become argon-40, and you measure the amounts of each in a sample, you can work out how old a material is.

Sometime in 1953 a fellow named Clair Patterson announced a definitive age of the Earth. He estimated the Earth was 4.5 billion years old. He was the first to come to this conclusion after much studying and after making many measurements.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.

When Scientists Dissect the Brain, They Find Different Distinct Parts.

The Cerebellum which is located at the base of the brain, receives information from the sensory systems, the spinal cord, and other parts of the brain and also regulates motor movements. It is only 10% of the brain. This part of the brain is also found in primates that came along before humans. Scientists are sure this is the oldest part of the brain.

The Temporal lobe which is located just above and forward from the Cerebellum. This lobe is involved in processing sensory input from the eyes to a small extent, it processes our language, and our emotions.

The Occipital lobe is the major visual processing center of the brain.

The Frontal lobe does the planning, organizing, and problem solving. This part of the brain also runs the higher cognitive functions including behavior and emotions.

The Parietal lobe regulates all of the sensory information that comes into the brain.

The reason we know what each part of the brain does, is because neurosurgeons (doctors that operate on the brain) have been able to probe different parts of the brain and while the patient is conscience and they can tell the doctor what is happening.

Scientists believe, because of the much smaller skulls found in the beginning of the evolution of humans, that in the beginning we were very primitive. And as time went on and we progressed, we added more advanced parts, until it is what we carry around today.

As a side note, I believe, that, one day, we may evolve a part of the brain that will allow us to communicate with other humans by way of telepathy thoughts which will be sent from one person to another without talking one work. Who knows, we may evolve to not needing our larynx and lose it because we no longer have the need to talk to one another. I hope not.

What is more fascinating, is the fact that some salamanders living in caves where there is no light, have actually lost their eyes. We see the socket, the primitive eyeball, but the eye has turned itself off, because it has no use in the total blackness of a cave. That’s evolution for you.

Interesting Things That Happen In The Sky

Auroras appear when solar electrons excite oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. The ionosphere (which includes the upper part of the mesosphere, and most of the thermosphere) is approximately 250 miles up. That’s 1,320,000 feet over our heads.

The aurora (both north and south poles experience this action) mostly happens near the magnetic poles. When the charged particles from the sun (mostly electrons and protons) slam into air in Earth’s atmosphere, the air takes on glows in pretty colors which makes the aurora.

Buy the way, the magnetic poles are far away from the geographic poles. WHAT. Yes, our earth is tilted on its axis. These are the points (north and south) where the earth spins around. But the magnetic poles where the magnetic field comes out of and goes back in are not in the same place as the axis poles. Because the Earth’s outer molten core is swirling around the Earth’s inner core (which creates the magnetic field) there is a fluctuation of where the magnetic fields come out of the earth and then goes back into the earth. This fluctuation causes the magnetic poles to move sometimes around 25 miles per year.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.

What Is Heavy Water and What Is It Used For?

As far as I know, heavy water is used for three things. But first, what is heavy water. It is water that has a lot of deuterium in it. It is an essential component in some types of nuclear reactors that generate electricity. It is also used in producing nuclear bombs. And lastly, it is used in old abandoned mines where a underground chamber is placed way down deep in the mine with the heavy water in it to trap tiny neutrinos that come mostly from our sun. This research allows scientists to come a little closer to understanding the fundamental properties of the universe.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.

More On Albert Einstein

I know that volumes a mile high have been written about this man, but there are a group of facts that I like to keep in my mind; so I jotted them down so I could go back and do a quick review of the things I most admire about this guy.

First off, in 1905 he wrote a series of papers which appeared in the German physics journal called Annalen der Physik. This in itself is not an earth shaking item, but I wanted to remember where he published his very first papers. He, at that time was a lowly Swiss patent recorder. He was classified as a third class examiner. That’s about as low a position as you could get in that office. In fact, he had just recently filled out an application to be promoted to a second class examiner (a higher position that a third class examiner is), but he application was rejected. What an irony ! But here’s the kicker about that. In the fact that he got his work done as a patent recorder very quickly during each day, this allowed him to think and ponder over what eventually made him a genus.

During that year, Einstein submitted five papers, of which three were among the greatest in the history of physics, one that outlined “a special theory of relativity”. Here’s a really unknown fact (at least to me), is this paper on his “special theory of relativity” was called “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”. Never heard that before, but it’s true.
When he wrote this paper, he had not written any footnotes or citations. It contained almost no mathematics, and it made no mention of any work that had influenced or preceded it. He did acknowledge the help of just one individual, a colleague at the patent office named Michele Besso. This made it seem that Einstein “had reached the conclusions by pure thought, unaided, with listening to no opinions of any one else”.
His famous equation, E=mc2 did not appear with this paper. It came in a brief supplement that followed a few months later. Something else I didn’t know. The sad fact is that Einstein did not win a Nobel Peace Price for his special theory of relativity.

One of his papers, which examined the photoelectric effect won Einstein the Nobel Piece Prize. This paper outlined the facts that lead to the invention of the television.

Normal babies learn to speak words at the age of 18 months. Einstein did not speak until he was three years old. I don’t know what that means, but I thought it was an interesting fact.

He failed his college entrance exams on the first try. What’s so important about that. I don’t know, just another interesting fact.

Another interest fact is that his very first paper he ever wrote was on the physics of fluids in drinking straws.


And of course there’s the “general theory of relativity” that Einstein came up with. The man was definitely a human genius. Enough said.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.

Gravitational Force

Here’s something to think about.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is part of what astronomers call the local group. It consists of the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy, the Large Magellan Cloud, the Small Magellan Cloud, and other smaller galaxies. The number is more than 54.

Somehow these galaxies stay in a group as they move away from other galaxy groups. There’s some kind of gravitational attraction that holds them all together. That’s a lot of gravity.

Now our 8 planets circle around our sun. The sun has enough gravitational pull to keep the planets from flying off into outer space. That’s a lot of gravity.

Our earth has a solid core with a molten core around it in the center that creates the magnetic field that creates something called the Van Allen Belt that circles the earth and blocks the “killer electrons” that are thrown out by our sun. By-the-way, if it were not for that magnetic field, we would all die in days.
The solid and molten cores also generates a gravitational field that keeps all things sticking to the earth instead of flying off into outer space. Just think. If you got in your car and if the gravitational field was not there, you would take off into outer space where you would die for lack of oxygen.

Now, let this sink in ! ! ! ! !
If you were to drop a tennis ball on the ground, which is what the gravitational pull did (pull the ball to the ground), you can still bend over and pick it up.

That’s amazing, the same gravitational pull that holds a car on the road, allows you to pick up the tennis ball. FIGURE THAT ONE OUT.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.

A Few Fascinating Things About Isaac Newton

The first universal law of nature that was ever discovered by a human was found by Newton. That law is as follows: if you double the distance between two objects, the attraction between them becomes four times weaker. This idea, in itself, doesn’t mean much to most people, but with this idea, you will always know your gravitational position wherever you go. This formulation serves all researchers and scientists today when they try to figure out problems concerning motion.

What’s so astonishing is that Newton figured out this idea back in 1666 when he was only 23 years old.

One of the other laws Newton came up with explained so many things. For-instance, one of his laws explained the slosh and roll of the ocean tides, the motions of the planets, why cannonballs track a particular trajectory before thudding back to the Earth, why we aren’t flung into space as the planet spins beneath us. For your information, the earth is spinning at a rate of 1,000 miles per hour. Just think of driving in an airplane at 500 mph; now double that.

He also came up with the idea that the earth is not the round ball we all think it is. As a matter of fact, the earth bulges at the equator and flattens at the poles.
This man came up with so many new ideas that have held true right through to today. He was a true genius. And all this happened back in the 1660’s.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.

How Many Stars Are There In The Universe?

Astronomers estimate that there are approximately 100 billion stars in the Milky Way (the galaxy we live in). They also estimate that there are 200 billion galaxies in the universe.

That’s around 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That’s 200 Sextillion stars. Just for the fun of it, after billion, there’s trillion, then quadrillion, then quintillion, then comes sextillion.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.


How Far To The Nearest Star?

Humans are an optimistic bunch of beings. We assume that someday we will travel to the stars and beyond just like what happened in Star Trek.

The closest star to us (earth) is a star called Proxima Centauri which is one of three stars in a cluster known as Alpha Centauri. This star is 4.3 light years away. That’s 5.88 trillion miles “in one light year x 4.3 = a little over 25 trillion miles away”. A nice Sunday drive.

If, for the fun of it, there was a planet circling around this star and we wanted to go visit this planet to see if there is an atmosphere with oxygen in it, so that we may start a new civilization there, let’s see how long it would take us to get there.

First of all, the fastest space craft we have made was the New Horizons probe that went to Pluto. It’s speed got up to 106,000 mph. One light year has 5,880,000,000,000 miles in it. So if we divide 106,000 into 5,880,000,000,000, we get 55,471,698 years. If we now multiply that number by 4.3 (remember, the distance from earth to Proxima Centauri), we get a time to get to the nearest star at 238,528,301.4 years. Raise your hand if you think this is going to happen.

Even if we come up with a space ship that can travel at the speed of 500,000 mph, it would still take 47,705,661 years to get there. That’s millions.

So in the end of our calculations, we can forget about traveling to the nearest star. IT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN UNTILL WE CAN TRAVEL AT HALF THE SPEED OF LIGHT.

Paul Berkow is a member of the Open Table at You can join in our ongoing discussions; conversations that are truly commensurate with the spiritual, intellectual, and societal development of a great humanity. To obtain a login and password. Please use our Contributor Enrollment form.